Advancing age means losing your hair,
your waistline and your memory, right Dana Denis is just 40 years old, but
(21) she’s worried about what she calls "my rolling mental
blackouts." "I try to remember something and I just blank out," she
says. You may (22) about these lapses, calling them "senior moments" or blaming "early Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症)." Is it an inescapable fact that the older you get, the (23) you remember Well, sort of. But as time goes by, we tend to blame age (24) problems that are not necessarily age-related. "When a teenager can’t find her keys, she thinks it’s because she’s distracted or disorganized," says Paul Gold "A 70-year-old blames her (25) ." In fact, the 70-year-old may have been (26) things for decades. In healthy people, memory doesn’t worsen as (27) as A. mature B. advance C. age D. grow [单选题]根据35kV~500kV输变电工程可研评审“挡出制”清单,项目未纳入()“十四五”电网规划项目库,且未履行重大问题沟通汇报流程,不纳入可研评(内)审。
A.OMS B.PIS C.PMS D.D5000 [判断题]消防通道的宽度不应小于3.5米。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]人民币冠字号码管理系统由( )等功能模块组成。
A.内部管理(包括用 户管理、机构管理、设备管理) B.现金清分 C.冠字号码调拔、冠字号码检索 D.网点状态 E.数据导入导出、报表统计 [单选题]在张力放线的全过程中,人员不准在牵引绳、导引绳、导线( )通过或逗留。
A.下方 B.上方 C.外角侧 D.两侧 [判断题]从2002年第2期开始,凭证式国债的发行期限改为2个月,发行款的上划采取一次缴款办法,国债发行手续费也由财政部一次拨付。
A. 储蓄性业务 B. 风险性业务 C. 服务性业务 D. 公益性业务 [判断题]幼儿园承担着双重任务——教育幼儿与和为家长服务,这是在《幼儿园工作规程》中有明确规定的。幼儿园的双重任务是相辅相成的,教育幼儿是基础,为家长服务主要是通过教育幼儿而实现的。
[单选题]《中国金茂景观工程管理参考指引》规定,路床碾压采用机具应不小于________T 震动压路机反复碾压。当碾压基面无明显轮迹时,视为压实度满足要求。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 [单选题]患者女性,35岁患类风湿关节炎,长期服用泼尼松(强的松)。10小时前突发腹痛,呕吐3次。中上腹部压痛,血淀粉酶1000单位(苏氏法)
A.急性胃炎 B.急性胰腺炎 C.急性心肌梗死 D.急性胆囊炎 E.胃肠道穿孔 [简答题]试根据精子发生的内分泌调控,以正常雄性动物使用激素后生殖内分泌和精液品质的变化为例,解释为何在临床上提出要慎重应用雄激素?
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