By education, I mean the influence of
the environment upon the individual to produce a permanent change in the habits
of behavior, of thought and of attitude. It is in being thus susceptible(容易受影响的)
to the environment that man differs from the animals, and the higher animals
from the lower. The lower animals are influenced by the environment but not in
the direction of changing their habits. Their instinctive responses are few and
fixed by heredity (遗传;继承). When transferred to an unnatural situation, such an
animal is led astray by its instincts. Thus the " ant-lion" whose instinct
implies it to bore into loose sand by pushing backwards with abdomen (腹部), goes
backwards on a plate of glass as soon as danger threatens, and endeavors, with
the utmost exertions to bore into it. It knows no other mode of flight, "or if
such a lonely animal i A. The Evolution of Insects. B. Environment and Heredity. C. Education: The Influence of the Environment. D. The Instincts of Animals. [单项选择]射频导纳物位控制技术是从()发展起来的。
A. 电容式物位控制技术 B. 压差式物位控制技术 C. 浮筒式物位控制技术 D. 以上全部 [单选题]我国规定一般情况下安全电压为36V。( )
A.对 B.错 [单选题]“康乾盛世”不包括( )朝。
A.康熙 B.雍正 C.嘉庆 D.乾隆 [单项选择]某家私人公交公司通过增加班次、降低票价、开辟新线路等方式,吸引了顾客,增 加了利润。为了继续这一经营方向,该公司决定更换旧型汽车,换上新型大客车,包括双层 客车。该公司的上述计划假设了以下各项,除了______。
A. 在该公司经营的区域内,客流量将有所增加 B. 更换汽车的投入费用将在预期的利润中得到补偿 C. 新汽车在质量、效能等方面足以保证公司获得预期的利润 D. 驾驶新汽车将不比驾驶旧汽车更复杂、更困难 [单选题]对旅客已带入车内的猫、狗等宠物,应安排在( )由旅客自己照看。
A.座席下 B.铺位下 C.车厢内 D.列车通过台 [单项选择]认为痫病的发生与元气虚,"不能上转入脑髓",和脑髓瘀血有关的医家是()
A. 王清任 B. 陈无择 C. 李杲 D. 张仲景 E. 朱丹溪 [多选题]作业人员步行上下工行走时应遵循的安全要求有( )。
A.A.区间应在路肩或路旁集中走行;在双线区间,应面迎列车方向走行。 B.B.通过桥梁、道口或横越线路时,应“手比、眼看、口呼”,做到“一停、二看、三通过”,严禁来车时抢越。 C.C.必须走道心时,应设置专人防护。 D.D.进路信号辨认不清时,应及时下道避车。 我来回答: 提交