{{B}}Spare a Kidney {{/B}} It is no longer unusual for a spouse or relative to donate a kidney to a loved one, but the number of Americans who have given a kidney to a friend, a co-worker or even a complete stranger has risen sharply from 68 in 1994 to 176 in 1998. There are many reasons. First, it’s possible to live a normal life with only one kidney. (The remaining kidney enlarges to make up most of the difference.) In addition a kidney from a live donor lasts longer than a kidney taken from someone who has died suddenly. But the biggest change in the past few years is that transplant surgeons have started using laparoscopic techniques to remove the donor kidney through a much smaller incision [判断题]专项应急预案应当包括危险性分析、可能发生的事故特征、应急组织机构与职责、预防措施、应急处置程序和应急保障等内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不属于当事人可以解除合同的情形有( )。
A. 因不可抗力致使能实现合同目的的 B. 在履行期限届满之前,当事人一方明确表示或者以自己的行为表明不履行主要债务 C. 当事人一方延迟履行主要债务,经催告后在合理的期限内仍未履行 D. 当事人一方延迟履行债务或者有其他违法行为,致使不能实现合同目的的 [填空题]化脓性关节炎的致病菌主要有___________、_________、___________、___________等,以______________最多见。
[判断题]税务机关有权对单位账户资金进行扣划。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]搞好思想政治教育,要打牢指战员听党话、( )的思想根基。
A.跟党走 B.不怕牺牲 C.英勇顽强 D.热爱消防 [单选题]自发病起,发热可分为四个期,除外
A.前驱期 B.低热期 C.体温上升期 D.高热期 E.体温下降期 [单选题]阿米巴病的防治与以下哪个因素有关
A.治疗病人和带囊者 B.加强粪便管理 C.保护水源 D.消灭苍蝇、蟑螂等传播媒介 E.与上述因素都有关 [判断题]遇湿易燃物品灭火时严禁使用酸碱、泡沫灭火剂;但活泼的金属火灾时可以使用二氧化碳灭火。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]誓师大会仪式流程不嘛包括 ( )。
A.奏唱国歌 B.宣布命令 C.奏唱中国消防救援队队歌 D.集体宣誓 [多选题]坚持“四不放过”。坚持( )、( )、( )、( )。
A. 违章原因未查清不放过 B. 违章责任人员未处理不放过 C. 违章整改措施未落实不放过 D. 有关人员未受到教育不放过 [单选题]世界杯足球比赛,每队上场( )人。
A.5 B.7 C.8 D.11 [判断题]在输送机煤流中采取生产煤样时,应截取煤流全断面的煤作为一个子样。
[单选题]DS6-11在计算机联锁系统的驱动电源应由GZJ的( )构成条件电源。
A.前接点 B.后接点 C.中接点 D.继电器线圈 [单选题]根据上述病史,其最可能的诊断是( )
A.小叶性肺炎 B.大叶性肺炎 C.支气管扩张 D.支气管哮喘 E.病毒性肺炎 [单选题]在投资方案的经济效果分析中,通常只考虑利息支出。利息支出的估算不包括( )。
A.长期借款利息 B.流动资金借款利息 C.相关手续费 D.短期借款利息 [单项选择]评价急救中心的最主要的指标是( )
A. 救护车数量 B. 病源数量 C. 反应时间 D. 基础设施与规模 E. 急救半径 [多选题]《物权法》第十一条规定,当事人申请登记,应根据不同登记事项提供( )等必要资料。
A.权属证明 B.不动产界址、面积 C.合同 D.完税凭证 [判断题]普通话里,声母j、q、x不能和韵母u直接相拼。()
A.正规化 B.军事化 C.规范化 D.整齐化 [单项选择]Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.
For every course, a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to possible future employers. All this puts a constant pressure and strain of work on him, bu A. live on different university campus B. take a particular course in a different university C. live at home and drive to attend classes D. study in two different universities for his degree 我来回答: 提交