{{B}}Survey Finds Many Women Misinformed about Cancer{{/B}} Sixty-three percent of American women think that if there’s no family history of cancer, you’re not likely to develop the disease, a new survey found. In fact, most people who develop cancer have no family history of cancer, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) (美国妇产科医师学会), Which sponsored the survey. "Too many women are dying from cancer," Dr. Douglas W. Laube, ACOG’s immediate past president, said during a Friday teleconference. "An estimated 200,070 women will die in the U. S. this year, and over 600,078 women will be diagnosed with cancer. The results of this survey found a worrisome (令人担扰的) gap i [单项选择]“棱柱的一个侧面是矩形”是“棱柱为直棱柱”的()。
A. 充要条件 B. 充分但不必要条件 C. 必要但不充分条件 D. 既不充分又不必要条件 [单选题]下列哪项不属于癌前病变﹙ ﹚
A.乳腺增生病 B.结肠多发性息肉 C.皮肤慢性溃疡 D.粘膜白斑 E.鼻息肉 [单选题]拔除牙槽窝内低位断根时,根挺用力应当从
A.根断面较高的一侧插入牙槽骨与根之间 B.牙槽窝近颊侧插入牙槽骨与根之间 C.牙槽骨较厚的一侧插入牙槽骨与根之间 D.根断面较低的一侧插入牙槽骨与根之间 E.牙槽骨较薄一侧插入牙槽骨与根之间 [单项选择]防止食品中含有黄曲霉素污染的根本措施是
A. 防霉 B. 去霉 C. 去毒 D. 挑出霉粒 E. 碾压加工 [单项选择]当木材含水率在纤维饱和点以上,只是()的增减发生变化时,木材的体积不发生变化。
A. 化合水 B. 结合水 C. 吸附水 D. 自由水 [填空题]半殖民地半封建中国社会的主要矛盾是()的矛盾。
[单选题]根据《两高司法解释》(法释[2015]22号),发生安全事故造成死亡一人以上三人以下,或者重伤三人以上十人以下的,对相关责任人员,处( )年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单选题]用于防治肝性脑病的营养制剂是( )
A.匀浆膳 B.要素饮食 C.大分子聚合物 D.高支链氨基酸配方 E.必需氨基酸配方 [单选题]E-M-001 4 2 3
《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》第4.2.6条规定:综合检测列车检查报告,检查发现( )级及以上偏差或车辆动力学指标超限时,检测单位应立即通知铁路局。 A.Ⅰ B.Ⅱ C.Ⅲ D.Ⅳ [判断题]自燃物质是指与空气接触不需外部热源便自行发热而燃烧的物质。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在客户对价格十分敏感的情况下,竞争基本上是在价格上展开的,此时()特别奏效。
A. 低价格策略 B. 成本领先战略 C. 情感营销策略 D. 服务营销策略 [简答题]某建筑工程,总承包单位将地基与基础分部工程分包给某基础工程公司。业主委托某监理公司进行施工监理,监理规划和具体工作如下: (1)该工程的施工质量验收按《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》及有关专业验收规范进行。 (2)施工中,各检验批的质量验收记录由施工单位专业质量检查员填写,专业监理工程师组织项目专业质量检查员验收。 (3)各分项工程的质量由专业监理工程师组织施工单位专业质量检查员进行验收。地基与基础分部工程完成后,由总承包单位对工程质量进行评定,由专业监理工程师组织施工单位项目负责人和技术、质量负责人进行了验收。 (4)建筑电气分部工程的质量由总监理工程师组织施工单位项目经理等有关人员进行了验收。 (5)单位工程完成后,由施工单位进行竣工预验收,并向建设单位报送了工程竣工报验单。建设单位组织勘察、设计、施工、监理等单位有关人员对单位工程质量进行了验收,并由各方签署了工程竣工报告。问题 1.以上各条做法是否妥当如不妥,请指出不妥之处,并改正。 2.工程竣工初步验收由谁组织主要审查工程应符合哪些方面的要求
A.美观清洁 B.稳固可靠 C.转动灵活 D.制动可靠 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]公平正义是社会主义和谐社会的内涵之一,公平正义是指( )
A. 社会各方面积极因素得到广泛调动 B. 社会各方面的利益关系得到妥善协调 C. 人民内部矛盾和其他社会矛盾得到正确处理 D. 社会公平和正义得到切实维护和实现 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Giant Structures
