There are a number of formats for
reporting research, such as articles to appear in journals, reports addressed to
funding agencies, theses or dissertations as part of the requirements for
university degrees, and papers to be presented at conferences. These formats
differ from one another mostly in their purposes and the audiences which they
address. We will now briefly describe them. The journal article is a way of reporting research for professional journals or edited collections- The research is reported in a brief, yet informative way, focusing mostly on the main features of the research such as the purpose, review of the literature (often referred to as ’background’), procedures used for carrying out the research accompanied by tables, charts, and graphs, and interpretations of the results (often referred to as ’discussion’ A. their writing style and length B. their aims and possible audiences C. their presented places and time D. their content and purposes [单选题]事故发生后,在警戒区边界要实施不间断的检测,以确保警戒区的( )。
A.实用性 B.有效性 C.目的性 D.观赏性 [单选题]肺动脉压的正常值是:
A.15~28/5~14mmHg B.15~38/5~14mmHg C.15~38/10~24mmHg D.15~28/10~24mmHg [单选题]甲将受贿所得的名人字画一幅以10万元的价格卖给得知真相的乙。乙的行为( )。
A.构成窝藏罪 B.构成受贿罪 C.构成洗钱罪 D.不构成犯罪 [单项选择]研究船体在水中航行受黏性阻力的实验,其模型设计应采用:()
A. 雷诺准则 B. 弗劳德准则 C. 韦伯准则 D. 马赫准则 [单项选择] The Most Effective "Vaccine"
China began work related to the research, prevention and control of AIDS after the first AIDS patient was diagnosed in 1985:
In 1986, the State Commission on AIDS Control was founded.
In 1987, the State formulated the program on the prevention and control of AIDS.
In 1990, the Ministry of Health worked out a medium-term plan on the prevention and control of AIDS, which was composed of a state general plan and 13 provincial-level plans.
In December 1994, at the world anti-AIDS summit, the Chinese Government signed the Paris Declaration on the control of AIDS, making its own commitment to support global AIDS prevention and control work.
In 1995, the Ministry of Health put forth several key measures on the prevention of AIDS and the focal points for future AIDS prevention and control work.
In 1996, the State treasury began to appropriate special funds for AIDS prevention and control, which was then foll
A. Y B. N C. NG [单选题]混凝土枕无缝线路,当轨温在实际锁定轨温减( )以下时,伸缩区和缓冲区禁止进行维修作业。
A.30℃ B.35℃ C.40℃ D.45℃ [单项选择]反映银行为吸收存款所付出代价的比率是()
A. 可用资金成本率 B. 资产负债率 C. 资金成本率 D. 总资产周转率 [多选题]社会主义建设道路初步探索的重大意义有( )
A.巩固和发展了我国的社会主义制度 B.丰富了科学社会主义的理论和实践 C.为其他国家的社会主义建设提供了经验和借鉴 D.为开创中国特色社会主义提供了宝贵经验、理论准备、物质基础 [单项选择]男,58岁,乙肝病史10余年,乏力、纳差、腹胀20d,查体:蜘蛛痣,脾肋下3cm,移动性浊音阳性。据以上症状,最可能的诊断是()
A. 慢性活动性肝炎 B. 肝炎肝硬化 C. 原发性肝癌 D. 胰腺癌 E. 布加综合征 [判断题]第一、二种工作票和芾电作让工作票的有效时间,以批准的检修期为眼
[单项选择]仅限于在低速运动的机器上采用的是( )装置。
A. 连锁安全 B. 自动安全 C. 跳闸安全 D. 可调安全 [单选题]依据《国家电网有限公司输变电工程施工分包安全管理办法》要求,专业分包工程的关键工序、隐蔽工程及危险性大、专业性强的高风险作业必须由()派员全过程监督。
A.施工承包商 B.监理单位 C.业主项目部 D.建设管理单位 [单选题]进路上的道岔可通过信号工作站确认位置时,行车值班员取得行调同意后,在信号工作站对此副道岔进行( ),无需加钩锁器。
A.道岔单锁 B.道岔封锁 C.道岔定操 D.道岔反操 [单项选择]复合乳剂可以为()
A. 靶向制剂 B. 经皮给药系统简称 C. 磷脂与胆固醇 D. O/W/O型或W/O/W型 E. β-环糊精 [单项选择]()被称为“托塔手”的是谁?
A. 费彬 B. 陆柏 C. 丁勉 D. 以上均错 [判断题]水泵可以在泵内无水情况下运行。
A. 有形性和相连性 B. 无形性和相连性 C. 不可存储性和相连性 D. 差异性和相连性 [判断题]除油溶液的使用没有限期,可以长久的使用下去。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]进站、出站、进路信号机已开放,因故需要关闭时有何规定?
[单选题]四显示自动闭塞区段接车进路信号机显示( ):准许列车经过18号及以上道岔侧向位置,进入站内越过次一架已经开放的信号机,且该信号机防护的进路,经道岔的直向位置或18号及以上道岔的侧向位置。(技规)
A.两个黄色灯光 B.一个黄色闪光和一个黄色灯光 C.一个绿色灯光和一个黄色灯光 [单项选择]慢性萎缩性胃炎的主要病因是
A. 由慢性萎缩性胃炎发展而来 B. 与长期饮酒有关 C. 与胆汁反流有关 D. 与自身免疫有关 E. 与长期吸烟有关 [判断题]机会丧失的浪费是在质量和交货期等方面无法满足客户,结果导致企业的信用和销售的机会丧失掉。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]柴油发动机混合气在( )内形成。
A.气缸内 B.进气管 C.气门背面 D.进气道 [单选题]高寒地区SF6断路器应采取防止SF6气体()的措施
A. 气化 B. 融化 C. 液化 D. 凝固 [单项选择]There is a great difference between schools in England and those in Europe in that
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