An expert system is a software that (41) specialist knowledge-about a particular domain of (42) and is capable of making (43) decisions with in that domain. Although expert systems typically focus on a very narrow domain, they have achieved dramatic success with (44) problems, This has excited wide spread interest outside the research laboratories from which they emerged.
Expert systems have given rise to a set of "knowledge engineering" methods constituting a new approach to design of high performance software system. This new approach represents an (45) change with revolutionary consequences.
Hack{{/B}} The first big-name hackers include Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds, all now highly recognizable names behind many of the computer technologies used today. These early hackers had a love of technology and a compelling need to know how it all worked, and their goal was to push programs beyond what they were designed to do. Back then, the word “hacker” didn’t have the negative connotation it has today. The original hacker ethic, rooted out of simple curiosity and a need to be challenged, appears to be dead. The objectives of early hackers are a far cry from the goals of today’s hacker. The motivation of the new breed of hackers appears not to be curiosity, or a hunger for knowledge, as it used to be. Instead, most of today’s hackers are driven by A. highly recognizable names behind many of the computer technologies used today B. the negative connotation of those computer users C. a game, employing the tools that are readily available via the Internet D. People who break into computer systems [单选题]飞机转弯的向心力是
A.飞机的拉力 B.方向舵上产生的气动力 C.飞机升力的水平分力 [单选题]刑罚执行完毕或者赦免以后,在任何时候再犯某类犯罪的,都以累犯论处,此类犯罪不包括()。
A.邪教组织犯罪 B.恐怖活动犯罪 C.危害国家安全犯罪 D.黑社会性质的组织犯罪 [判断题]为达到降低左右方向振动的目的,横向减振器被安装在中心销和转向架构架的纵向梁之间。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 作业人员在带电盘、柜内安装设备时,应当采取()安全措施。 "
A.妳穿工作服 B.系安全带 C.穿绝缘鞋或站在绝缘垫上 D.使用绝缘工具 E. 整个过程应有专人监护" [单选题]001 4 2 3
按一下车床锁住按钮,指示灯亮,表示“车床锁住”机能有效,此时车床刀架不能移动,也就是车床进给不能执行,但( )的执行按正常情况显示。 A.系统 B.程序 C.图形 D.状态 [单选题]党员自觉遵守党的纪律,首先是( ),模范遵守国家的法律法规,严格保守党和国家的秘密,执行党的决定,服从组织分配,积极完成党的任务。 ·
A.党的廉政纪律 B.党的政治纪律和政治规矩 C.党的组织纪律 [单选题]阑尾脓肿消散后,下一步应采取
A.停用抗菌药物 B.继续应用抗菌药物 C.择期阑尾切除 D.动员病人出院休息 E.定期X线拍片检查 [单项选择]下调利率对投资的影响,表现为投资相对( )。
A. 稳定 B. 下降 C. 上升 D. 波动 [单选题]患者男性,70岁,长期吸烟,2个月来声音嘶哑,痰中带血,低热乏力,少量黏痰,血象正常,曾有结核病接触史,胸部x线检查左肺上野有一直径3cm密度较高的球形阴影,最可能的诊断是( )
A.结核瘤 B.炎性假瘤 C.原发型中心性肺癌 D.错构瘤 E.淋巴瘤 [多项选择]医院感染中宿主方面的危险因素:()
A. 年龄 B. 恶性肿瘤 C. 昏迷病人 D. 气管切开 E. 透析 [判断题]航管一次雷达是在天气复杂情况下才使用的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列基础相关构造类型代号说法正确的有()。
A. 后浇带HJD B. 基础联系梁JLL C. 基坑JK D. 上柱墩SZD [多选题]下列关于税负转嫁的表述,正确的有( )。
A.税负转嫁筹划不存在法律上的问题 B.税负转嫁筹划主要依靠价格变动来实现 C.税负转嫁不影响国家税收收入 D.税负转嫁有可能造成国家财政收入的减少 E.商品的供求弹性将直接影响转嫁的程度和方向 [单选题]不同单位的消防救援人员在共同执行任务时,通常由上级指定负责人领导和指挥;未指定负责人的,由()的负责领导和指挥。
A. 行政职务低 B. 行政职务高 C. 消防救援衔低 D. 消防救援衔高 [单项选择]家兔消化道内能消化大量植物纤维的部位是().
A. 食管 B. 胃 C. 小肠 D. 盲肠 [单选题]BA03 进行高压验电时,在户内必须戴符合耐压要求的绝缘手套,在户外还应( );不可一人单独验电,身旁要有人监护。
A.站在绝缘垫上 B.与带电体保持安全距离 C.穿绝缘靴 D.佩戴护目镜 我来回答: 提交