In low-speed network, it is usually adequate to wait for congestion to occur and then react to it by telling the source of packets to slow down. In high-speed networks, this approach often works poorly, because in the (1)between sending the notification and notification arriving at the source, thousands of additional(2)may arrive. In ATM network, a major tool for preventing (3)is (4)control. When a host wants a new virtual(5)it must describe the traffic to be offered and the service expected.
生物反馈法的原理是根据被生物反馈仪记录下来的生理信号,进行有意识的放松,从而()。 After yuppies and dinkies, a new
creature from adland stalks the block. The NYLON. an acronym linking New York
and London, is a refinement of those more familiar categories such as
jet-setters and cosmocrats (cosmopolitan keep up). Marketing
professionals have noted that (1) the demise of Concorde, a
new class of high-earner increasingly (2) his or her time
shuttling (3) the twin capitals of globalisation And NYLONS
prefer their home comforts (4) tap in both cities. Despite
the impressive (5) of air miles, they are not adventurous
people. As (6) from Tom Wolfe’s Masters of the Universe of the 1980s. NYLONS have done more than well (7) the long boom and new economy of the last ten years. They are DJs. chefs, games designers. Internet entrepreneurs, fashionistas, publishers and e A. in B. of C. with D. upon [单项选择]东亚寒潮爆发时,在天气图可以看到为我国北方有一个()
A. 强大的东北冷涡南下 B. 强大的切断低压南下 C. 强大的冷高压南下 D. 强大的阻塞高压南下 [单项选择]男性,38岁,反复出现劳累后四肢无力,活动不能。体检:血压170/100mmHg,身高172cm,体重80kg,甲状腺Ⅱ度,心、肺、腹(-)。实验室检查:晨尿pH7.5,比重1.016,镜检(-),血钾3.9mmol/L,钠145mmol/L,氯100mmol/L,该患者检查最有可能出现异常的是()
A. ACTH B. T3、T4、TSH C. 醛固酮 D. 皮质醇 E. 尿VMA [单选题]利用列车间隔在区间使用轻型车辆及小车时,应在车站登记,并设置(),按规定防护。
A.现场防护 B.远方防护 C.驻站联络员 D.中间防护 [单项选择]患者,女性,65岁。患有"慢性支气管哮喘"20余年,症见喘促气短,气怯声低,喉有鼾声,咳声低弱,痰吐稀薄,自汗畏风,极易感冒,舌质淡红,脉软弱。诊断为喘证(肺气虚证)。其治疗原则应为
A. 止咳平喘 B. 止咳化痰 C. 补肺益气 D. 祛风解表 E. 疏肝理气 [单选题] 电力负荷控制装置一般都具有( )功能。
A.遥测; B.遥信、遥测; C.遥控、遥信; D.遥控、遥信、遥测。 [单选题] 在问诊方法上,哪项不正确
A.最好让患者自己叙述; B.医生必须耐心,态度和蔼; C.为获得完整、满意的资料,询问时可以给予必要的提示以启发患者思考; D.对患者不能进行套问和逼问; E.对危重患者问诊应简要,体格检查有重点; [单项选择]古希腊著名的哲学家赫拉克里特认为“人不能两次踏人同一条河流”,他的学生又进一步指出:“人不能一次踏人同一条河流。”这两种观点( )。
A. 是相同的,只是强调的方面不同 B. 前者是辩证法,后者是诡辩论 C. 前者是形而上学,后者是对前者的发展 D. 两者都是辩证法 我来回答: 提交