The procedures followed by scholars
studying literature are often unsatisfactory: the control over a cognitive
project as a whole is often lost. The literary scholar seems to be collecting
data, which is a preliminary operation, without making use of them. Like a
diligent ant gathering food it will never eat, the contemporary literary scholar
seems intent upon writing footnotes of a book s/he will never try to
read. I propose that at the outset of a research project it is necessary to render explicitly the questions the scholar will try to answer, what methods will be used and the reason why s/he thinks that it may be worthwhile answering such questions. More over, the work of the people concerned with the study of literature seems casual. For instance, much research is devoted to one author, often on the occasion of an annivers A. previous authors written about by others. B. earlier scholars who wrote comparative literary works. C. earlier methods for research. D. repeats of research. [判断题]机械冷藏列车的技术人员在过境铁路上乘车一概免费。
A. 无规律/irregular B. 常亮/constantlyo C. 闪烁/flashing D. 灭/off [简答题]入口成功写入“收割机车辆”标识信息的收割机运输车辆,通过ETC门架时,ETC门架系统对储值卡的处理原则是?
A. 基孔制 B. 基轴制 C. 混合制 [单选题]按铁路线路分类,( )属于岔线。
A.牵出线 B.机务段内卸油线 C.地方工厂专用线 D.安全线 [单选题]一般条件下的安全电流是(____)。
A.50mA B.40mA C.30mA D.不确定 [多选题]作为一个大学生,应该()。
A.A继承和弘扬中华民族优良的道德传统 B.B全面把握社会主义道德建设的核心原则 C.C自觉恪守公民基本道德规范 D.D努力养成良好的道德品质 [多选题]董事会审议下列()事项应当经过2/3以上的独立董事通过。
A.公司及基金投资运作中的重大关联交易 B.聘请或者更换会计师事务所 C.公司管理的基金的半年度报告 D.公司制定的月底预算 [单选题]直流过电压保护的目的是( )。
A.检测直流线路上的接地故障 B.检测交直流线路碰线、阀故障、交流系统故障和控制设备缺陷等 C.检测直流滤波器范围内的接地故障 D.防止所有由于分接开关不正常运行或不正常的换流器开路运行 [填空题] 根据国际标准( )防火门可分为甲乙丙丁四个等级。 ( 对 )
[简答题]中国特色社会主义文化要坚持为( )服务、为社会主义服务,坚持百花齐放、百家争鸣,坚持创造性转化、创新性发展,不断铸就中华文化新辉煌。
A.部分停电作业 B.邻近带电作业 C.不停电的作业 D.带电作业 [单选题] 邻近10kV带电线路工作时,人体、导线、施工机具等与带电线路的距离应满足( )要求。
A. 1.0m B. 0.7m C. 0.4m D. 0.9m [名词解释]颊部
[单项选择]产业结构政策:指一定时期内政府为促进本国产业结构的调整、优化和升级所制定的政策。 根据以上定义,下面( )属于产业结构政策。
A. 产业组织政策 B. 产业技术政策 C. 对新兴产业的保护和扶持 D. 提高人力素质政策 [单选题] 电阻元件R的单位是(____)。
A. Ω B. V C. W D.A. [多项选择]用于质押的单位定期存单在质押期间丢失,贷款人应立即通知()和(),并申请挂失。(《单位定期存单质押贷款管理规定》第28条)
A. 借款人 B. 背书人 C. 抵押人 D. 出质人 [简答题]如何理解社会传播的系统性?
The next 15 years is an important period that links our
country’s past with our future in reform and opening-up and in the socialist
modernization drive. We have had a relatively solid material and technical
foundation through years of socialist construction since the founding of
People’s Republic of China and especially through the rapid development since
the implementation of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world. The
vast domestic market and the relatively large savings deposits are a tremendous
promise for development. 51. The deepening of reform and opening; up will
further invigorate economic development. Social stability and national unity
provide the basic guarantee for the modernization drive. Furthermore, the
theory, the line and the policy of building socialism with Chinese
characteristics, which evolved through practice, clearly indicate the direction
for continued progress. 52. Viewed from a global perspective,
A. 青春期 B. 排卵期 C. 性成熟期 D. 月经期 E. 发育期 我来回答: 提交