A dream is made up of a train of
mind-pictures that form during sleep. The people and actions in these pictures
seem real to the person who is dreaming. When a person is asleep, he has little or no control over his mind. Then ideas and feelings come out to form the mind-picture known as dreams. Dreams may be influenced (影响) by different things that are present during sleep. If a person is cold, he may dream that he is out in a snowstorm (暴风雪) . Some people think that they do not often dream, and other people are quite sure that they do not dream at all. However, studies have shown that everyone dreams every night. If a person thinks he does not dream, it is because he does not remember dreaming when he wakes up. As a matter of fact, not only does everyone dream, [单选题]
工作过程中,工作负责人顾××在确认无触电等危险的情况下,参加了工作班的一些工作。谢××的这种做法() A.是正确的 B.是错误的,工作负责人谢××不能参加工作班工作 C.是错误的,工作负责人谢××应得到工作许可人的同意后才能参加工作班工作 [单选题]()用于产生为确定移动客户的身份和对呼叫保密所需鉴权、加密的三参数(随机号码RAN
A.归属用户位置寄存器(HLR) B.MSC C.VLR D.AUC [判断题]压缩机的冷却方式主要分为风冷和水冷。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《人民币现金机具鉴别能力技术规范》(JR/T 0154—2017)中要求金融机构用无拒钞仓的鉴别机具误识率为0.03%。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公安工作群众路线是公安工作实行的( ),所遵循的根本途径。
A.一切为了群众 B.一切依靠群众 C.从群众中来 D.到群众中去 [单选题]幼儿骨叙述错误的是
A.弹性较大柔软易变形 B.有机质和无机质各占一半 C.有机质相对少些 D.在外力作用下不易骨折 E.骨折后多为青枝骨折 [判断题]解除限速警戒时,均需经各相关设备维护管理单位检查确认具备常速条件
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在网络生命周期,( )阶段的目的是进行网络设备安装、调试及网络运行时的维护工作。
A.需求规范阶段 B.通信规范阶段 C.物理网络设计 D.实施阶段 [单选题]进行交叉作业时做法正确的是( )。
A.作业现场设置专责监护人 B.上层物件未固定前,下层继续作业 C.上下抛掷工具、材料、边角余料 D.在吊物下方接料 E./ F./ G./ H./ [单选题]分部分项工程清单项目矩形柱的计量单位是( )。
A.m2 B.10m2 C.m3 D.10m3 [单项选择]玻璃电极的内参比电极是()。
A. 银电极 B. 氯化银电极 C. 铂电极 D. 银-氯化银电极 [判断题]进入密闭区域侦察时,应当在正面缓慢开启门、窗,并视情向门、窗内射水。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]利率高、风险大、容易发生违约纠纷,但却十分灵活:能弥补银行的信用不足,这种信用形式是()。
A.民间信用 B.消费信用 C.国家信用 D.商业信用 [单项选择]肾的被膜由内向外依次为()。
A. 肾筋膜、脂肪囊、纤维囊 B. 脂肪囊、纤维囊、肾筋膜 C. 肾筋膜、纤维囊、脂肪囊 D. 纤维囊、脂肪囊、肾筋膜 E. 纤维囊、肾筋膜、脂肪囊 [单选题]对于个人客户通过柜面渠道申请办理网银或手机银行签约业务的,必须使用()的认证手机号码。
A..强认证 B. 弱认证 C.面对面核实 D. 已认证 [单选题]遥控无人机着陆时,关于顺风着陆描述正确的是( )
A.进入三转弯的时机应适当延迟,转弯的角度应适当减小,使第四转弯点距着陆点的距离适当远一些 B.进入三转弯的时机应适当提前,转弯的角度应适当增大,使第四转弯点距着陆点的距离适当近一些 C.正常时机三转弯即可,四转弯点距着陆点距离远近不影响安全着陆 [单选题]有限空间作业应采用()的方式进行许可作业。
A.电话许可 B.现场许可 C.口头许可 [单项选择]勤奋和懒惰属下列哪种特性?( )
A. 气质 B. 性格 C. 能力 D. 兴趣 [不定项选择题]甲市L区居民叶某购买了住所在乙市M区的大亿公司开发的位于丙市N区的商品房一套,合同中约定双方因履行合同发生争议可以向位于丙市的仲裁委员会(丙市仅有一家仲裁机构)申请仲裁。因大亿公司迟迟未按合同约定交付房屋,叶某向仲裁委员会申请仲裁。大亿公司以仲裁机构约定不明,向仲裁委员会申请确认仲裁协议无效。经审查,仲裁委员会作出了仲裁协议有效的决定。在第一次仲裁开庭时,大亿公司声称其又向丙市中级法院请求确认仲裁协议无效,申请仲裁庭中止案件审理。在仲裁过程中仲裁庭组织调解,双方达成了调解协议,仲裁庭根据协议内容制作了裁决书。后因大亿公司不按调解协议履行义务.叶某向法院申请强制执行,而大亿公司则以调解协议内容超出仲裁请求为由,向法院申请不予执行仲裁裁决。请回答题。(2016年卷三)
