Can animals have a sense of humor
Sally Blanchard, publisher of a newsletter called the Pet Bird Report, thinks a
pet parrot may have pulled her leg. That’s one explanation for the time her
African gray parrot, named Bongo Marie, seemed to feign distress at the possible
death of an Amazon parrot named Paco. It happened one day when Blanchard was making Cornish game hen for dinner. As Blanchard lifted her knife, the African gray threw back its head and said, "Oh, no! Paco!" Trying not to laugh, Blanchard said, "That’s not Paco," and showed Bongo Marie that the Amazon was alive and well. Mimicking a disappointed tone, Bongo Marie said, "Oh, no," and launched into a hoarse laugh. Was the parrot joking when it seemed to believe the other bird was a goner Did Bongo Marie comprehend Blanchard’s response Studies of African grays A. It showed sadness and deceived her. B. It shed crocodile tears intentionally. C. It pretended to understand her words. D. It burst into laughter after a distressed tone. [单选题]每个空调机组含有蒸发器的数量为( )个。
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