It was a foolish question to ask. It
(61) more sense for me to have learned if she had (62)
or a point of view, but it was (63) for that now
and I supposed that the (64) Relations Office had
(65) her before granting the interview. I didn’t have time this
week to read (66) pieces about corporate rainmakers and their
golden parachutes or women at midtown law firms (67) six
times my salary but whining about breaking the (68)
ceiling. "Won’t waste your time," she (69) . "If the details on your (70) are accurate and the articles Laura (71) me have correct background, we won’t have to (72) that." I (73) in approval. She was obviously a (74) , and an intelligent one (75) . It A. still late B. too late C. so late D. past [单选题]中软CTT4000MPU板工作正常时( )个ET灯闪烁。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多项选择]可以接受直肠指诊的患者包括
A. 肛瘘患者 B. 月经期妇女 C. 疑有直肠癌患者 D. 确诊后的肛裂患者 E. 外痔患者 [单项选择]下列哪项不属于水位表故障?()
A. 指针不动 B. 指针不回零 C. 指针跳动 D. 指示值有微小误差 [不定项选择题]A.风池、外关
A.太溪、照海 B.厉兑、鱼际 C.列缺、照海 D.陷谷、关冲 E.肺胃实热型咽喉肿痛在基本处方的基础上再加 [简答题]科学技术的社会体制化
[单选题]装有SF6设备的配电站,应装设强力通风装置,风口应设置在( ),其电源开关应装设在门外。
A.室内中部 B.室内顶部 C.室内底部 D.室内电缆通道 E./ F./ G./ H./ [单选题]110kV及以上或容量( )MVA及以上的油浸变压器、电抗器安装前应依据安装使用说明书编写安全施工措施,并进行交底
A.A.5 B.B.30 C.C.50 D.D.100 [简答题]管道磁化是什么原因?如何退磁?
[判断题]工程分项的资金支出预算一般可按分项支出预算=核实的工程量×单价计算。( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 作为一名电气工作人员,对发现任何人员有违反《电业安全工作规程》 ,应立即制止。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]金属磁性材料生产方法有()。
[判断题]发现封闭的房间内起火,不能随便打开门窗,因为打开门窗会有利于新鲜空气进入,促进燃烧。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]金属冶炼企业发生重大事故,应当立即成立事故应急救援指挥部,总指挥由( )担任
A.现场负责人 B.分管安全生产的负责人 C.金属冶炼企业主要负责人 [判断题]( )ZPW-2000A轨道电路轨道继电器可靠落下,小轨道断轨时,“轨出2”电压不大于14mV,轨道继电器可靠落下。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]天然气管道和压力容器在投入运行前,必须按照有关规范进行强度、气密性实验及置换,以确保安全无泄漏。( )。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]>列车制动减压时,排风未止就进行追加减压,列车将因前部车辆制动力过强而产生较大的( )冲动。
A.横向 B.纵向 C.垂直 D.左右 [单项选择]
Back Down to Earth A U.S. irony: Demand for tall buildings is in short supply by Rick Hampson In this, the nation that invented the skyscraper, the tallest private building under construction is a pipsqueak (小人物)- just 30 stories. But overseas, the sky is the limit. In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the twin Petronas Towers (双子塔) are rising to the heavens - they will be the world’s tallest buildings, the first time that title has passed overseas. It probably will stay there. Ten years ago, the world’s 10 tallest buildings were m three U.S. cities; as recently as 1993 there were a half dozen proposals to build the next world champ here. But none was ever built, and today only 10 buildings over 20 stories are going up in the entire nation. By the turn of the century, six of the world’s 10 tallest are expected to be in Southeast Asia. Has the American sk A. reasons for the reduction in the demand for tall buildings B. the difference between the East and the West in the attitude towards .skyscrapers C. the shift of public interest in the height of buildings D. the real estate problems around the turn of the twentieth century [单选题]转向架组成后,闸瓦插销与轨面最小距离为( )。
A.25mm B. 48mm C.60mm D. 80mm [单选题]王小姐在家中为宠物猫洗澡后出现哮喘症状发作,其可能的诱发因素为
A.花粉 B.猫毛 C.受凉 D.感染 E.剧烈运动 我来回答: 提交