Shortages of flu vaccine are nothing new in America, but this year’s is a whopper. Until last week, it appeared that 100 million Americans would have access to flu shots this fall. Then British authorities, concerned about quality-control problems at a production plant in Liverpool, barred all further shipments by the Chiron Corp. Overnight, the U.S. vaccine supply dwindled by nearly half and federal health officials found themselves making an unusual plea. Instead of beseeching us all to get vaccinated, they’re now urging most healthy people between the ages of 2 and 64 not to. "This reemphasizes the fragility of our vaccine supply, " says Dr. Martin Myers of the National Network for Immunization Information, "and the lack of redundancy in our system. "
Why is such a basic health service so easily knocked out Mainly because private companies have had little incentive to pursue it. To create a single dose of flu vaccine, a manufacturer has
A. All Americans are persuaded not to get vaccinated this year.
B. The big problem in innovating flu vaccine producing technique is how to grow virus in a new way.
C. More flu vaccines can not be produced in a short time because private companies refuse to produce more.
D. Flu vaccines are easier than most vaccines to produce through cell cultures.
A. Only two.
B. Because of a heavy fog.
C. 7:30 pm.
D. The great favorite of mine.
E. No problem.
F. Two hours ago.
G. Enjoy yourself.
H. No. Thank you just the same.
Silicon Valley is a magnet to which
numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in
search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution
whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European
Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age. It is noteworthy that close to50% of its skilled manpower, including engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs, come from Asia. Prominent among them are Indians and Chinese, and not a few Singaporeans. They include such illustrious names as Vinod Khosla who co-founded Sun Microsystems, Jerry Yang of Yahoo fame and Singaporean Sim Wong Hoo, to name a few. Many countries have, or are in the process of creating, their own "Silicon Valley". So far, none has as yet threatened the preeminen A. Diligent. B. Team spirit. C. Perseverance. D. Paper Qualification. [单选题]无需向交管部门等办理证照,仅在企业内部使用的交通工具(如电瓶车等),购置金额()万元以下的,由子公司自行审批;购置金额100万元以上的,报集团公司审批。( )
A. 20 B.50 C.80 D.100 [填空题] 旅客列车不准编挂制动关门车。在运行途中,当制动机发生临时故障,在停车时间内不能修复时,准许关闭1辆,但列车最后____辆不得为关门车。
[单选题]在疏散走道和消防电梯前室的防火卷帘,应具有在降落时( )的功能,以保障人员安全疏散;应具有自动、手动和机械控制的功能。
A..有短时间停滞 B..能从两侧手动控制功能 C..有短时间停滞以及能从两侧手动控制 D..紧急停止 [单选题]能量的需要总量由()组成
A.基础代谢.生长发育所需.动作和活动所需.食物特殊动力作用.排泄消耗 B.基础代谢.生长发育所需.动作和活动所需.食物特殊动力作用 C.基础代谢.生长发育所需.食物特殊动力作用.排泄消耗 D.基础代谢.生长发育所需 [单项选择]用ELISA双抗体夹心法检测血清中甲胎蛋白(AFP),应选择的固相包被物是
A. 已知AFP B. 酶际记AFP C. 抗AFP抗体 D. 酶标记抗AFP抗体 E. 待检测血清 [填空题]下列程序在构造函数和析构函数中申请和释放类的数据成员int*a,申请时使用形参b初始化a,请填空。
class A public: A(int b); ~A( ); private: int * a; ; A::A(int b) ______; A::~A( ) ______; [单选题]其他单位应当结合本单位实际,参照制定相应的应急预案,至少( )组织一次演练。
A.每周 B.每月 C.每半年 D.每年 [单选题]《农户生产经营贷款管理办法》规定:农户生产经营贷款实行( )制度,严禁向未评定信用等级的申请人发放信用贷款和保证担保贷款。
A.抵押评估 B.信用等级评定 C.预先发放 D.贷款限额 [判断题]智能电能表运行中当发生事件记录时如全失压、断相,该事件记录可记录最近20次记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]同一种可燃气体和液体的爆炸极限受()等因素的影响。
A.湿度 B.压力 C.含氧量 D.容器 [单选题]章某涉嫌故意伤害致人死亡,因犯罪后企图逃跑被公安机关先行拘留。关于本案程序,下列哪一选项是正确的?
A.拘留章某时,必须出示拘留证 B.拘留章某后,应在12小时内将其送看守所羁押 C.拘留后对章某的所有讯问都必须在看守所内进行 D.因怀疑章某携带管制刀具,拘留时公安机关无需搜查证即可搜查其身体 [单项选择]单腿站立试验(Trendelenburg test)是用来检查
A. 半月板损伤 B. 先天性髋脱位 C. 脊柱侧凸 D. 脊柱结核,腰大肌寒性脓肿 [填空题] 色谱系统的适用性试验通常包括( )__|( )_|( )_|拖尾因子和
( )_等五个参数。出处:2020 年版《中国药典》四部 0512| [单选题]大雾、阴雨及雨雪交加时,易发生绝缘()故障,应重点查找隧道及污秽严重的处所。.
A.闪络 B.接触不良 C.击穿 D.接地 [单选题]模数是( )与π的商。
A.齿厚 B.齿距 C.齿槽宽 D.齿高 [单选题] 单选题 未符合“三个要”要求违规销售或推介非保险金融产品的,根据《中国人寿保险股份有 限公司保险销售人员违规行为处理规定》(201.9 版) ,将直接扣()分,并解除代理合同。
A.5 B.10 C.12 D.20 [单项选择]心理定势可以()问题解决。
A. 促进 B. 阻碍 C. A、B都是 D. A、B都不是 [单选题](0.25分)【单选题】正常情况下每博输出量与脉压的关系
A.每博输出量增加脉压加大 B.每博输出量增加脉压减小 C.每博输出量与脉压无关 D.脉压加大每博输出量减小 E.脉压加大每博输出量不变 [单项选择]从组织学来看,胃痛绝大多数为
A. 硬癌 B. 髓样癌 C. 胶样癌 D. 黏液癌 E. 腺癌 [多选题]立志高远的正确含义是( )。
A.立志当高远 B.立志要谨慎 C.立志做大事 D.立志应变化 E.立志须躬行 [单选题]制动图标显示异常(白色或红色)或有BCU故障信息,维持进站()。
A.申请清客,切除相应车B09 B.申请清客,重启列车 C.申请清客,合气制动旁路动车 D.申请清客,启用备用模式 我来回答: 提交