In the following passage, there are 20 blanks representing the words that are missing from the context. You are to put back in each of the blanks the missing worD.The time for this section is 20 minutes.
Many things about language are a mystery, and many will always remain so. But some things we do know.
First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort.(1) is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has (2) language, no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one(3) . Furthermore, in historical times, there has never been a race of men (4) a language.
Second, there is no such thing as a primitive language. There are many people (5) cultures are underdeveloped, who are, as we say, uncivilized, but the (6) they speak are not primitive. In all known languages we can see complexities (7) must have been tens of thousands of years in development.
This has not (8) been well understood; indeed, the di
拟选场址分析 | |||
场址条件 | 场址一 | 场址二 | 场址三 |
地质条件 | 山谷型填埋场 | 利用废弃矿井塌陷区填 埋场 | 山谷型填埋场 |
距离敏感点距离 | 距离下风向村庄1km | 距离下风向村庄6km | 周边5km范围内没有村庄 |
交通运输便利性 | 需新修理5km道路 | 需新修3km道路 | 需新修7km道路 |
距离水库距离 | 在规划水库淹没区之外 | 在规划水库保护区之外 | 不涉及对水库的影响 |
地下水水位 | 基础层底部与地下水最高 水位距离大于1m | 基础层底部与地下水最高 水位距离大于1m | 基础层底部与地下水最高 水位距离约0.95m |
洪水位条件 | 选址 [填空题]强制锁止式差速器为了使全部转矩传给附着条件好的驱动车轮,在差速器中设置了( ),它由( )和操纵装置组成
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列哪些可作为PNH与再生障碍性贫血的鉴别( )
A. 酸溶血 B. 蔗糖溶血 C. 骨髓增生情况 D. 中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色 E. 有无黄疸、血红蛋白尿 [多项选择]对头痛病人症状的评估应包括( )。
A. 头痛的部位 B. 头痛的前驱症状 C. 头痛发生时的伴随症状 D. 检查腹膜刺激征 E. 头痛发生的时间和持续时间 [单项选择]某地某病的平均年发病例数为0.5人。出现全年发病例数为0的概率是()。
A. 0.607 B. 0.303 C. 0.076 D. 0.013 E. 0.002 [单项选择]男性,40岁,患吸收不良综合征。
吸收不良最为明显的营养素是( )。 A. 糖类 B. 维生素 C. 蛋白质 D. 脂肪 E. 无机盐 [单选题]凡需使用市域动车组调试、演练或配合作业的,申报计划前应征得()的同意。
A.行车设备部 B.调度部 C.安技部 D.温州中车 [简答题]火焰原子吸收法的主要干扰有哪几项?
A. 支持本地以及网络中各应用间的消息传递 B. 消息应带有事件集、事件、域号、发送者所属的态、源任务、目标任务等信息 C. 支持消息总线上一对一、一对多、多对一的消息传递 D. 支持应用程序在消息总线上按发布/订阅模式来发送和接收消息 [单选题]货物列车不得已必须退行至站内时,由列车调度员布置车站指派胜任人员携带列车无线调度通信设备和简易紧急制动阀赶赴列车尾部,在退行方向前端车辆安装简易紧急制动阀,经( ),具备退行条件后,登车负责瞭望,通知司机退行。
A.通风试验 B.简略试验 C.放风试验 D.简略试验和放风试验 [单项选择]储蓄是经济增长的资源基础,但最大限度的储蓄增长率绝不是最优的经济增长率,只有适度的储蓄增长率才容易带来较优的经济增长率。
对这段话正确理解的一项是( )。 A. 储蓄增长率与最优的经济增长率成反比 B. 储蓄增长率应与经济增长率相等 C. 储蓄的增长速度如果无限度地增长,会影响经济增长速度 D. 最大限度的储蓄增长率要求最优的经济增长率与之相适应 [不定项选择题]共用题干
U. S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars
NASA scientists said that Mars was covered once by vast lakes,flowing rivers and a Va-riety of other wet environments that had the potential to support life. Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample;the lander's robotic arm delivered the sample Wednesday to an instrument that iden-tifies vapors produced by the heating of samples. “We have water,”said William Boynton of the University of Arizona,lead scientist for ,the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer,or TEG A.“This is the first time Martian water has been touched and tasted.” The robotic arm is a critical part of the Phoenix Mars mission. It is needed to trench into the icy layers of northern polar Mars and deliver samples to instruments that will analyze what Mars is made of,what its water is like,and whether it is or has ever been a possible habitat for life. The soil sample came from a trench approximately 2 inches deep.When the robotic arm first reached that depth,it hit a hard layer of frozen soil.Two attempts to deliver samples of icy soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became stuck inside the scoop.Most of the material in Wednesday's sample had been exposed to the air for two days,letting some of the water in the sample vaporize away and making the soil easier to handle. “Mars is giving us some surprises,”said Phoenix principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona.