When the stock market turns down,
holders of common stocks traditionally begin to move some portion of their
{{U}} (61) {{/U}} out of stocks and into {{U}} (62) {{/U}} to
protect themselves against further declines in the market, PI programs attempt
to hedge against the possibility of a market decline by {{U}} (63) {{/U}}
stock index futures contracts or stock index options (buying stock index put
options). The more the market falls, the more futures and options contracts are
sold by PI programs. If the market continues to fall, the rise in the value of
the portfolio’ futures and option positions cushions the decline in the value of
the portfolio’ common stocks. PI managers believe that such hedging programs
using futures and options involve lower transaction costs and provide greater
{{U}} (64) {{/U}} than the traditional A. treasure B. assets C. investment D. capital [单选题]物流综合管控平台属于物流管理信息系统(Logistics Management Information System),是对各地市级公司进行阶段性数据采集和( ),从销售、仓储、配送、绩效、人力、设备、成本等方面进行统计和数据分析。
A.数据分析 B.数据筛选 C.数据汇总 D.数据排查 [判断题]目前,各级指挥中心充分利用现有的技术手段,保障督导工作的经常化、可视化、随机化、提高了督导工作的效率。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]交感性眼炎一般较多发生在穿通性眼外伤后的()。
A. 1周以内 B. 2周以内 C. 2~8个周 D. 2~8个月 E. 1~3年 [单选题]适应世界新军事革命发展趋势和国家安全需求,提高建设质量和效益,确保到二〇二〇年基本实现( ),( )建设取得重大进展,( )有大的提升。
A.现代化信息化战斗能力 B.机械化信息化战斗能力 C.机械化信息化战略能力 D.现代化信息化战略能力 [判断题]471.(93779)胜利油田标准RTU只能用手操器配置。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在绘制零件草图的直线时,应尽量画直、粗细均匀,并力求一笔画成。
A.矩形 B.圆形 C.槽形 D.管型 [单项选择]在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写下列程序:
Private Sub Command3_Click( )
Tcl 2
Tcl 3
Tel 4
End Sub
Sub Tcl(a As Integer)
Static x As Integer
x=x + a
Print x;
End Sub
程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果为( )。
A. 2 3 4 B. 2 5 9 C. 3 5 4 D. 2 4 3 我来回答: 提交