If you are a tourist interested in
seeing a baseball game while in New York, you can find out which of its teams
are in town simply by sending a message to AskForCents. com. In a few minutes,
the answer comes back, apparently supplied by a machine, but actually composed
by a human. Using humans to process information in a machine-like way is not
new: it was pioneered by the Mechanical Turk, a famed 18th-century chess-playing
machine that was operated by a hidden chessmaster. But while computers have
since surpassed the human brain at chess, many tasks still baffle even the most
powerful electronic brain. For instance, computers can find you a baseball schedule, but they cannot tell you directly if the Yankees are in town. Nor can they tell you whether sitting in the bleachers is a good idea on a first date. AskForCents can, because i A. Turk has very strong software infrastructure developing potentials. B. its previous model has laid a solid foundation for an extension. C. its system is based on artificial artificial intelligentce. D. Turk is profitably adaptive to almost any software infrastructure. [判断题]铁路职业道德是一个包括铁路所有部门和工种职业道德的内涵丰富的体系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]前列腺增生可导致下列变化,除外
A. 前列腺尿道弯曲 B. 前列腺尿道伸长 C. 前列腺尿道受压变窄 D. 精阜下移接近外括约肌 E. 膀胱颈平滑肌松弛 [多选题]消防安全重点单位,是指发生火灾可能造成 ( ) 的单位。
A.经济效益下降 B.重大人员伤亡 C.重大财产损失 D.重大社会影响 [判断题]跨区域增援力量达到增援地后,主战车辆装备维护,除增援队伍遂行技术力量外,增援地应主动提供保障支持。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] ( )运算放大器是集成电路的一种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于着陆构型测试,以下哪种说法不正确:
A.只能当飞机在地面时进行着陆构型测试 B.通过P61板上的CONFIG电门测试 C.减速板手柄超过预位位置是测试条件之一 D.襟翼放25单位是测试条件之一 [单选题]当发现配电箱、电表箱箱体带电时,应( ),查明带电原因,并作相应处理。
A.A-检查接地装置 B.B-断开上一级电源 C.C-通知用户停电 D.D-先接地 [填空题]2号线综合监控系统与整合UPS系统之间的接口类型为( )接口。
[单选题] 抖动是一个数字信号的有效瞬时在时间上偏离其理想位置的()、()的偏离 (2分) 查看答案
A.短期的、非累积的 B.长期的、非累积的 C.短期的、累积的 D.长期的、累积的 [单项选择]建市[2003]86号规定,工程项目施工应建立以( )为首的生产经营管理系统。
A. 总承包商 B. 项目总工程师 C. 业主 D. 项目经理 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}} Does using a word processor affect a writer’s style The medium usually does do something to the message after all, even if Marshall McLuhan’s claim that the medium simply is the message has been heard and largely forgotten now. The question matters. Ray Hammond, in his excellent guide The Writer and the Word Processor, predicts that over half the professional writers in Britain and the USA will be using word processors by the end of 1985. The best-known recruit is Len Deighton, from as long ago as 1968, though most users have only started since the microcomputer boom began in 1980. Ironically word processing is in some ways psychologically more like writing in rough than typing, since it restores fluidity and provisionality to the text. The typist’s dread of having to get out the Tippex, the scissors and paste, or of redoing the whole thing if he has any substantial second thoughts, can make him consistently A. a feeling of distance between a writer and his or her work B. the illusion that you are the servant of the machine C. a sensation of power D. a reluctance in the author to express him or herself [判断题]《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》要求:作业人员应具备必要的信息专业知识,掌握信息专业工作技能,且按工作性质,熟悉《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》的相关部分,即可参加工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]铁路行车有关人员在执行职务时,必须讲普通话。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于网织红细胞的描述,下列哪项错误?
A. 是一种未完全成熟的红细胞 B. 占成人外周血红细胞总数的0.5%~1.5% C. 较成熟红细胞大,用Wright染色易与成熟红细胞相区分 D. 能合成少量血红蛋白 [单选题]超声波在两个相互垂直平面构成的直角内反射称为()。
A.端角透射 B.传播变化 C.端角反射 D.直角转换 [判断题]客车给水站给水设备的能力,应满足同一时间最高聚集客车辆数的给水需要。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]属于裱糊类墙体饰面的是( )。
A.抹灰饰面 B.刷浆饰面 C.壁纸饰面 D.木质饰面 [判断题]对于财政政策的调控效应来说,当LM曲线为水平线或IS曲线为垂直线时,财政的产出效应最大,挤出效应为零。
A.垂直 B.横向 C.纵向 D.弹性 我来回答: 提交