Standard & Poor’s maintains a
cautious stance on cable-TV operators in the wake of Verizon’s (VZ) announcement
in early May of aggressive price cuts for its digital subscriber line (DSL)
Internet-access service. Our overall outlook for the S & P Cable &
Broadcasting index, which also includes shares of over-the-air TV and radio
broadcasters, is neutral to modestly positive. Cable operators have so far
ruled out an overt price war on broadband services. However, expect to see
near-term responses like increased bundling of services, extended free months,
more aggressive marketing and promotions, even modest price cuts from cable
outfits that offer multiple services such as broadband as they defend their
high- growth Internet-access Business. Continued rapid growth in digital cable and high-speed data services helped support the industr A. dealt a greater blow to broadcasters for their dependence on ad spending B. brought about a considerable downturn of U. S. advertising spending C. slowed the revenue growth of cable operators during the recent downturn D. kept the subscriptions for broadcasters at a lower level than cables [多选题]省物资公司负责协议库存物资()()()和结算等工作的具体实施。
A.协议签订 B.协议匹配 C.购供货单下达 D.中标结果 [单选题]应紧急处理的是( )
A.切开减压 B.立即清创 C.抗感染治疗 D.患肢抬高制动 E.行骨折内固定术 [单选题]户外110kV中性点接地系统高压配电装置场所的行车通道上,车辆(包括装载物)外廓至无遮栏带电部分之间的安全距离为()m。
A.1.35 B.1.55 C.1.6 D.1.65 [单选题]高压设备上工作至少应有( )一起工作。
A.1人 B.2人 C.3人 D.4人 [判断题]在处理地下建筑坍塌事故时,救援人员利用生命探测仪、搜救犬或机器人等器材、设备,采用听、看、敲、喊等方法,确定被埋压人员数量及其具体位置,分组作业,运用破拆、起吊、起重、撑顶等装备进行施救。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在工作时间和工作场所内,因履行工作职责受到暴力等意外伤害应认定为工伤。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《中国铁路南昌局集团有限公司铁路旅客电子客票暂行实施细则》(南铁客〔2020〕134号)规定误售电子客票时,需通过()办理。
A.原退方式 B.旅客需求 C.原购票方式 D.原付款方式 [单选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第5.5.3 条规定:在抢修过程中无法保证人身安全的,应当从危险区域内撤出作业人员,疏散可能危及的其他人员,设置( )。
A.安全围栏 B.警戒标识 C.临时围栏 D.警示带 [多选题] 消防救援人员不得购买、传看、渲染( )的书刊和音像制品。
A.色情 B.暴力 C.迷信 D.低级庸俗 [单选题]埋置于土中,在盘的中部设置安装U型拉环或拉线棒的孔洞,与拉线棒及金具相连接,以承受拉线的上拔力的钢筋混凝土长方形盘称为()。
A.A、拉线盘 B.B、卡盘 C.C、横盘 D.D、底盘 [单选题]列车前端越过( )或警冲标就算占用区间。
A.道岔 B.出站信号机 C.站界标 D.进站信号机 [判断题]大型吊装使用的钢丝绳压扁变形及表面起毛刺严重,应予以报废。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某层数为6层,单层面积为2500m2,建筑高度为20m的在建工程设置了室内外临时消火栓系统,下列临时消防给水系统设置的做法中,正确的是()。
A.室外消火栓的最大保护半径不应大于120m B.室外消火栓的间距不应大于150m C.临时给水管网宜布置成枝状 D.室外消防给水系统竖管管径为DN100 [单选题](2) (单选)在停电的电气设备上接地(装设接地线或合接地刀闸)前,应先验电,验明电气设备确无电压。高压验电时应戴绝缘手套并有专人监护。()
A.正确 B.错误 C.lue D.lue E.lue [多选题]差压变送器输出信号偏高的原因有( )。
A.负压引压管渗漏 B.正压引压管渗漏 C.零位偏高 D.压力高 [判断题]实施家庭暴力或虐待家庭成员,受害人提出请求的,公安机关应当依照治安管理处罚的法律规定予以行政处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]现阶段三项制度改革核心就是建立“()、()、()”的市场化劳动用工和收入分配机制,增强中央企业活力和竞争力。
A.管理人员能上能下 B.领导能进能出 C.员工能进能出 D.收入能增能减 [判断题]( )如果发现厨房跳开关(跳开关)跳开,客舱乘务员可以重置一次。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电源外部的导线和负载电阻称为外电阻。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Stone tools, animal bones and an incised mammoth tusk found in Russia’s frigid far north have provided what archaeologists say is the first evidence that modem humans or Neanderthals lived in the Arctic more than 30,000 years ago, at least 15, 000 years earlier than previously thought.
A team of Russian and Norwegian archaeologists, describing the discovery in today’s issue of the journal Nature, said the campsite, at Mamontovaya Kurya, on the Ural River at the Arctic Circle, was the"oldest documented evidence for human presence at this high latitude".Digging in the bed of an old river channel close to the Ural Mountains, the team uncovered 123 mammal bones, including horse, reindeer and wolf."The most important find, "they said, was a four-foot mammoth tusk with grooves made by chopping with a sharp stone edge, "unequivocally the work of humans".The tusk was carbon-dated at about 36, 600 years old.Plant remains found among the artifacts were dated at 30, 000 to 31, 000 years.A. Neanderthals. B. Modem humans. C. Archaeologists. D. Not determine 我来回答: 提交