{{B}}FILM PREVIEWS{{/B}} In the Line of Fire After his Oscar success as an aging cowboy in Unforgotten, Clint Eastwood plays an aging secret-service man in this action movie. He is Frank Horrigan, a devoted citizen who has strong love for his country and who believes that he was responsible for the death of John F. Kennedy in 1963. When a madman, played by John Malkovich, says that he will kill the present President, Horrigan is given the chance to {{U}}redeem{{/U}} himself. Sleepless in Seattle A very interesting film from Nora Ephron, the writer-director of When Harry Met Sally. One Christmas, a little boy, who has just lost his mother, calls a national radio station to find a new wife for his dad, played by Tom Hanks. When a radio-reporter hears the program, she is sur A. directed When Harry Met Sally B. borrowed Sleepless in Seattle C. worked for a radio station D. acted the main part in Sleepless in Seattle [单选题] 版第五套人民币 100 元的( )具有荧光机读特征。[单选题]
A.纸张; B.光变油墨面额数字; C.手感线; D.隐形图案。 [单选题]无中梁漏斗车两根( )应更换或一个漏斗应更换时申请报废。
A.端梁 B.枕梁 C.大横梁 D.牵引梁 [单选题]“实现中国梦必须弘扬中国精神。”这里的“中国精神”是指( )
A.以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,以改革创新为核心的时代精神 B.艰苦奋斗的创业精神,自力更生的自强精神 C.追求卓越的进取精神,勇攀高峰的奋斗精神 D.无私忘我的奉献精神,乐观豁达的包容精神 [单选题]
下列哪项不是造成不孕的原因 A.子宫发育不良 B.子宫肌瘤 C.子宫内膜异位症 D.子宫颈内口松弛 E.子宫内膜结核 [单选题]圆形的树干不容易被碰伤,能够抵抗(),不利于动物爬上树木。
A.太阳 B.雨水 C.风吹雨打 [单项选择]
Text 2
Imagine, if you will, the average games player. What do you see A guy who never grew up Or a nervous 18-year-old pushing buttons on his controller, lost and alone in a violent onscreen world Sorry, you lose. The average gamer is starting to look pretty much like the average person. For the first time, according to a US poll commissioned by AOL Games, roughly half of those surveyed, ages 12 to 55, are tapping away at some kind of electronic game—whether on a PC, a cell phone or another handheld device—for an average of three hours every week. [单选题]非典型抗精神病药物主要用于治疗( )。
A.抑郁症 B.睡眠障碍 C.精神分裂症 D.适应障碍 E.焦虑症 [单选题]衡量数据压缩技术性能好坏的重要指标是().
A.A:压缩比 B.B:标准化 C.C:恢复效果 D.D:以上全部 [单项选择]偏头痛好发的年龄范围为()。
A. 10~20岁 B. 10~30岁 C. 30~40岁 D. 40~60岁 E. >60岁 [单项选择]烧伤后第1个8小时应输入胶体和电解质溶液总量的()
A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 1/4 D. 2/3 E. 3/4 [单选题]售电量指所有终端客户的()电量。
A.估算 B.尖峰 C.低谷 D.抄见 [判断题]在矿井受水害威胁的区域进行巷道掘进前,应当采用钻探、物探、化探等方法查清水文地质条件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]对关联方之间一方为另一方承担债务时,应进行的会计处理为( )。
A. 承担方按所承担的债务计入营业外支出 B. 承担方按所承担的债务计入管理费用 C. 被承担方按承担方实际承担的债务计入资本公积 D. 被承担方按承担方实际承担的债务计入营业外收入 [单项选择]期货市场具有价格发现的功能,下列陈述中错误的是()。
A. 期货交易的参与者众多,供求双方意愿得以真实体现 B. 期货交易反映多数人的预测,接近真实的供求变动趋势 C. 期货交易透明度高,竞争公开化、公平化 D. 期货交易是供求双方充分协商的结果 [判断题]根据互感器的工作原理可分为电磁式、电容式、光电式三种互感器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在减数分裂过程中发生而在有丝分裂过程中不发生的现象是( )
A.纺锤体形成 B.同源染色体分离 C.姐妹染色单体分离 D.核膜消失 [判断题]《上海铁路局旅客运输安全检查管理办法》规定:车站旅客安检仪和安检门的配置应同时考虑“二次安检”等特殊要求,做到有适当的设备备用。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交