The next decade could see commuters
speeding to work at about 300 miles per hour aboard magnetic levitation
vehicles, according to a report by Argonne National Laboratories. But before
"maglev" vehicles can become commercial successes, the report says, people need
to stop thinking of them as high-speed trains. Instead, consider them low-flying
aircraft. Argonne contends that maglev vehicles will be best suited to replace
commuter aircraft. Plane flights under 600 miles are the least energy-efficient,
and maglev "planes" should cut these fuel needs by up to 75 percent. Reportedly,
the money saved by a 2,000- mile maglev network linking major cities world more
than pay for its construction in 20 years. The quiet purr of levitating crafts
would also be a balm for neighborhoods tormented by the roar of conventional
takeoffs and landings. The technolo A. France and West Germany. B. Japan and West Germany. C. the United States and Japan. D. West Germany and the United States. [单选题]互感器的安装、更换、拆除、现场校验应停电进行,一次侧有明显的( ),二次回路断开。
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A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某女,月经后期,量少色暗有块,小腹冷痛喜暖,畏寒肢冷,苔白脉沉紧,证属:
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