There is on question but that Newton
was a highly competent Minister of Mint. It was mainly through his efforts
(1) the English currency was put on the satisfactory basis
at a difficult time. (2) discovered a relationship between
prices and the amount of money in circulation, which (3)
later formalized in the so-called "quality (4) of money: if
the amount of currency in circulaton is doubled--other things (5)
the same--then prices also will approximately double. This is a
simple application (6) the principle that it is impossible
to get something for nothing, but apparently it took someone like Newton
to discover it. There is an obvious comparison with Copernicus, who
(7) the Polish government on currency questions and in doing so
discovered another important (8) (usually known as
Gres A. talked B. advised C. formed D. created [单项选择]病人称呼物体名称的能力丧失,但能表达如何使用该物体,这种语言障碍类型属于()
A. 运动性失语 B. 感觉性失语 C. 失写 D. 失读 E. 命名性失语 [判断题]《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位违反本法规定,被责令改正且受到罚款处罚,拒不改正的,负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门可以自作出责令改正之日的次日起,按照原处罚数额加倍处罚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]温经汤主治()
A. 脾气虚弱冲脉不固证 B. 冲任虚寒,瘀血阻滞证 C. 产后瘀血腹痛 D. 脾不统血之崩漏 E. 瘀阻胞宫证 [单项选择]肥厚型心肌病的特征为()
A. 心脏扩大为主,累及左右心室 B. 心力衰竭 C. 心肌非对称性肥厚,心室腔变小 D. 以左心受累为主,伴有不同程度的肥厚 E. 心室收缩功能减低 [填空题]A型显示超声波探伤仪各单元电路的工作是由()协调的
[单选题]防止毒物危害的最佳方法是( )
A.穿工作服 B.佩戴呼吸器具 C.使用无毒或低毒的代替品 [判断题]物质的溶解度只与溶质和溶液的性质有关,而与温度无关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]脑血栓形成患者服用阿司匹林治疗,其目的是()
A. 降低血纤维蛋白原 B. 抗动脉粥样硬化 C. 扩张血管 D. 抗血小板聚集 E. 抗自由基 [单项选择]计算和评估客户的遗产价值的作用不包括( )。
A. 可以帮助其对资产的种类和价值有一个总体的了解 B. 可以作为遗嘱的补充来规定遗产的分配方式 C. 可以使客户了解与遗产有关的税收支出 D. 遗产的种类和价值是财务策划师在选择遗产工具和策略时需要考虑的重要因素之一 [判断题]将企业拥有的房屋无偿提供给职工使用的,应当根据受益对象,将该住房每期应计提的折旧计入相关资产成本或当期损益,借记"管理费用"、"生产成本"、"制造费用"等科目,贷记"累计折旧"科目。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]利用模板快速部署虚拟机时,生成的虚拟机配置信息与模板保持一致
A.True B.False [多选题] 要正确认定违反治安管理行为人的年龄,必须掌握()
A. 按照周岁正确计算年龄 B. 认真核实年龄 C. 认定年龄应当以实施违反治安管理行为时为准 D. 认定年龄应当以实施违反治安管理行为结束时为准 [单项选择]考察投资项目建设和运营后对实现社会发展目标的作用和影响是项目社会评价的 ______特点。
A. 宏观性和长期性 B. 目标的多样性和复杂性 C. 评价指标和评价标准的差异性 D. 可持续发展性 [判断题]事故处理期间,调度系统值班人员有权拒绝回答任何与事故处理无关的询问。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]前列腺肥大介入治疗的适应证,正确的是()
A. 明确诊断良性前列腺肥大而有梗阻症状者 B. 神经源性膀胱 C. 尿道严重瘢痕狭窄者 D. 膀胱或前列腺癌患者 E. 严重的泌尿系感染者 [单选题]曲线超高顺坡,在困难条件下,可适当加大顺坡坡度,但允许速度大于120km/h的线路不应大于l/(8υmax);其他线路不应大于1/(7υmax),且不得大于2‰。( )
A.A、对 B.B、错 [判断题]熔化焊设备电网供电参数必须为或380v,50hz。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
To produce the upheaval (激变) in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid-1860s to the mid-1880s, three primary causes interacted. The (1) of a half-dozen leaders in education provided the personal force that was needed. (2) , an outcry (呐喊) for a fresher, more practical, and more advanced kind of instruction (3) among the alumni (校友) and friends of nearly all of the old colleges and grew into a movement that overrode (压倒) all (4) opposition. The aggressive "Young Yale" movement appeared, demanding partial alumni control, a more (5) spirit, and a broader course of study. The graduates of Harvard College simultaneously (6) to relieve the college’s poverty and demand new (7) . Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by (8) off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new (9) of [单选题]下列关于中国新民主主义革命表述不正确的是( )。
A.新民主主义革命是由无产阶级领导的 B.新民主主义革命性质是资产阶级民主主义革命 C.新民主主义革命性质是无产阶级社会主义革命 D.新民主主义革命与旧民主主义革命性质不同 我来回答: 提交