The Changjiang River is not the longest, the widest, or the most powerful river in the world. But in one sense it is the most important river, because it serves more people than any other river. In every way the Changjiang River is China’s life stream. The Changjiang River isn’t just a trade river, a high way along which goods are picked up and sent. It is an agricultural river as well. A lot of irrigation(灌溉)ditches(渠)go out from it to millions of tiny garden-size farms. There men and women work endlessly with very old hand tools-planting, watering, fertilizing, weeding, harvesting, raising the family’s food and raising the nation’s food. It begins somewhere high in the place north of Tibet, running down from a three-mile height. It goes for hundreds of miles, shouting loud through valleys. On A. the Changjiang River is the most powerful fiver in the world B. the Changjiang area provides a lot of food for many people in China C. two thirds of the Changjiang River is sunny and cheerful D. the Changjiang River is mainly a trade river [单选题]视觉信号的基本颜色红色代表()。
A.停车 B.注意或减低速度 C.按规定速度运行 D.加速 [单项选择]建设单位按照现行《建设工程文件归档整理规范》(GB/T 50328—2001)要求,将汇总的该建设工程文件档案向( )移交。
A. 建设单位档案管理机构 B. 建设行政管理部门 C. 地方城建档案管理部门 D. 施工单位档案管理部门 [单项选择]You can use your Business Telecard International at any card phone in the United Kingdom. Here is some information about making international phone calls.
You can now phone almost any country in the world, although in some cases you can only call big cities. When you cannot make direct dialing calls, you can ask the international operator to help you. This is more expensive and takes more time, but it may be helpful if you want to speak to a particular person and no one else, in this case you should ask for a "person-to-person" call. Even more expensive is a reverse charge call where the person who receives the call pays. If the international line is busy, you can reserve(留下) a call, explain the number you want and the operator will call you back when the line is free. You can save money by calling outside office hours, for example, early in the morning, late at night, and on Sundays. Remember that the time may be different in the country that you are calling. International t [多项选择]关于我国的外汇管理制度,下列选项中正确的有哪几项( )。
A. 我国对经常项目外汇和资本项目外汇实行相同的管理制度 B. 境内机构的经常项目外汇收入,必须调回境内,不得违反国家有关规定擅自存在境外 C. 境内机构的资本项目外汇收入,除国务院另有规定外,应当调回境内 D. 境内机构向境外投资,须经外汇管理审查批准 [简答题]降低粘压阻力对船型有哪些要求?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]销连接在机械中除起到( )外,还起定位和保险作用。
A.A、传动作用 B.B、固定作用 C.C、连接作用 D.D、保护作用 [单选题]患者女性50 岁。破伤风住院全身肌肉紧张性收缩阵发性痉挛。治疗的中心环节是以下哪项
A.隔离 B.应用青霉素 C.应用 TAT D.密切观察 E.应用镇静解痉药 [判断题]车站值班员接到施工调度命令后一般应在5分钟内完成核对、传达工作,遇复杂大型施工时不应超过10分钟。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()是机车、车辆和列车的运行基础。
[单项选择]一台PC通过调制解调器与另一台PC进行数据通信,其中PC属于 (1) ,调制解调器属于 (2) 。调制解调器的数据传送方式为 (3) 。
A. 输入和输出设备 B. 数据复用设备 C. 数据终端设备DTE D. 数据通信设备DCE [单选题]通过金融理论的发展、金融市场的规范、智能性的管理媒介,金融风险可以得到有效的预测和控制。这说明金融风险具有( )。
A. 扩散性 B. 加速性 C. 可管理性 D. 不确定性 [多选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统贷后管理操作实施细则》规定,对高风险行业、区域和列入不良信用内部控制名单的客户,要制定信贷退出计划,采取( )等措施退出授信业务。
A.提前收回贷款 B.到期减少授信 C.停止授信 D.诉讼 [单项选择]化脓性脑膜炎脑脊液特点正确的是()
A. 细胞计数以淋巴细胞为主 B. 外观混浊 C. 葡萄糖含量正常 D. 蛋白质明显减少 E. 表面可出现薄膜 [单选题]在自动闭塞的电气化区段,站内更换钢轨或夹板时,其钢轨导线的连接方法,必须考虑轨道电路和( )作业的要求。
A.电务 B.工务 C.车站 D.供电 [单选题]队列人员之间的距离(前一名脚跟至后一名脚尖)约( )厘米。
A.65 B.70 C.75 D.80 [判断题]水泥车属于通用货车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列属于A类火灾的是()
A.液体火灾 B.气体火灾 C.固体火灾 D.电气火灾 我来回答: 提交