Nutritional statements that depend on
observation or anecdote should be given serious consideration, but consideration
should also be given to the physical and psychological quirks of the observer.
The significance attached to an experimental conclusion depends, in part, on the
scientific credentials of the experimentalist; similarly, the significance of
selected observations depends, again in part, on the preconceptions of the
observer. Regimes that are proposed by people who do not look as if they enjoyed their food, and who do not themselves have a well-fed air, may not be ideal for normal people. Graham Lusk, who combined expert knowledge with a normal appreciation of good food, describes how he and Chittenden, who advocated a low-protein diet, spent some weeks in Britain eating the rations of the 1914-1918 war and then got more ample rations on A. (A) The more, the better. B. (B) The less, the worse. C. (C) The minimum input, the maximum output. D. (D) The maximum input, the minimum output. [判断题]在产生粉尘的车间作业不需要进行通风排尘,只要有个人防护措施即可。
A.刮除拔牙创内的碎牙片、牙石和肉芽组织 B.与骨膜、牙龈相连的骨折片应予复位 C.拔牙创常规用生理盐水彻底冲洗 D.扩大的牙槽窝要压迫复位 E.复位、缝合撕裂的牙龈 [多项选择]Many animals and plants threatened with extinction could be saved if scientists spent more time talking with the native people whose knowledge of local species is dying out as fast as their languages are being lost.
Potentially vital information about many endangered species is locked in the vocabulary and expressions of local people, yet biologists are failing to tap into this huge source of knowledge before it is lost for good, scientists said. "It seems logical that the biologists should go and talk to the indigenous people who know more about the local environment than anyone else," said David Harrison, an assistant professor of linguistics at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. "Most of what humans know about ecosystems and species is not found in databases or libraries or written down anywhere. It’s in people’s heads. It’s in purely oral traditions," Dr. Harrison told the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Francisco. "About 80 per cent of the ani [多选题]下列哪几项设计阶段不参评?( )
A.新建的公共建筑,冷热源、输配系统和照明等各部分能耗进行独立分项计量 B.施工现场500km以内生产的建筑材料重量占建筑材料总重量的60%以上 C.室内游离甲醛、苯、氨、氡和TVOC等空气污染物浓度符合GB50325-2001《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》中的有关规定 D.办公、商场类建筑耗电、冷热量等实行计量收费 [单选题]发展常模就是( )。
A. 发展模型 B. 个人的分数 C. 团体的分数 D. 年龄量表 [判断题]智家工程师服务过程中,不得堵塞电梯厅,先出后进,先用户后自己,不堵塞走道,靠右行走,行走时放轻脚步。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]联合开采中应注意开采工艺间配合,从()等方面实现相互配合,获得较好的经济效果。
A.生产能力 B.开采强度 C.开采参数 D.开拓运输系统 [单选题]工程机械按揭贷款额度最高不超过借款人所购工程机械实际成交价格(不含各类附加税费及保费等)的()。
A.A.80% B.B.70% C.C.60% D.D.50% [多项选择]我国宏观调控的主要方式,按政府是否借用市场的力量可划分为( )。
A. 直接调控 B. 间接调控 C. 供给调控 D. 需求调控 E. 总量调控 [单选题]某单位办公大楼自动喷淋系统被停用,不能正常运行,甲消防救援大队检查发现后依法应当如何处理?下列说法正确的是
A.责令限期改正,逾期不改的依法处罚 B.责令单位改正,对单位处以罚款 C.责令单位改正,对单位和直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人处以罚款 D.责令改正,对当日值班的消防控制中心的值班操作人员处以罚款 [单选题]产后出血有诸多因素,最主要的原因是
A.软产道损伤 B.凝血机制障碍 C.精神心理 D.子宫收缩乏力 E.胎盘因素 我来回答: 提交