Is it difficult for you to get up in
the morning Yes Then Hiroyuki of Japan has a special bed for you. Hiroyuki’s
bed will get you up in the morning! The bed is connected to an alarm clock. First, the alarm clock rings. You have a few minutes to wake up. Next a tape recorder in the bed plays soft music or other pleasant sounds. The tape recorder in Hiroyuki’s then says in a sweet voice, "Wake up, darling, please. " A few minutes later, a second recording plays. The second recording can be loud A. three B. four C. five D. six [单选题]上止血带后,一般( )放松一次。
A.10~30分钟 B.30~60分钟 C.60~90分钟 D.90~120分钟 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [多项选择]左心室增大的X线表现为().
A. 后前位左室段延长,心尖下移 B. 相反搏动点上移 C. 左前斜位心后缘向后下突出,心后间隙变窄 D. 右前斜位常无明显改变 E. 侧位可见心后间隙缩小 [单项选择]国民经济可分为第一产业、第二产业和第三产业,下列行业不属于第三产业的是( )。
A. 建筑业 B. 房地产业 C. 交通运输业 D. 金融业 [单选题]职业道德规范中包括法律内容,法律条文中有道德要求,但是,二者又有一定的区别,从时间方面讲,道德与法律相比产生的( )。
A.早 B.迟 C.时间一样 D.落后 [简答题]动机水平
[单选题]防暑降温相关规定:日最高气温达到( )以上,应当停止当日室外露天作业。(1分)
A.38°C B.39°C C.40°C [简答题]为什么不能用螺母过度紧固安装件?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]万用表由表头、测量电路及( )等三个主要部分组成。
A.表笔 B.电池 C.调整电阻 D.转换开关 [单项选择]--Can he get the first prize for running --Impossible now. He ______ to do so, but he has just hurt his leg.
A. was expected B. would expect C. has expected D. is expected [单选题]造成浮艇泵不能启动引擎的原因是( )。易
A.燃料阀门在"ON"档 B.火花塞坏掉,充满油污或间距不恰当 C.引擎油量正常 D.引擎开关在"0N"档 我来回答: 提交