A total of 4.6 million digital
televisions have been sold, and the sales of HDTV sets have quadrupled since
last year. Consumers have bought HDTVs to play their DVDs and to have clearer
pictures and wide screens. Only a small percentage of the people who have
purchased HDTVs, however, have actually {{U}}hooked their TVs up{{/U}} to receive
high-definition television digital signals. Perhaps television viewers are
having trouble keeping up with the changes in technology. Even the manufacturers
of HDTVs, like Mitsubishi, Thomson Multimedia, Sony, and Samsung seem to have a
tough time learning how to make their sets work with the various digital TV
formats because little standardization has been required or implemented in the
industry. Some of the HDTVs Weigh over 200 lbs., and a variety of retailers offer a delivery service to the buyer’s home to help A. 4.6 million B. 9.2 million C. 18.4 million D. I do not know how many [多选题]各银行和支付机构应密切关注电信网络新型违法犯罪可疑资金特征,对具有( )等可疑交易特征的账户应认真开展核实。
A.小额交易试探 B.账户资金快进快出 C.集中转入分散转出 D.短期内账户频繁交易 [单选题]如果一个以太网与一个帧中继网互连,应该选择的互连设备是().
A.A:中继器 B.B:网桥 C.C:路由器 D.D:集线器 [多项选择]13岁小儿麻痹遗有马蹄内翻畸形,联合手术可采用().
A. 跟腱延长术 B. 胫前肌外移术 C. 跖筋膜切断术 D. 三关节固定术 E. 伸肌止点后移术 [判断题]一级化学防护服装的重量应≤8㎏。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]干预变量有哪几种?
[单选题]深入开展安全隐患排查整治,全面抓好( ),从源头治起、从细处抓起、从短板补起,筑牢防线,守住底线,不放过任何一个漏洞,不丢掉任何一个盲点,不留下任何一个隐患。
A.安全生产责任制 B.安全管理责任制 C.安全监管责任制 D.安全经营责任制 [判断题]高处作业使用的脚手架不需验收即可使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]表单的提交方式有()
A.1种 B.2种 C.3种 D.4种 [简答题]小组讨论时有的同学不讨论,随意讲话,你怎么办?
[单选题] 某日早上6时,冉某驾驶一辆大客车出发,连续行驶至上午11时,在宣汉县境内宣南路1公里处,坠于公路一侧垂直高度8.5米的陡坎下,造成13人死亡、9人受伤。冉某的主要违法行为是什么?
A.超速行驶 B.不按交通标线行驶 C.客车超员 D.疲劳驾驶 [单项选择]导致Meckel憩室显像假阳性的原因()
A. 阑尾炎 B. 憩室内炎症 C. 异位胃粘膜壁细胞数量少 D. 异位胃粘膜壁细胞坏死 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]【安全技术等级考试输电线路专业五级判断题】15按规定,安全带使用 两年后,按批量购入情况,应抽验一次
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交