{{B}}Text{{/B}} {{U}} (9) {{/U}}a vacation spot that{{U}} (10) {{/U}}the excitement of a bustling city with the{{U}} (11) {{/U}}of an island paradise Then consider Auckland, New Zealand. About 11 hours from Southeast Asia, this city is sandwiched{{U}} (12) {{/U}}two harbors on New Zealand’ s North Island. Auckland is becoming more famous all over the world for its{{U}} (13) {{/U}}quality of life. And if you don’ t have a lot of{{U}} (14) {{/U}}time, don’ t worry. You can{{U}} (15) {{/U}}much of this city in just two days. Start your first day in downtown Auckland. Go to Queen Street and try{{U}} (16) {{/U}}the Sky Tower. {{U}} (17) {{/U}}328 meters, it’ s the tallest structure in{{U}} (18) {{/U}}Southern Hemisphere. Inside the tower A. transmitted B. transported C. transformed D. translated [单项选择]筏板基础及箱形基础施工前,如地下水位较高,可采用人工降低地下水位至基坑底以下不少于( ),以保证在无水情况下进行基坑开挖和基础施工。
A. 200mm B. 300mm C. 500mm D. 1000mm [单选题] 电力机车在有接触网终点的线路上调车时,应控制速度,距接触网终点标应有()的安全距离。
A.10m B.20m C.30m D.40m [判断题]对于瓦斯涌出量大的煤层或采空区,在采用通风方法处理瓦斯不合理时,应采取瓦斯抽放措施。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Every profession or trade, every art, and every science has its technical vocabulary, the function of 【B1】 is partly to 【B2】 things or processes with no names in ordinary English, and partly to secure greater exactness in terminology. 【B3】 , they save time, for it is much more 【B4】 to name a process than describe it. Thousands of these technical terms are very 【B5】 included in every large dictionary, yet, as a whole, they are rather 【B6】 the outskirts of the English language than actually within its borders.
Different occupations, however, differ 【B7】 in their special vocabularies. It 【B8】 largely of native words, or of borrowed words that have 【B9】 themselves into the very fibre of our language. 【B10】 . though highly technical in many details, these vocabularies are more familiar in sound, and more generally 【B11】 . than most other technical terms. 【B12】 every vocation still possesses a large 【B13】 of technical terms that remain essentially foreign, even 【B14】 educated people
A. A.though B.when C.as D.since [单项选择]多发性抽搐症的发病与哪三脏关系最为密切()
A. 心肝肾 B. 肺肝肾 C. 肝脾肾 D. 心脾肾 E. 心肺肾 [单项选择]我国内资某建筑公司在境内承包一项建筑工程,取得工程价1500万元,建设一幢办公楼自用,价值1000万元,在A国承包一项建筑工程,取得工程价款6000万元。该公司上述业务应纳营业税( )万元。
A. 75 B. 45 C. 93 D. 21 [单项选择]寄生:是指一种生物长期或暂时生活在另一种生物的体内或体表,并从后者那里吸取营养物质来维持其生活的一种种间关系。
根据以上定义,下列属于寄生关系的是( )。 A. 蘑菇、香菇、木耳、银耳、猴头、灵芝等大都生活在枯死的树枝、树根上或富含有机物的地方 B. 小丑鱼居住在海葵的触手之间,这些鱼可以使海葵免于被其他鱼类食用,而海葵有刺细胞的触手,可使小丑鱼免于被掠食,而小丑鱼本身则会分泌一种黏液在身体表面,保护自己不被海葵伤害 C. 印首鱼会利用头部的吸盘状构造,吸附在其他的鱼类表面,但是不造成伤害,藉着被附着的个体的活动而行于水中 D. 赤眼蜂把卵产在螟虫的卵内,孵化出的幼虫以螟虫的卯为食,而导致螟虫死亡 [判断题]筒拱施工人员传砖时,要搭设脚手架,站人的脚手板宽度不应小于20mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]导体的连接头要求连接牢固,温升和电阻值不得大于同等长度线芯导体的数值。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交