The day was star-crossed: Friday the
13th in the month of October, on the eve of the second looming anniversary of a
devastating market crash. "I’m telling you, psychology is really funny.
People get crazy in situations like that," said portfolio strategist
Elaine Garzarelli. Last week Friday the 13th lived up to its frightful
reputation. After drifting lower at a sleepy pace for most of the day, the Dow
Jones industrial average abruptly lurched into a hair-raising sky dive in the
final hour of trading. The Bush Administration moved swiftly to avert any sense of crisis after the market closed. Declared Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady: "It’s important to recognize that today’s stock market decline doesn’t signal any fundamental change in the condition of the economy. The economy remains well balanced, and the outlook is for continue A. sensible. B. irrational. C. defiant. D. ironical. [判断题]有期徒刑罪犯假释,执行原判刑期二分之一以上的起始时间,应当从判决确定之日起计算,判决执行以前先行羁押的,羁押一日折抵刑期一日。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]弹簧管压力表指针轴上之所以要装上游丝,其目的是为了消除传动机构之间的间隙,减小仪表的变差。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简叙循环冷却水的接收过程。
[单选题]发生伤亡事故,有( )种情况应当从重处罚。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [简答题]课程
[单选题]定电位电解法测定环境空气和废气中二氧化硫中,读数完毕后,将采样枪取出置于环境空气中,清洗传感器至仪器读数在( )mg/m3以下后,才能进行第二次测试。
A.1 B.15 C.20 D.50 [判断题]对历史人物的评价,要做到追究个人责任与分析犯错误的原因并重。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 炸制法按油温可分为( )和热油炸两种。
A.猪油炸 B.凉油炸 C.香油炸 D.温油炸 [单选题]患者男性,36岁,因食物中毒导致腹泻,每日排泄 7~10次,宜采用
A. 高膳食纤维饮食 B. 高热量饮食 C. 低盐肪饮食 D. 低蛋白饮食 E. 少渣饮食 我来回答: 提交