My son, Johnny, opened a new
restaurant, and on the opening day I helped out in the kitchen. By mid-morning,
I noticed that the cakes we had ordered hadn’t come. Johnny and I decided not to
tell it to anyone else, hoping that the cakes would arrive soon. They still hadn’t come when, just before noon, a man eating in our restaurant wanted a cake. I suggested that I run to the bakery next door to get some, and Johnny readily agreed. Going out of our back door, I knocked on the back door of the bakery and bought a few from the baker’s helper. That cake was the only one we sold all day. After closing, Johnny and I sat discussing things with my daughter, who had been out from serving. "An interesting thing happened just before noon," she said. "The owner of the bakery next doo A. the baker next door came to help with the opening B. the new restaurant did not prepare all its foods C. the son and the daughter served at the tables D. the customers enjoyed the cakes very much [简答题]室性期前收缩的心电图特点。
A. 打印机 B. 显示器 C. 鼠标器 D. 绘图仪 [单项选择]线路中断,旅客自行绕道按()办理。
A. 实际径路 B. 指定径路 C. 变径 D. 近径路 [单项选择]2008年在青岛海域形成绿潮灾害的绿潮藻为()。
A. 浒苔 B. 石莼 C. 角叉菜 D. 蜈蚣藻 [多选题]消防救援人员必须( )。发挥党委的领导核心作用、党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用。
A.增强“四个意识” B.坚定 “四个自信” C.坚定 “两个维护” [多选题](),超长列车头部越过发车进路信号机而未压上轨道绝缘节发车时,行车凭证为发车进路信号机显示的允许运行的信号。
A.电话闭塞区段 B.自动闭塞区段 C.自动站间闭塞区段 D.半自动闭塞区段 [填空题]机车牵引电动机采用悬挂方式( ),机车最大运用速度不超过( )。
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