Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan
Greenspan laid forth the intellectual basis for the likely continued aggressive
easing in monetary policy in the weeks ahead in his semi-annual monetary policy
report to Congress. The broader point in his prepared testimony is that the improved information and production controls evident in the new economy induce companies to respond more quickly and in tandem to changes in their business. Mistakes are still made as is evidenced by the unwanted buildup of inventories at the end of last year, but any mistakes are more aggressively addressed than in the past, as is evidenced by manufacturers’ recent slashing of production. Moreover, the increasingly dramatic shifts in economic activity are particularly hard on confidence. Consumers and businesses literally freeze up due to the heightened uncertainty, and run from any A. aggressive investment in stock markets. B. swift response of the chairman to recessions. C. wider latitude to ease monetary policy. D. better information and production controls. [单项选择]主要不良反应为胃肠反应的药物是
A. 阿卡波糖 B. 二甲双胍 C. 格列本脲 D. 胰岛素 E. 氯磺丙脲 [单项选择]人们在从事职业活动的过程中,个人利益、集体利益、国家利益三者之间必然会发生矛盾和冲突,要正确处理好三者之间的矛盾,就必须要以()这把尺子来衡量。
A. 个人主义 B. 国家利益 C. 集体主义 D. 职业道德 [判断题]人参对内分泌系统有促进作用。()
[单选题]尿道海绵体前端的膨大部称( )
A.阴茎头 B.尿道球 C.包皮系带 D.白膜 E.阴茎脚 [判断题]动车组频道设置中,频道2的频率为457.950MHZ,
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]原卫生部《中国护理事业发展规划纲要(2011-2015年)》提出到2015年,全国100%的三级医院、二级医院的护士配置应当达到国家规定的护士配备标准,其中三级综合医院、部分三级专科医院( )
A.全院护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.7:1,病区护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.5:1 B.全院护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.8:1,病区护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.6:1 C.全院护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.8:1,病区护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.5:1 D.全院护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.7:1,病区护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.6:1 E.全院护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.6:1,病区护士总数与实际开放床位比不低于0.5:1 [单选题]桡神经深支损伤可累及哪块肌肉 ( )
A.肱二头肌 B.肱三头肌 C.旋后肌 D.尺侧腕伸肌 E.指总伸肌 [单选题] 容器制成以后或经检修投入生产之前应进行压力试验,压力试验的目的是检查容器的( )。
A.宏观强度和致密性 B.微观强度和致密性 C.强度 D.致密性 [单选题]CR400AF型动车组司机室更换涂打密封胶打完成后6小时可动车,但完全干燥需( )小时,密封胶表面干燥前不得用异物碰触胶体表面
A.12 B.24 C.48 D.72 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Forests for Cities
You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and flowers.There are 175 different kinds of trees,and 60 kinds of birds live here.______(1) You are downtown in the city of Nara,Japan,in Kasugayama Forest,the oldest urban forest in the world.It was started more than a thousand years ago,and today it's very popular with tourists and artists. Cities around the world are working to protect their urban forests. Some urban forests are parks,and some are just streets with a lot of trees.But all urban forests have many good effects on the environment.