The blue, mystic Lake Ellsinore lies in
an inland California valley, which is teeming and steaming with hot springs.
Rimmed by shaggy mountains whose forested crests are reflected in its clear
waters, Lake Ellsinore is the very personification of peace--but on it rests the
curse of Tondo. The lake had a colorful history. Much of it lies buried in legend, and it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. There have been stories of underground volcanoes on the lake bottom, erupting, killing fish and discoloring the water. There have been stories of a playful sea serpent that lived in its depths. Long noted for its scenic beauty and health-giving waters, the lake was a famous resort in the Nineties. But long before the first white man had set foot along the shore of the lake, this part of California had been the home of the Sobo A. It is considered by legend to be rich in gold. B. It was once famous as a beautiful resort. C. It is located in a volcanic crater in California. D. It used to be the center of a mining village. [单项选择]女孩12岁,能量摄入量为2000kcal,蛋白质提供的能量占总热能的13%,脂肪占27%蛋白质的摄入量(g)应是()
A. 65 B. 76 C. 80 D. 83 E. 90 [单项选择]以下除哪项外,为心血虚证的辨证依据()
A. 失眠多梦 B. 血虚症状 C. 健忘 D. 心悸 E. 心烦 [单项选择]RIA的标记物是()
A. 竞争抑制性结合 B. 非竞争性结合 C. 抗原 D. 单克隆抗体 E. 多克隆抗体 [单项选择]关于药物对医学检查指标的影响应用对氨基水杨酸钠、硝酸甘油等可引起
A. 中性粒细胞减少 B. 嗜酸性、嗜碱性粒细胞均减少 C. 白细胞减少 D. 血红蛋白量增多 E. 血小板减少 [单选题]车辆乘务员、机车司机须使用以下规范用语进行呼唤应答:限速运行时,车辆乘务员(呼叫):××××次司机,我是本列车辆乘务员,机后××车辆发生热轴,请按时速60公里(时速30公里)运行至( )停车。
A.终点站 B.前方站 C.前方停车站 D.有客列检站 [单选题]同一轨道电路的两钢轨绝缘应并列安装,不能并列安装时,错开的距离(死区段)不宜大于()。
A.1.8m B.2.0m C.2.2m D.2.5m [判断题]以客车底编组的列车,不得编挂关门车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我国某企业在海外投资了一个全资子公司。该子公司在将所获得的利润汇回国内时,其东道国实行了严格的外汇管制,该子公司无法将所获得的利润如期汇回。此种情形说明该企业承受了( )。
A.转移风险 B.主权风险 C.投资风险 D.系统风险 [多项选择]各级报告人须保证上报信息的哪些特征,保证全面客观地反映投诉内容和客户感知()
A. 及时性 B. 通畅性 C. 有效性 D. 准确性 [单项选择]在间脑中间有一矢状裂隙为()
A. 蛛网膜下隙 B. 第四脑室 C. 第三脑室 D. 侧脑室 E. 内囊 [单项选择]运动再学习治疗原理叙述不正确的是()
A. 许多运动程序是遗传赋予的 B. 运动训练本身有助于改善患者的感知觉 C. 本体感觉和触觉缺陷是卒中预后不良的指征 D. 动机、意志等在动作技巧的形成和改善中起主导作用 E. 通过明确目标,视听反馈和指导,患者将学到有效的运动 [填空题]我们可以为系统中任何项目创建快捷方式,如文件夹、磁盘、( )、打印机等其他计算机资源。
[单选题]不锈钢组合式集尘器质量保证期是( )
A.6年 B.8年 C.9年 D.12年 [单选题] 过热蒸汽温度和饱和温度之差叫做() "
A.过热热 B.过饱和热 C.过热度 D.热度" [单项选择]对符合条件的培训机构培训的从事服务外包业务人才(大专以上学历),通过服务外包专业知识和技能培训考核,并与服务外包企业签订1年期以上劳动合同的,给予培训机构每人不超过多少元的培训支持。()
A. 300 B. 500 C. 800 D. 1000 [判断题]行泪囊鼻腔吻合术前,欲了解泪囊大小,必须作泪囊造影()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]排水铸铁管安装中,排水管材通常用( )切断。
A. 钢锯切割 B. 切管机切割 C. 砂轮机切割 D. 气焊切割 [单项选择]《假面的告白》中体现了浓厚的()文化。
A. 古印度 B. 古希腊 C. 古埃及 D. 中国 [单选题]夏天自来水管管壁大量“出汗”,这说明( )。
A.自来水管管内的水渗漏了 B.空气中水蒸气含量较低 C.这一天将会晴空万里 D.空气的湿度较大 [单选题]当凿子凿到另一头时,应调头凿削,否则会产生( )现象。
A.过深 B.过削 C.崩角 D.断凿 [填空题]患者测口温时应闭口用鼻呼吸,并在()后取出。
A. 组织火场供水 B. 保护钢结构 C. 阻止火势蔓延 D. 搜索有无人员 [单项选择]
Historians have only recently begun to note the increase in demand for luxury goods and services that took place in eighteenth-century England. MeKendrick has explored the Wedgewood Firm’s remarkable success in marketing luxury pottery. Plumb has written about the proliferation of provincial theaters, musical festivals and children’ s toys and books. While the feat of this consumer revolution is hardly in doubt, three key questions remain : Who were the consumers What were their motives And what were the effects of the new demand for luxuries [单项选择]()旅客不适合坐在出口位置。
A. 不能迅速到达应急出口 B. 在滑梯展开后不能稳定该滑梯 C. 不能帮助其他人用滑梯离开 D. 以上都是 [判断题]发电厂厂级信息监控系统等业务系统应当逐步采用用户数字证书技术。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The single most shattering statistic about life in America in the late 1990s was that tobacco killed more people than the combined total of those who died from AIDS, car accidents, alcohol, murder, suicide, illegal drugs and fire. The deaths of more than 400, 000 Americans each year, 160, 000 of them from lung cancer, make a strong case for the prohibition of tobacco, and particularly of cigarettes. The case, backed by solid evidence, has been made in every public arena since the early 1950s, when the first convincing link between smoking and cancer was established in clinical and epidemiological studies—yet 50 million Americans still go on smoking. tobacco-related illness. It is a remarkable story, clearly told, astonishingly well documented and with a transparent moral motif.
Most smokers in America eventually manage to quit, and local laws banning smoking in public have become common, but the industry prospers. The tobacco companies have survived virtually everything their opp [多项选择]根据《注册造价工程师管理办法》的规定,对于申请注册造价工程师不予注册的情形包括( )。
A. 不具有完全民事行为能力的 B. 未达到造价工程师继续教育合格标准的 C. 受刑事处罚,刑事处罚尚未执行完毕的 D. 被吊销注册证书,自被处罚决定之日起至申请之日止满4年的 E. 因工程造价业务活动受刑事处罚,自刑事处罚执行完毕之日起至申请注册之日止满6年的 [多选题]提高装备操作使用能力,对所属装备,干部要( )。
A.熟悉基本性能 B.熟悉数质量情况 C.熟悉日常管理制度 D.熟悉操作程序 我来回答: 提交