This week marks the 10th anniversary of
the Alar apple scare, in which many American consumers were driven into a panic
following the release of a report by an environmental organization claiming that
apples containing the chemical Alar posed a serious health threat to
preschoolers. The report was disseminated through a PR (Problem Report) campaign
and bypassed any legitimate form of scientific peer review. Introduced to
the American public by CBS’ "60 Minutes," the unsubstantiated claims in the
report led some school districts to remove apples from their school lunch
programs and unduly frightened conscientious parents trying to develop good
eating habits for their children. Last month, Consumers Union released a report warning consumers of the perils of consuming many fruits and vegetables that frequently contained "unsafe" A. not all reports on food are scientifically sound B. it is important for the public to know the risks of pesticides C. vegetables and fruits can be harmful to children’s health D. there should be no public concern over pesticides [单选题]到达货物在货场内点交给收货人后,应在货物运单上加盖( )戳记,凭此验放货物。
A.日期 B.货物交讫 C.货运员 D.经办人 [填空题]“双优化”立项策划表中的合同解读包含不限于( )、( )、 ( )、( )等内容解读。
A. 肱二头肌长头结节间沟注射 B. 肩外侧肩峰下注射 C. 肩胛内上角注射 D. 肱骨外上髁注射 E. 腕管注射 [单项选择]一个人对现实的稳定态度和习惯的行为方式的个性心理特征,是个性心理特征中最核心的内容,属于()
A. 动机 B. 人格 C. 能力 D. 气质 E. 性格 [单选题]750千伏线路主要在( )电网中运行。
A. 华东电网 B.华中电网 C.西北电网 D.华北电网 [单项选择]气体钻井流体,可适用的地层是()。
A. 高压层 B. 水层 C. 低压易漏地层 D. 无法判断 [简答题]加工渗氮主轴的工艺路线一般如何安排?
[单选题]贷款人应建立健全内部审批授权与( )机制,审批人员应在授权范围内按规定流程审批贷款,不得越权审批。
A.直接授权 B.转授权 C.临时授权 D.差别授权 [多选题]对高层民用建筑耐火等级的选定,正确的有( )。
A. 一类高层民用建筑耐火等级应为一级 B. 二类高层民用建筑耐火等级不应低于二级 C. 裙房的耐火等级不应低于二级 D. 高级旅馆的耐火等级不应低于二级 E. 超过32m的的二类高层建筑的等级不应低于一级 [单选题]关于γ-羟基丁酸钠的叙述错误的是
A.为白色结晶性粉末,有引湿性 B.不易溶于水 C.水溶液加三氯化铁试液显红色 D.加硝酸铈铵试液呈橙红色 E.又名羟丁酸钠 [简答题]简述邹韬奋。
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