______(2)They also stop the noise from heavy traffic.They even make the weather better because they make the air 3-5 degrees cooler,and they stop strong winds. Urban forests also have many good effects on people. They make the city more beautiful. In a crowded area,they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.______(3) In some countries,people are starting new urban forests. In England,there are now 1.3 million trees in an urban forest called Thames Chase,east of London. It was started in 1990, and it has grown very fast.Walking and bicycle clubs use the forest,and there are programs for children and artists.______(4) Some older cities don't have space for a big urban forest,but planting trees on the streets makes the city better. Scientists found that commuters(通勤人员)feel more relaxed when they can see trees.Trees are even good for business.______(5)In the future,urban forests will become even more important as our cities grow bigger. In the megacities(超大城 市)of tomorrow,people will need more green space to live a comfortable life. Planting trees today will make our lives better in the future. ______(3) A.People spend more time at shopping centers that have trees. B.In hot countries,urban forests are cooi places for walking and other healthy exercises. C.But you are not in rural area. D.Trees take pollution out of the air. E.In 2033,it will have 5 million trees. F.It has many kinds of birds in the country. [判断题]柴油发电机组一般由于零线与变压器零线连接,所以不需要将油机的零线再做一次工作接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在建筑设计中,运用价值工程的目标是()。
A. 提高功能 B. 提高价值 C. 提高设计方案的可能性 D. 提高设计方案的实用性 [单选题]下列可控硅整流电路调试方法哪个是错误的()。
A.先调控制回路,后调主回路 B.先调整主回路,后控制回路 C.先检查交流,后检査直流 D.线路送电要分块 [多选题]自动喷水灭火系统雨淋报警阀组功能按照下列()要求进行检测。
A.检查雨淋报警阀组及其消防水泵的控制方式,具有自动.手动启动控制方式 B.传动管控制的雨淋报警阀组,传动管泄压后,查看消防水泵.报警阀联动启动情况,动作准确及时 C.报警阀组动作后,检查消防控制设备,电磁阀.消防水泵与压力开关反 D.并联设置多台雨淋报警阀组的,报警信号发出后,检查其报警阀组及其组件联动情况,联动控制逻辑关系符合消防设计要求 [判断题]严肃现场作业风险管控,严格到岗到位监督检查工作要求,严格履行关键风险点许可程序,加强“四不两直”安全检查,严肃处理各类现场违章,全面推行反违章在线管理,强化作业现场的全方位监控。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]因为有不同的进位计数制,那么在给出一个数的同时,就必须指明它是哪种进制的数。除了用下标表示之外,还可以用后缀字母来表示不同的数制,其中后缀O表示()。
A. 十进制 B. 八进制 C. 十六进制 D. 二进制 [单选题]腓骨 ( )
A.位于胫骨的外前方 B.上端参与构成膝关节 C.下端与胫骨的腓切迹构成关节 D.下端膨大称外踝 E.体外侧近中点处有滋养孔 [单选题]PPR管道漏水,将漏水部位管锯掉一段,根据情况更换一段新管两端用快速( )连接,PPR管道采用热熔连接。
A.管箍 B.卡子 C.夹子 D.勒死芶 [单选题]三显示自动闭塞区段,进站色灯信号机显示一个绿色灯光,准许列车进入站内( )。
A.正线准备停车 B.侧线准备停车 C.正线通过 D.侧线通过 [判断题]伪造、变造或者买卖国家机关、人民团体、企业、事业单位或者其他组织的公文、证件、证明文件、印章的行为侵犯的客体只是国家机关、人民团体、企业、事业单位或者其他组织的信誉。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]透析用水的内毒素检测频率至少 1次。( )
A..每3个月 B..每2个月 C..每半个月 D..每1个月 [多选题]依照我国《公司法》规定,股份有限公司设立可以采取的方式有()
A.国家授权投资的机构单独投资设立 B.募集设立 C.定向募集设立 D.发起设立 [多项选择]下列关于直肠吸收的影响因素叙述正确的是( )
A. 溶解的药物能决定直肠的pH B. 粪便充满直肠时,栓剂中药物吸收量要比空直肠时多 C. 脂溶性、解离型药物容易透过类脂质膜 D. 该类栓剂一般常选用油脂性基质,特别是具有表面活性作用较强的油脂性基质 E. 一般应根据药物性质选择与药物溶解性相反的基质 [多项选择]政策分析的基本因素除了政策问题和政策目标之外,还包括()。
A. 备选方案 B. 效果 C. 政策标准 D. 模式 E. 政治可行性 [简答题]列车在汛期暴风雨中行车时,司机应如何处理?J339
A.ROM B.RAM C.硬盘 D.软盘 [简答题]举行听证前,工商行政管理机关应当做好哪些准备工作?
A. 出血证 B. 血瘀经闭 C. 跌打损伤 D. 风湿痹痛 E. 水火烫伤 我来回答: 提交