British Columbia is a province in the
western half of Canada. It is the largest province in the western half of
Canada, but two other provinces are larger. The weather in the southern half of British Columbia is mild. In fact, it is the mildest in Canada. For this reason, many older people come to live in this area of Canada. There are about three and a half million people living in British Columbia. Only Ontario and Quebec have more people, about half of British Columbia’s people originally came from England. Many other people’s families came to Canada from Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. Today this province has a higher percentage of Asians than any of the Other nine provinces. Vancouver is the largest city in British Columbia. Many international visitors come to Vancouver. They come to see the natural beauty of the A. a city in the mountains B. a city on the Coast C. a city with many people D. a country on the coast [单项选择]
A. The B. / C. A [填空题]小学课外活动内容和组织形式的确定主要依据的是学生的( )、( )和身心发展特点。
A.分批审批、突击入库 B.分批审批、分批入库 C.突击审批、集中入库 D.集中审批、突击入库 [不定项选择题]音响信号短声为()秒。
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 [单选题]半年不动户(社会保障卡、医保卡除外)是指根据账户交易活动监测规则,开户之日起()内无交易记录的账户。
A.3个月 B.6个月 C.12个月 D.24个月 [单选题]描述不锈钢材料的特性错误的是?
A. 强度高; B. 硬度好; C. 性好; D. 机加工性能好 [单项选择]“一案三制”中“三制”不包括下列哪一项()
A. 应急管理体制 B. 应急管理机制 C. 应急预警机制 D. 应急管理法制 [单选题] 党支部要加强团支部和消防指战员委员会的领导,使其做到( )。
A.组织健全、制度落实、活动经常、作用明显 B.制度健全、制度落实、活动经常、作用明显 C.制度健全、组织落实、活动经常、作用明显 D.组织健全、组织落实、活动经常、作用明显 [单选题]《视力残疾旅客携带导盲犬进站乘车若干规定(试行)》中规定:导盲犬,是指经过特殊训练并取得导盲犬工作证(载有导盲犬使用者信息,盖有公安部门或残疾人联合会公章,或带有国际导盲犬联盟标识( )),用于辅助视力残疾人工作、生活的服务犬。
A.IGDF B.IFGF C.IDGF D.IFGD [单选题]低压电器按其()的不同,分为低压电器和高压电器。
A.用途和控制对象 B.动作方式 C.执行机构 [填空题]开车前,应将所有控制器手柄扳至( ),关好( ),鸣铃示警(时间不少于5秒钟),确认安全之后才能开车。
[判断题] 安全知识教育不属于安全教育培训的内容。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]类风湿关节炎最常见的肺部受累表现为()
A. 结节样变 B. 肺间质病变 C. 胸膜炎 D. 肺动脉高压 E. Caplan综合征 我来回答: 提交