The Xinhua bookstore chain, China’s
largest official publishing enterprise, has become a surprising flash point for
interest among foreign venture capital investors. "We are actively promoting the process of shareholding reform. Everyday, we receive lots of offers from domestic and foreign investors interested in getting involved and may pick one or two to do so in the next two to three months," Zhang Yashan, the leading cadre of the head store’s office said. According to a company insider who requested anonymity, several securities firms are overseeing Xinhua bookstore’s reform and the company could list on the domestic stock market once reforms are reported to the government in May and then completed. The source would not reveal the specific names of the firms involved or details of the reform. "We will stipulate that we must remain the m A. Energetic. B. Excited. C. Alien. D. Native. [单选题]空压机是高速转动机械,靠油泵将油注入轴承使轴颈与轴瓦之间变为( )摩擦。
A.直接; B.间接; C.液体; D.气体。 [单选题]《功夫熊猫》的热映说明“中国元素”已不仅仅只是好莱坞电影中的( ),它甚至已经成好莱坞电影导演的灵感来源。片中“功夫”和“熊猫”两个主要元素都来自中国文化,而猴王、老虎、螳螂、毒蛇、丹顶鹤等五大高手更是把中国功夫中的轻功演绎得( )。填入括号部分最恰当的一项是:
A.点缀 惟妙惟肖 B.卖点 栩栩如生 C.陪衬 精妙绝伦 D.题材 活灵活现 [判断题]某生产区域生产布局:前工序→货店→后工序(前工序生产往货店补充,后工序生产从货店领取),货店大小主要取决于前工序生产方式(生产单位大小),次要取决于后工序搬运频次(搬运单位大小)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列现象中,其本质与其他三个现象的本质不同的现象是( )
A. 在水平操场上滚动的足球,最终要停下来 B. 人走路被石头绊倒会向前倾倒 C. 锤头松了,把锤柄的一端在物体上撞击几下,锤头就能紧套在锤柄上 D. 子弹从枪膛里射出后,虽然不再受到火药的推力,但是仍然向前运动 [单选题]19.关于慢性呼吸衰竭的机械通气指征,下列不正确的是
A..PaO2小于45mmHg B..有较大呕吐反吸的可能性 C..意识障碍,呼吸不规则 D..呼吸道分泌物多,有排痰障碍 E..pH7.30,PaCO260mmHg [单选题]使用绝缘电阻表测量高压设备绝缘,应由()进行。
A.一人 B.两人 C.三人 D.四人 [单选题]坚持党的绝对领导是公安工作的根本政治原则,是党对公安工作的根本( )要求。
A.政治 B.思想 C.组织 D.队伍 [单项选择]下列哪种疾病与HLA分子无关()
A. 强直性脊柱炎 B. 1型糖尿病 C. 多发性硬化症 D. 新生儿溶血症 E. 系统性硬化症 我来回答: 提交