Imagine a city transport system 20
years into the future and jam, air quality and energy efficiency may come to
mind, but a driverless bus probably won’t. Yet bus design experts, Capoco Design
Ltd., are proposing an automated bus transport system that is economical,
frequent and green. Responsible for about 65% of UK city buses over the past 15
years, Capoco are familiar with the demands of running urban transport systems.
In 2002, Capoco commissioned a research project with the Royal College of Art,
resulting in the mobilicity project, a research venture exploring urban travel
in the future. According to Capoco, the surprising thing about a city bus is that about 60% of the framing cost is spent on the driver, There’s a drive to automate buses and therefore to halve (把……减半) the operating costs. The pods (容器)that make up Capoco’s driverless bus are d A. to run on special lanes reserved for its own B. to make the factory workers transport more comfortably C. to run harmonious along with other traffic D. to serve the airport and campus only [判断题]根据企业的质量管理水平、质量保证能力及检验检疫机构平均检验合格率等情况,检验检疫机构对出口工业产品生产企业实行分类管理。 ( )
[多选题]目前人民币假币主要有 ()。
A.机制假币 B.复印假币 C.伪造币 D.变造币 [单选题]有关行政部门在各自的职责范围内,应当()对经营者提供的商品和服务进行抽查检验,并及时向社会公布抽查检验结果。
A.定期 B.不定期 C.定期或者不定期 D.定期和不定期 [判断题]涤纶凝水站正常运行时,高位槽须上锁。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公安机关在办理治安案件时,对雇凶伤害他人的案件不适用调解处理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]开展()是加强干部人事制度改革、提高选人用人公信度和组织工作满意度的有力举措。
A. 公推公选 B. 民主直选 C. 一报告两评议 D. 两推直选 [判断题]静态安全分析的考核指标包括如下选项:软件月可用率大于98%;单个故障扫描平均处理时间不大于0.01秒;计算周期不大于15分钟。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]护士小敏先为马先生测量脉搏、呼吸,测量呼吸时小敏的手不离开诊脉部位是为了
A.保持病人体位不变 B.不被察觉,以免紧张 C.易于计时 D.对照呼吸与脉搏的频率 E.观察病人面色 [单选题]取样与动火间隔不得超过( ),如超过此间隔时间,应重新取样分析。特殊动火作业期间还应随时进行监测。
A.10分钟 B.20分钟 C.30分钟 D.60分钟 [多选题]目前常用的有线或无线传输介质有哪几项?
A.同轴电缆 B.双绞线 C.光纤 D.卫星 E.微波 [单项选择]自觉口中有咸味属于()。
A. 肾虚寒水上泛 B. 食滞不化 C. 肝气郁结 D. 肝胆火旺 E. 湿浊停滞 [单项选择]
Nowadays, more people are living closer together, and they use machines to produce leisure. As a result, they find that their leisure, and even their working hours,, become (1) by a byproduct of their machines, (2) noise. Noise is in the news; it has acquired political (3) , and public opinion is demanding, more and more (4) , that something (5) about it. [单选题] ZTF-KZH15DM型列尾控制盒版本说明界面,可以查看( )、机车台的硬件版本及软件版本。
A.控制盒 B.列尾主机 C.机车天线 D.数据转储器 [判断题]压力容器必须按国家规定进行检验,未经检验或检验不合格的严禁使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,女,57岁。宫颈癌术后第二天,护士与患者交谈中,使用的提问技巧不恰当的是
A.当患者无伤口疼痛时提问 B.提问中避免误导 C.围绕交谈目的提问 D.提问数量越多越好 E.询问中重视患者感受 [单项选择]Woman: I'm looking for a lightweight jacket,navy blue,medium… Man: Let's see. Have you checked the sales rack in the back There were still a few there yesterday. Question: What does the man mean
A. 不予理会 B. 回复短信,详情询问情况 C. 按要求给对方援助 D. 找自己的其他朋友核实一下 [多选题] 施工现场应配备必要的( )和( )。
A.医疗设备 B.药品 C.车辆 D.工器具 [单选题]导线严重过负荷,或远离保护装置的短路点烧死粘接并且保险丝太大,必然导致导线过热甚至发红,可在沿线形成( )起火点。 ( )
A.条状 B.圆形 C.方形 D.扇形 [判断题]绝缘操作杆、验电器和测量杆允许使用电压应与设备运行状况相符。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]急性淋巴细胞白血病普通型()
A. VP方案 B. DA C. 氟达拉宾 D. 信号传导抑制剂 E. 口服别嘌呤醇 [判断题]变压器不仅有变压、变流的作用,而且还有变阻抗的作用。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交