[单选题]单叶重是指烟叶含水量( )%时的重量。
[多项选择]进口环节关税、消费税、增值税合计为: ( )
A. 36.21万元
B. 83.66万元
C. 34.50万元
D. 28.50万元
[单项选择]根据我国的城市规模分类,中等城市的人口规模是( )。
A. 20万一50万
B. 50万一80万
C. 80万一100万
D. 100万一150万
[单选题]第一个同新中国正式建立外交关系的国家是( )。
[单选题]地面建筑坍塌事故特点不包括( )
A. 体重为2700g
B. 头围33cm
C. 前囟1.5cm
D. 胸围32cm
E. 上臂围<12.5cm
[多选题]在预报大风时间内,正线、到发线及与其无隔开设备或脱轨器线路停留的( ),须在原规定防溜措施基础上,进行防溜补强。
[单选题]华为OLT满配时最多能配( )块DTE板。
[不定项选择题]资料:Google and Uber have grabbed most of the attention regarding the advent of self-driving cars, but on Sunday, Lyft threw down the ultimate challenge: A majority of autonomous vehicles for Lyft within a mere five years.
The bold claim was made by Lyft co-founder John Zimmer in a post on Medium outlining his company's vision for the next decade.
"Within five years a fully autonomous fleet of cars will provide the majority of Lyft rides across the country," said Zimmer, indicating that early versions of such cars have been in operation in San Francisco and Phoenix.
Usually when tech founders lay out their vision, it’s typical to hear grand claims that almost push the boundaries of believability. That's what tech innovation is about. But in the case of self-driving cars, the situation is a bit more complicated.
Uber has already begun rolling out self-driving car tests in Pittsburgh and Google is hard at work on the same kind of solution on the West Coast. Therefore, talk of getting self-driving cars on the road is, at this point, less about the technology and more about logistics. We know Google has enough cash to triple down on any initiative it decides to tackle. And as the current ride-sharing leader in the U.S., Uber has enough market share-powered credibility that a future including self-driving Uber cars isn't unrealistic.
Today there are some internet-based ride sharing system but to overcome the critical mass the system has to be real-time, automated and extremely easy to use.
However in the case of Lyft, which continues to struggle against Uber (one report claims that Uber has over 80 percent market share in the U.S.), such a short timeline toward rolling out a fleet of self-driving cars seems somewhat ambitious. Nevertheless, Zimmer continues his vision essay with even more bold predictions.
"By 2025, private car ownership will all but end in major U.S. cities," says Zimmer, a prediction that, if it turns out to be true, would mean it would take just eight years for the majority of the human-driven cars on U.S. roads to disappear. Possible? Sure. Likely? Eight years seems like, once again, a bit of wishful thinking on Zimmer's part.
Remember, it hasn't even been 10 years since the arrival of the iPhone, and as recent events prove, smartphones are still a category that can yield catastrophic results if not done right. And those are just mobile devices, not vehicles entrusted with transporting and protecting human lives.
To be fair, Zimmer's essay does offer some facts and figures in an attempt to back up his positions, but much of it doesn't appear to take into account variables such as the heavily embedded interests of automobile companies still relying on consumer auto sales, as well as the many legal and roadway logistics that will need to be addressed in order to bring about this massive transformation in such a short time.
Oddly, Zimmer's vision does little to address the millions of human jobs that will be lost once self-driving cars displace not only taxi drivers, but truck drivers.
"We believe that in the first five or more years following the introduction of autonomous vehicles, the need for human drivers will actually increase, not decrease," writes Zimmer. "When autonomous cars can only solve a portion of those trips, more Lyft drivers will be needed to provide service to the growing market of former car owners," writes Zimmer.
But what about after five years, when autonomous cars can provide full service? What about the human drivers? The pushback from human drivers losing work will likely be another, major ripple in the evolution of self-driving cars, as well as other automated systems entering U.S. society in coming years.
However, none of these logistical issues diminish Zimmer's ideas. His vision of the future of autonomous vehicles seems quite logical and in step with most who work in and watch the space closely. But the speed bump in accepting his vision wholesale is his ambitious self-driving car timeline in general, and for Lyft in particular.
