Giving Up Smoking{{/B}} A number of devices are available to help a person quit smoking. Nicotine (尼古丁) patches axe small, nicotine-containing adhesive (黏着性的) discs applied to the skin. The nicotine is slowly absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream. Over time, the nicotine dose is reduced and eventually the desire for nicotine is eased. Nicotine gum works in a similar manner, providing small doses of nicotine when chewed. The benefits of giving up smoking include the immediate reduction of harm to the health of the smoking and easily admission to social activities and institutions that ban smoking. In a 1988 report, the US Surgeon General declared cigarette smoking to be more harmful and expensive than A. Using nicotine patches. B. Reading cigarette advertisements. C. Chewing ordinary gum. D. Participating in social activities. [单选题]孕妇陈某,28岁,G1/P0,孕39周,未经产前检查,诉下肢水肿半月,近3日头痛,今晨头痛加重,出现视物不清,且呕吐3次,查尿蛋白2.5g/24h。以下哪项最有可能符合患者的情况
A.血压160/110mmHg B.心率大于100次/分 C.肝脾肿大 D.血象升高 E.肾区叩痛 [单项选择]根据对菲利普斯曲线的解释,货币主义得出的政策结论是______。
A. 宏观经济政策在短期与长期中均是有用的 B. 宏观经济政策在短期与长期中均是无用的 C. 宏观经济政策只在短期中有用,而在长期中无用 D. 宏观经济政策只在长期中有用,而在短期中无用 [单选题]企业生产经营活动中,促进员工之间平等尊重的措施是( )。
A.互利互惠,平均分配 B.加强交流,平等对话 C.只要合作,不要竞争 D.人心叵测,谨慎行事 [单选题] 梅兰日兰 GALAXY 3000 UPS 输出电压( )。
A.380VAC±1% B.380VAC±3% C.220VAC±1% D.220VAC±3% [填空题]HTK-391型轴温探测系统CPU8088在5MHZ时钟下的总线周期为4个()的时钟周期。
[简答题]10. 分布式电源接入系统母线保护有哪些配置原则?
A.工作丰富化只是在横向水平上增加工作任务的数量 B.工作丰富化关注提高工作的挑战性、意义性和完整性 C.工作丰富化可以提高员工的工作动力、满意度和生产率 D.工作丰富化的应用成本较高 [判断题]作为抗氧剂,维生素C常用于偏酸性的水溶液中,而亚硫酸氢钠及亚硫酸钠常用于偏碱性的水溶液中。
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