National Geographic (61)
fill a number of roles, says Karen Kasmauski. "We are journalists;
researcher, thinkers," she says, "photography is our (62)
." As one of the Society’s six contributing photographers-in-residence, Karen seeks to focus (63) attention on global changes and how they (64) human health. One promising (65) is the anti-measles (66) in Kenya led by the American Red Cross, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UN (67) . "These photographers-in-residence have chosen subjects they’ve been (68) for years, subjects they’re (67) about," says program manager Charlene Valeri. Frans Lanting investigates (70) and the danger of (71) loss to animals in the wild. David Coubilet works to promote the survival of coral reef (72) in the Sou A. dimension B. point C. technique D. perspective [单项选择]操作中,夯机()不得站人。
A. 前方 B. 后方 C. 侧面 [简答题]试述班主任应如何进行班级管理。
[单选题]按照规定甲公司最晚应于2019年8月15日缴纳税款,甲公司迟迟未缴纳, 税务机关责令其于当年9月30日前缴纳,并加收滞纳金,甲公司直到10月 20日才缴纳税款,归于税务机关对甲公司加收滞纳金的起止时间的下列表述 中,正确的是( )。
A.2019年9月30日至2019年10月21日 B.2019年10月1日至2019年10月21日 C.2019年8月16日至2019年10月20日 D.2019年9月15日至2019年10月19日 [单选题]低压电气带电工作使用的工具应有( )。
A. 绝缘柄 B. 木柄 C. 塑料柄 D. 金属外壳 [单选题]A-B-001 3 2 3
Netware采用的的通信协议是()。 A.TCP/IP B.SPX/IPX C.NETX. D.NETBEUI [单选题] 实施口腔护理不正确的操作方法是 ( )
A. 动作轻柔避免损伤粘膜 B. 昏迷患者禁止漱口 C. 使用开口器应从门齿处放入 D. 擦洗时每次一个棉球 E. 棉球蘸溶液不可过湿 [填空题]接地线应使用专用的线夹固定在导体上,禁止用( )的方法接地或短路。
[单选题]对于按照规定需要进行第三方监测的危大工程,( )应当委托具有相应勘察资质的单位进行监测。
A.施工单位 B.建设单位 C.监理单位 D.施工项目部 [判断题]氧气压力表数值越大,说明筒内储存氧量越多。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]“下巴靠近胸前”是指头颈部向内卷曲,靠近()。
[单选题]新能源汽车整车涉水之后,需要注意( )
A.车辆已经报废了 B.立刻关闭点火开关,离开车辆,并拨打119 C.继续开,最快的速度脱离漫水区域 D.拔开维修开关之后,整车不会有问题了 [单选题]关于投资性房地产后续计量模式的转换,下列说法中正确的是( )。
A.成本模式转为公允价值模式的,应当作为会计估计变更 B.已采用公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产,不得从公允价值模式转为成本模式 C.已采用成本模式计量的投资性房地产,不得从成本模式转为公允价值模式 D.银行对投资性房地产的计量模式可以随意变更 [单选题]舵工通常由__________担任。
A.二水 B.一水 C.水手长 [单项选择]大脑半球后2/5区域主要由以下哪些动脉供血()
A. 两侧椎动脉 B. 两侧颈内动脉 C. 两侧豆纹动脉 D. Willi动脉环 E. 两侧大脑前动脉 [单选题]面对领导分配的任务,下级的答案:正确态度是尽职尽责。 把握领导的答案:正确意
图、经受考验、完成任务。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]采用复合土工膜布人工助推抢护时应( )。
A.复合土工膜布上下两端各缝制一个套圈 B.套圈内穿入钢管 C.把复合土工膜布全卷在下端钢管上,并准备—部分细长钢管 D.临河堤肩上打2根木桩,将卷好的复合土工膜布的上端放在堤肩上 E.人工助推滚动入水 [单项选择]HD早期症状最常累及的淋巴结是()
A. 腋窝 B. 滑车上 C. 纵隔 D. 腹股沟 E. 颈部 [单选题]年休假:已满10年不满20年的,年休假()天;
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [单选题]我们要从根本上改革束缚生产力发展的经济体制,坚持和完善社会主义( )体制。
A.计划经济 B.商品经济 C.市场经济 D.宏观经济 [填空题]After the medical treatment, a patient may be admitted to the hospital, discharged, or transferred to a more appropriate______.
A. 承认共同利益是国家间合作的基础 B. 承认国家性质决定国家的对外政策 C. 主张国家之间应该和平共处 D. 主张发展经济是维护和平的基础 [单选题]水箱的作用:( );升压;减压;稳压
A.过滤 B.清理 C.贮水 [单项选择]How many really suffer as a result of labor market problems This is one of the most critical yet contentious social policy questions. In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hardship. Unemployment does not have the same dire consequences today as it did in the 1930s when most of the unemployed were primary breadwinners, when income and earnings were usually much closer to the margin of subsistence, and when there were no countervailing social programs for those failing in the labor market. Increasing affluence, the riseof families with morethan one wage earner, the growing predominance of secondary earners among the unemployed, and improved social welfare protection have unquestionably mitigated the consequences of joblessness. Earnings and income data also overstate the dimensions of hardship. Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families. Most of those c
A. Innovative programs using multiple approaches should be set up to reduce the level of unemployment. B. A compromise should be found between the positions of those who view joblessness as an evil greater than economic control and those who hold the opposite view. C. New statistical indices should be developed to measure the degree to which unemployment and inadequately paid employment cause suffering. D. Consideration should be given to the ways in which statistics can act as partial causes of the phenomena that they purport to measure. [多项选择]会计机构负责人必须具备一定的领导才能和组织能力,包括( )。
A. 协调能力 B. 会计实务应用能力 C. 会计处理方法操作能力 D. 综合分析能力 [判断题]对普通投资者而言,实物黄金和纸黄金是较为理想的黄金投资渠道。但黄金饰品对家庭理财没有太大意义,因为黄金饰品的价格包含了加工成本。
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