A.At almost unprecedented moment in history, we should reach our potential to decide whether to take the right path
B.At almost unprecedented moment in history we should reach our potential to decide whether to take decisive action
C.At almost unprecedented moment history,we should reach our potential to choose the right answers to all the problems encountered by us
D.At almost unprecedented moment in history we should our potential to realize the advent of the era of self-driving cars
[单项选择]体育教学目标功能,错误的是( )。
A. 激励功能
B. 定向功能
C. 指导功能
D. 评价功能
[多选题]CTCS-3级列控车载设备按CTCS-3级控车时的模式有 ( )、调车、休眠、隔离和待机等模式。
A. 红霉素
B. 氯霉素
C. 四环素
D. 大剂量青霉素G
E. 链霉素
A. 第四胸椎棘突下旁开1.5寸
B. 第五胸椎棘突下旁开1.5寸
C. 第七胸椎棘突下旁开1.5寸
D. 第九胸椎棘突下旁开1.5寸
[单项选择]Last summer, Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole announced a new seatbelt-use rule: all the drivers and front seat passengers will be fined if they don’’t wear seat belts after April 1989.
The (47) wouldn’’t have been necessary but for one simple fact. Even though seat belts could (48) nearly half of the deaths in fatal car accidents, 85 percent of the population simply won’’t wear them.
More than 30,000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or (49) injured each year. a (50) of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third-floor window. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it (51) your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.
(52) , drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you could be fined up to 50. It will not be up to the drivers to make sum you wear your belt. But it will be the driver’’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not (53) in the front u
A. 教长
B. 海推布
C. 穆安津
D. 宣礼员
Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
You may say that the business of marking books is going to slow down your reading. (31) probably will. That’s one of the(32) for doing it. Most of us have been taken in by the notion that speed of(33) is a measure of our intelligence. There is(34) such thing as the right(35) for intelligent reading. Some things should be(36) quickly and effortlessly, and some should be read(37) and even laboriously. The sign of intelligence(38) reading is the ability to read(39) thing differently according to their worth. In the(40) of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, {{U}}(41) how many cart you get through-bow many you can(42) your own. A few friends are(43) than a thousand acquaintances. If this be your goal, {{U}}(44) it should be, you will not be impatient if it takes more time and effort to read a great book than it(
[单选题]将血证病机概括为“火盛”及“气虚”两个方面的医学著作是 ( )
[单项选择]对磁盘进行移臂调度的目的是为了缩短( )。
A. 查找定位时间
B. 数据传送时间
C. 启动时间
D. 搜索延迟时间
[多选题]( )属于装配车间工序。
A. 盐酸烯丙吗啡
B. 谷胱甘肽
C. 二巯基丁二钠
D. 氯丙嗪
E. 亚甲蓝
A. 在注册的执业范围内,选择合理的医疗、预防、保健方案
B. 按照国务院卫生行政部门规定的标准,获得与本人执业活动相当的医疗设备基本条件
C. 从事医学研究、学术交流.参加专业学术团体
D. 参加专业培训.接受继续医学教育
E. 接受病人与家属发自内心的物质感谢
A. 0.8
B. 1.0
C. 1.1
D. 1.4
A. 潜伏期;对数期;稳定期;衰亡期
B. 迟缓期;对数期;稳定期;衰亡期
C. 预备期;增长期;稳定期;衰亡期
D. 潜伏期;增长期;稳定期;衰亡期
E. 迟缓期;增长期;稳定期;衰亡期
[判断题][T]A-H-B-001 4 1 2
A. 百分之一
B. 千分之一
C. 万分之一
D. 百分之十
E. 千分之三
[单项选择]I took the glass very carefully lest it______.
A. should damage
B. would damage
C. had damaged
D. should be damaged
A. 2.5V
B. 12V
C. 24V
D. 36V
A. 物质生产和精神生产的关系问题
B. 社会规律与人的活动的关系问题
C. 经济生活与政治生活的关系问题
D. 社会存在和社会意识的关系问题
A. 局限性瘙痒症
B. 丘疹性荨麻疹
C. 妊娠性瘙痒症
D. 妊娠疱疹
E. 疥疮
A. 警告
B. 记过
C. 警告至记大过
D. 降职