大亿公司向丙市中级法院请求确认仲裁协议无效,对此,正确的做法是: 查看材料
A.丙市中级法院应予受理并进行审查 B.丙市中级法院不予受理 C.仲裁庭在法院就仲裁协议效力作出裁定之前,应当中止仲裁程序 D.仲裁庭应继续开庭审理 [简答题]什么是土地所有制的法律表现形式?
[单选题]( )连同有关的文档资料称为计算机软件。
A.数据 B.程序 C.程序和数据 D.操作系统 [单选题](JB-EG02)设备管理的目的是使设备能够( )的使用。(0.5分)
A.:不合理 B.:合理 C.:合法 D.:合情 [单选题]薄束起源于( )
A.后角边缘核 B.后角固有核 C.胸核 D.中间外侧核 E.脊神经节 [单项选择]
Starting with his review of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior, Noam Chomsky had led the psycholinguists who argue that man has developed an innate (天生的) capacity for dealing with the linguistic universals common to all languages. Experience and learning then provide only information about the (1) instances of those universal aspects of language which are needed to communicate with other people within a particular language (2) . [单项选择]When I was (at) the grocery store, I (realized) that the prices of (many items)(had been risen).
A. at B. realized C. many items D. had been risen [单项选择]Personality comes from the Latin word "persona" which means "mask". Thus, it can be said that personality is a ’ mask’ a person wears to face the world. No two persons are identical in terms of personality. A person’s tastes and ideas add to the colors of his or her personality. Effectively, personality is the outward reflection of a person’s inner self. If John is a person who likes to give to the less fortunate, people will remember him as a kind person. In a sense, personality is the colors of a person.
In the normal walk of life, we come across people who are more popular than others. Popularity is a subjective phenomenon and many a sociologist is still trying to figure out what makes for popularity. A person with a bright personality is usually more popular than a person with a dull personality, right Beautiful people are usually more popular than ugly people, right Actually, it’s hard to pinpoint (确定) what kind of personality is popular and what is unpopular. Beh A. we have to face the world with masks B. personality can be shown through one’s actions C. people’s personalities are all fixed through their life D. people’s personalities are totally different from each other [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中规定,乘坐动车组列车免费携带品的重量不超过( )千克。
A.20 B.15 C.30 D.25 [多项选择]业务过程再造的特点包括()。
A. 思维模式的彻底改变 B. 按照职能方式设计组织结构 C. 以过程为中心进行系统改造 D. 创造性地应用信息技术 [单项选择]园长管理理念是园长对幼儿园管理全过程、各要素及其关系的理性思考。幼儿园的管理主要是人的管理,要坚持以人为本的原则,要积极引进人才,努力造就人才,这是园长()的体现。
A. 法治理念 B. 人才理念 C. 公关理念 D. 服务理念 [多选题]发票的发放中,小面额发票的发放规定是:()。
A.1元、2元、5元、10元属于小面额发票 B.小面额发票提供给使用单程/应急票、一次乘车费的乘客 C.多张单程票索要发票时,不得合并票价金额后使用10元及以上大面额发票 D.5元面额发票不足时,允许使用5元面额以下的发票代替 [单项选择]转氨酶的辅酶中含有下列哪一种维生素
A. Vit B6 B. Vit B12 C. Vit C D. Vit D 我来回答: 提交