“We're excited because surprises are where discoveries come from. One surprise is how the soil is behaving. The ice-rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck,different from what we expected,from all the Mars simulation tes-ting we've done so far.” Since landing on May 25,Phoenix has been studying soil with a chemistry lab,TEGA, a microscope,a conductivity probe and cameras.The science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws enough to be available for biology and if carbon-containing chemicals and other raw materials for life are present. The mission is examining the sky as well as the ground. A Canadian instrument is using a laser beam to study dust and clouds overhead. “It's a 30-watt light bulb giving us a laser show on Mars,”said Victoria Hipkin of the Canadian Space Agency. A full-circle,color panorama of Phoenix's surroundings also has been completed by the spacecraft. “The details and patterns we see in the ground show an ice-dominated terrain as far as the eye can see,”said Mark Lemmon of Texas A & M University,lead scientist for Phoenix's Surface Stereo Imager camera.“They help us plan measurements we're making within reach of the robotic arm and interpret those measurements on a wider scale.” 词汇: foil v. 挫败,使成泡影 conductivity n. 传导陡,导电胜 scoop n. 铲斗 thaw v. 融化,融解 vaporize v. 使蒸发,使汽化 panorama n. 全貌,全景图 注释: 1.NASA:National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国国家航空航天局)的缩写。NASA总部设在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,是美国政府系统中的航空航天科研机构,负责组织和协调美国航空航天的研究工作并提供咨询。 2.Phoenix Mars Lander:凤凰号火星登陆器。其使命是探测火星地表下的冰层,分析冰层是否曾经融化产生液态水,并计划检测火星土壤是否含有生命存活的有机物。 3.Thermal and Evolved—Gas Analyzer:热力与先进气体分析仪 4.Stereo Imager:立体图像 What was discovered by NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander on Mars? A.Vast lakes. B.Flowing rivers. C.Water in a soil sample. D.Living things. [单选题]室内消火栓一般适用于初期火灾,栓口直径为DN65用于每支水枪流量( )。
A.最小流量>5.0L/s B.最大流量<7.0L/s C. 最小流量>5.5L/s D. 最大流量<7.5L/s [单选题]定期更换型镜片的特点不包括( )
A.多为高含水材料 B.多为低含水材料 C.透氧性好 D.舒适度好 [多选题]《银行业金融机构与融资担保公司业务合作指引》中规定,银行业金融机构与融资担保公司业务合作应遵循哪几项基本原则?
A.自愿原则 B.平等原则 C.公平诚信原则 D.合规审慎经营原则 [多项选择]在半刚性基层上铺筑面层时,()应适当加厚面层或采取其他措施以减轻反射裂缝。
A. 城市主干路 B. 快速路 C. 次干路 D. 支路 E. 次干路工级 [单选题]价值尺度是货币的基本职能之一,在履行价值尺度职能时,货币是( )。
A.观念中的货币 B.现实的货币 C.一种价值符号 D.一种交换媒介 [单选题]机车跨站作业,必须服从所在站( )指挥。
A.站值班员 B.站调度 C.连结工 D.调车员 [多选题]下列哪些因素会导致电杆歪斜()。
A.电杆坑底不平整 B.电杆底盘、卡盘未安装或安装方式错误 C.电杆基坑未分层夯实 D.电杆基础养护时间过长 [单项选择]以旅游市场中同类产品的平均价格水平或以竞争对手的价格为基础的定价方法称作()。
A. 率先定价法 B. 追随核心定价法 C. 可销价格倒推法 D. 价格需求弹性定价法 [单项选择]三环类抗抑郁药物最常见的药物不良反应是()
A. 锥体外系症状 B. 变态反应 C. 心律及心电图改变 D. 粒细胞缺乏 E. 成瘾 [单选题]____4月23日,中共七大在延安杨家岭开幕。
A.1941年 B.1943年 C.1945年 D.1949年 [单选题]根据《废弃危险化学品污染环境防治办法》,废弃危险化学品包括()。
A.淘汰的危险化学品 B.受废弃危险化学品污染的包装物 C.某转产单位库存的未过期的危险化学品 D.盛装废弃危险化学品的容器 [单选题]在将灯光熄灭或遮住以及信号机灭灯时,于夜间应在信号机柱距钢轨顶面不低于( )m处,加挂信号灯,向区间方面显示红色灯光。
A.1.5 B.2 C.2.5 D.3 [多项选择]对( ),承运人或者装箱单位必须在装运前申请适载检验,未经检验合格的不准装运。
A. 装运出口易腐烂变质食品 B. 冷冻品的船舱和集装箱 C. 装载动植物、动植物产品 D. 装载进口化妆品的集装箱 我来回答: 提交