What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation In one(1)there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. (2)two speakers speak in exactly the same(3).We can always hear differences(4)them, and the pronunciation of English(5)a great deal in different geographical(6).How do we decide what sort of English to use as a(7)This is not a question that can be(8)in the same way for all foreign learners of English. (9)you live in a part of the world(10)India or West Africa, where there is a long(11)of speaking English for general communication purpose, you should(12)to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be(13)in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or(14)of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country(15)there is no traditional use of English, you must take(16)your model A. Because B. When C. If D. Whether [名词解释]溶滤水
[单项选择]一足月儿娩出过程不顺利,生后Apgar评分1分钟、5分钟及10分钟分别为2、3、6分,生后8小时小儿肌张力高,有吸吮、咂嘴等动作,阵发性口周发绀。最可能的诊断是( )
A. 化脓性脑膜炎 B. 缺氧缺血性脑病 C. 低血糖 D. 破伤风 E. 胆红素脑病 [单选题]重大物件的起重、搬运工作应由()负责,作业前应进行技术交底。
A.工作负责人 B.有经验的专人 C.持证上岗人员 D.工程技术人员 [单选题]航路上的DVOR/DME设备的完好率应达到( )。
A.0.9 B.0.8 C.0.7 D.0.5 [判断题]人工接地极接地导线应具有良好的导电性,其截面积不得小于11m㎡。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]All the characteristics and abilities a person acquires and all developmental changes result from two basic, though complex, processes: learning and maturation. Since the two processes almost always interact, it is difficult to separate their effects from each other or to specify the relative contribution of each to a child’’s development. Clearly, growth in height is not learned but depends on maturation, a biological process. But improvements in motor activities such as walking, depend on maturation and learning, and the interaction between them.
What, then, are maturation and learning Developmental psychologists are not entirely in agreement, though there is a common core of accepted meaning. Thus all definitions of maturation stress organic processes or structural changes occurring within an individual’’s body that are relatively independent of external environmental conditions, experiences, or practice. By maturation it is meant development of the organism as a function of time
A. psychological biology. B. developmental psychology. C. biological psychology. D. evolutional physiology. [多项选择]下列属于保健因素的是()
A. 公司政策 B. 与同事的关系 C. 个人生活 D. 得到提升 E. 工作责任 我来回答: 提交