It is an impossible task to select the most amazing wonders of the modern world since every year more______(1)constructions appear. Here are three giant structures which are worthy of our admiration______(2)they may have been surpassed by some more recent wonders. The Petronas Twin Towers The Petronas Towers were the tallest buildings in the world when they were completed in 1999.______(3)a height of 452 metres,the tall twin towers,like two thin pencils,dominate the city of Kuala Lumpur. At the 41st floor,the towers are______(4)by a bridge,symbolizing a gateway to the city. The American architect Cesar Pelli designed the skyscrapers. Constructed of high-strength concrete,the building______(5)around 1,800 square metres of office space on every floor. And it has a shopping centre and a concert hall at the base.Other______(6)of this impressive building include double-decker lifts,and glass and steel sunshades. The Millau Bridge The Millau Bridge was opened in 2004 in the Tarn Valley,in southern France. At the ______(7)it was built,it was the world,5 highest bridge,______(8)over 340m at the highest point. The bridge is described as one of the most amazingly beautiful bridges in the world. It was built to ________ (9) Millau's congestion(拥堵)problems. The congestion was then caused by traffic passing from Paris to Barcelona in Spain. The bridge was built to with-stand the______(10) extreme seismic(地震的)and climatic conditions. Besides , it is guar- anteed for 120 years! The Itaipu Dam The Itaipu hydroelectric power plant is one of the largest constructions of its kind in the world. It______(11)of a series of dams across the River Parana,______(12)forms a natural border between Brazil and Paraguay. Started in 1975 and taking 16 years to complete, the construction was carried out as a joint project between the two______(13).The dam is well-known for both its electricity output and its size. In 1995 it produced 78% of Paraguay's and 25% Of Brazil's______(14)needs. In its construction,the amount of iron and steel used was equivalent to over 300 Eiffel Towers.It is a______(15)amazing wonder of engineering. 6._________ A.features B.types C.tasks D.roles [多选题]某商业企业(一般纳税人企业)以不收取手续费方式代售商品一批,该商品适用增值税税率为13%,接受价为180 000元,售价为200 000元(不含增值税),采用售价金额法核算。当月将该批商品全部售出,收到银行存款226 000元,并收到委托方开具的增值税专用发票一张,注明价款180 000元,增值税23 400元,款项未付。下列关于结转该批代销商品成本所作的会计分录中,正确的有( )。
A.借:主营业务成本 200 000
贷:受托代销商品 200 000
B.借:主营业务成本 200 000
贷:库存商品 200 000
C.借:主营业务成本 180 000
A. 贷:库存商品 180 000 B.借:主营业务成本 180 000 C. 贷:受托代销商品 180 000 D.借:商品进销差价 20 000 E. 贷:主营业务成本 20 000 [填空题]绝缘电阻表倾斜影响时,工作位置向任意方向倾斜 ,其指示值的改变不应超过基本误差极限值的50%。
A. 草绿色链球菌 B. 厌氧菌 C. 肺炎链球菌 D. 金黄色葡萄球菌 E. 铜绿假单胞菌 [单选题]气源系统中Pr压力信号用于( )
A.输送到BMC计算机用于ECAM指示 B.监控PRV(引气压力调节活门) C.监控HPV(高压活门) D.监控风扇空气活门 [单选题]Pratt 试验的目的是检查
A.大隐静脉有无阻塞 B.深静脉有无阻塞 C.大隐静脉瓣膜功能 D.小隐静脉瓣膜功能 E.交通静脉瓣膜功能 [单选题]党和国家的各项工作都要把有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力,有利于增强( ),有利于提高人民的生活水平,作为总的出发点和检验标准。(《党章》总纲第9段)
A..社会主义国家的综合国力 B..社会主义国家的经济实力 C..社会主义国家的国家安全 [单选题]对在消防工作中有突出贡献的单位和个人,应当按照国家有关规定给予()
A.鼓励 B.表彰和奖励 C.表扬 我来回答: 提交