给定供应关系SPJ(供应商号,零件号,工程号,数量),查询至少供应了3项工程 (包含3项)的供应商,输出其供应商号和供应零件数量的总和,并按供应商号降序排列。 SELECT供应商号,SUM(数量)FROM SPJ
"$ 160 for a parking ticket! I’m
calling city hall about this. There must be some mistake." Nick thought{{U}}
(36) {{/U}}. "Yes, sir, there is a mistake," said the man at the city
hall," {{U}} (37) {{/U}}I’m afraid the mistake’s {{U}} (38)
{{/U}}. This ticket was for $20. However, the fine doubles every 30 days. It
has been 90 days, so the{{U}} (39) {{/U}}is now $160. You will have to
pay that." Nick had the $20 and he{{U}} (40) {{/U}}to pay the fine. But
for some reason the ticket had gotten{{U}} (41) {{/U}}in his pile of
papers and unopened letters. Nick had always been a {{U}} (42) {{/U}}person. In the past six months, he had{{U}} (43) {{/U}}to pay his electricity bill, {{U}} (44) {{/U}}his jacket at the cleaner’s too {{U}} (45) {{/U}}and had to pay for the "storage". A A. when B. since C. where D. that [单选题]出票人签发电子商业汇票时,应将其交付()。
A.签发人 B.贴现人 C.承兑人 D.收款人 [单选题]区间线路上封锁施工时,现场防护人员应站在距施工地点的( )附近,且瞭望条件较好的地点显示停车手信号。 (1分)
A.800m B.20m C.50m D.780m [简答题]如何诊断颞颌关节脱位?
{{B}}How to approach Reading Test Part Five{{/B}} · This part of the Reading Test tests your ability to identify additional or unnecessary words in a text. Most lines contain one extra word which is incorrect. · Read the whole text quickly to find out what it is about. As you read, try to identify the words that are incorrect. Make sure you consider whole sentences, and not each line separately. · Then read the text again, and write down the extra words. · Remember there will be only one extra word in a line, and some lines are correct. · Read the article on the opposite page about identifying the training needs of staff. · In most of the lines 34 - 45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. · If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. · If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS o [单项选择]塔哈·侯赛因是去哪个国家留学的?()
A. 德国 B. 意大利 C. 法国 D. 英国 [单选题]904.在电气化铁路线路上作业,应遵守下列规定:起道作业:两股钢轨同时起道时,一次作业起道量不得超过30mm,且两股钢轨起道量相差不得超过( )。
A.9MM B.10MM C.11MM D.12MM [多选题]关于假性进展,以下说法哪些是正确的?
A.在对免疫治疗有反应的患者中,可以观察到数种免疫治疗后可能出现的治疗反应模式. B.这些不同的反应模式可能部分是由于免疫系统发起一次有效应答需要一段时间的缘故. C.当发生假性进展时,最初的肿瘤负荷增加可能是因为T细胞浸润导致的影像学检查发现肿瘤看上去变大或出现新病灶. D.然而,当这些患者的免疫应答完成之后,肿瘤即可能缩小,这时候才能反应出实际的治疗反应. [单选题]测定PH值用酸度计法测定的步骤是( )。
A.预热→定位→核正→测量 B.预热→测量→校正→定位 C.预热→校正→定位→测量 [判断题]线路车间应根据集团公司下达的年度计划编制年度分月维修计划。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]USB——通用串行总线实际上是一个万能插口,目前在PC机上都有USB连接器插座,USB连接器为()芯连接器。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]20 世纪 50 年代中国又一次划时代的历史巨变是( )
A. 辛亥革命的爆发 B. 新民主主义革命的成功 C. 社会主义基本制度的确立 D. 中国特色社会主义的开创 [单选题]轨道平车过轨技术检查时,检查轴箱( )。
A.无裂损 B.无破损 C.无裂纹 D.无缺损 [单选题]喷管线至少应接两条,布局要考虑当地季节风向、居民区、道路、油罐区、电力线及各种设施等情况,其夹角为( ),保证当风向改变时至少有一条能安全使用。
A.A、90° B.B、180° C.C、90°~180° D.D、60°~90° [单选题] 勘察、设计、施工、工程监理单位超越本单位资质等级承揽工程的,责令停止违法行为,对勘察、设计单位或者工程监理单位处合同约定的勘察费、设计费或者监理酬金( )的罚款。
A. 1倍以上2倍以下 B. 2倍以上3倍以下 C. 3倍以上4倍以下 D. 4倍以上5倍以下 [单项选择]"通天眼"这一术语的含义是()
A. 羚羊角角尖有个开孔 B. 羚羊角顶端部分内有细孔道,开孔于角尖 C. 羚羊角无骨塞部分的中心有一条隐约可辨的细孔道,直通角尖 D. 羚羊角内有细孔道,从基部直通角尖 E. 鹿茸角尖有一细孔道,开孔于角尖 [单选题]关于集团客户贷后管理方案,下列说法错误的是()。
A.整体客户管理部门制定集团客户整体贷后管理方案 B.成员客户管理部门制定成员贷后管理方案 C.经营行不需单独制定贷后管理方案 D.经营行必须单独制定贷后管理方案 [多选题]输煤设备的操作控制方式有( )(2.0分)
A.就地控制 B.紧急停机 C.联锁手动 D.集中控制 [单项选择]The driver began to speed up to for the hour had lost in the traffic jam.( )
A. keep up B. take up C. catch up D. make up [单选题]主安全阀下阀体法兰使用( )
A.石棉垫 B.金属绑缠绕垫 C.普通金属齿形垫 D.不锈钢齿形垫 我来回答: 提交