Uganda Uganda is in the central part of Africa, near the equator. It became independent in 1962. Until then it had been a British protectorate. The area of Uganda is 93,981 square miles. About ten million people live there. Uganda is a land of mountains, lakes and plains. Mount Ruwenzori is in a mountain range with peaks above 16,700 feet. The chief rivers are the Victoria Nile and Albert Nile, branches of the great Nile River. Almost all the people of Uganda are African black people of various tribes. The Bugandas are most powerful and their language is semi-official, but there are more Bantus— the people who live in the north from another group. Nearly everyone understands the Swahili language. Most of the people are farmers. There are some wandering tribes [单选题]下面哪个不是下颌骨薄弱部位
A.喙状突颈部 B.髁状突颈部 C.颏孔区 D.下颌角 E.正中联合 [单选题]在梯子上工作时应使用工具袋;物件应用绳子传递,不准从梯上或梯下互相()。
A.吊送 B.抛递 C.传递 [单项选择]五行中“木”的特性是( )
A. 炎上 B. 润下 C. 稼穑 D. 曲直 E. 从革 [简答题]古人强调尊师重道,常说的“一日为师”的下一句是什么?
[单项选择]A publicly listed company has a 12-person board of directors whose composition is as follows: · The chairman, who is the past president of the company and was named Chairman upon his retirement four years ago. · Five members of senior management, including the current president. · Six outside directors. Each member is elected for a two-year term and one-half of the positions stand for election every year. The three members of the audit committee are all outside directors and have relevant financial experience. The remuneration committee is composed of the chairman and two outside directors. Which of the following actions would provide the greatest improvement in the corporate governance of this company()
A. The chairman of the board should be an independent director. B. All members of the board of directors should stand for election every year. C. The company’s vice president of finance should be a member of the audit committee. [单选题]碘对人体内多余的脂肪有( )。
A.增多作用 B.压缩作用 C.巩固作用 D.化解作用 [单项选择]正本信用证和信用证修改正本签字并加盖()行章后对外签发,同时通过加押的SWIFT报文对外证实真实性。
A. 分行; B. 支行; C. 贸金部; D. 总行 [填空题]列车调度指挥系统(TDCS)和调度集中系统(CTC)区段,车站应采用()。
A. 战略基点 B. 有效途径 C. 现实要求 D. 超前部署 [单选题]除规范有特殊规定外,人员密集场所一般要求每一个防火分区的安全疏散出口不应少于( )个。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]为了防范合作机构风险,银行应对房屋进行估价,首要步骤是( )。
A.与专业的房地产估价公司合作进行联合估价 B.参考贷款申请人提供的交易价格 C.建立自己的房地产交易信息库 D.通过“网上房地产”进行询价 [简答题]产后身痛的分型及代表方剂是什么?
A. 村民委员会主任由村民直接选举产生 B. 村民委员会每届任期3年,成员不可以连选连任 C. 村民委员会的选举,只有有选举权的村民过半数参加投票,选举才有效 D. 由本村1/3以上有选举权的村民联名,可要求罢免村民委员会成员 [单项选择]为防止蛛网膜下腔阻滞后头痛,哪项措施不当()
A. 采用细穿刺针穿刺,避免反复多次穿刺 B. 围手术期输入足量液体防止脱水 C. 轻度头痛者应平卧休息,可服镇痛或安定类药 D. 严重头痛者可于硬膜外腔内注入生理盐水 E. 静脉输入高张葡萄糖溶液 [单选题]74接入网可由(?? )来配置和管理。
A.A、值班员 B.B、车站值班员 C.C、网管 D.D、任意人 [判断题]进入生产经营单位进行检查,封存有关资料,向有关单位和人员了解情况是负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门依法对生产经营单位进行监督检查的重要职权。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设计机械密封摩擦副的PV值应( )它的许用[PV]值。
A.等于 B.小于 C.大于 D.小于或大于 [单选题]下列各项不属于企业风险管理考核指标体系设置基本要求的是()。
A.唯一性 B.关键性 C.可操作性 D.完整性 [判断题]商业银行在计算调整后的表内外资产余额时,考虑抵质押品、保证和信用衍生产品等信用风险缓释因素
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]调车作业中,调车人员上车时的速度最高不得超过( )。
A.20km/h B.15km/h C.10km/h D.30km/h [单项选择]在对周围环境的意识障碍中不属于以意识清晰度降低为主的意识障碍是
A. 嗜睡 B. 昏睡 C.梦样状态 C. 意识浑浊E.昏迷 我来回答: 提交