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[单选题]因电力运行事故给( )造成损害的,供电企业应当依法承担赔偿责任。
A.A:用户。 B.B:用户或者第三人。 C.C:第三人。 D.D:企业或第三人。 E.略 F.略 [单选题]建设强大国防和强大军队是中国现代化建设的战略任务,是国家和平发展的( )保障。
A.安全 B.生活 C.基本 D.活动 [单选题]重污区线路防污清扫工作应根据( )、积污速度、气象变化规律等因素确定周期,及时安排清扫,保证清扫质量。
A.污秽度 B.雾日数 C.电压等级 D.负荷 [判断题]值班期间未按规定巡视和检查自动气象站,造成部分项目自动站数据错、漏或出现异常,正点数据每缺、漏一个算0.1个错情。若正点数据全部缺测,应按缺测统计次数和错情。()
A. 肩关节 B. 肘关节 C. 膝关节 D. 髋关节 E. 踝关节 [单选题]男孩,6岁。因发热2周,头痛伴呕吐3天,惊厥1次入院。疑诊结核性脑膜炎。入院次日,患者突然心率增快,呼吸节律不整,双瞳孔不等大。错误的处理是
A. 腰椎穿刺减压 B. 甘露醇静滴 C. 糖皮质激素静注 D. 侧脑室引流 E. 利尿剂静注 [单项选择]大接地电流系统发生单相接地时()。
A. 故障点零序电压最高 B. 电源侧平线零序电压最高 C. 负载中性点零序电压最高 [多选题]滴虫性阴道炎患者的护理措施包括:
A.注意消毒隔离,避免重复感染 B.治疗期间避免性交 C.如性伴侣检查有滴虫感染时应同时治疗 D.治疗后检查白带连续三次阴性方可称治愈 E.孕早期患者可口服灭滴灵治疗 [多项选择]项目监理机构的组织设计的基本原则是( )。
A. 集权与分权统一的原则 B. 社会效益与经济效益最大化相统一的原则 C. 权责一致的原则 D. 管理跨度与管理层次统一的原则 E. 专业分工与协作统一的原则 [单选题]下列物质中,()火灾属于D类火灾。
A.铝镁合金 B.甲烷气体 C.动植物油脂 [单选题]请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。
Passage 2
Crash. Shatter. Boom. Crash. Shatter. Boom. Smattering of silly dialogue. Pretty girl screams:
"Dad! " Crash. Shatter. Boom. Silly dialogue. "DAD!!! " Crash. Shatter. Boom.
What? Oh, sorry. We were falling into a trance there.
Which is, dear moviegoer, what may happen to you during Michael Bay's Transformers: Age of Extinction, the fourth Transformers film and lasts 165 minutes, which is precariously close to the three-hour mark that Bay undoubtedly will reach--by our sophisticated calculations, and at the current growth rate, with his sixth installment.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Despite what you've just read, this film will likely be a massive hit because by now, if you're buying a Transformers ticket, you surely know what you're getting into, and you want more, more, more. And Bay is the Master of More.
Or just take it from the l 1-year-old sitting next to me, who reserved any audible judgment--he, too was in a trance, though maybe from sugar intake--until the moment he saw a Transformer become a dinosaur. Overwhelmed by the pairing, he proclaimed, "That's the sickest thing I've ever seen in my life." It was as if peanut butter and jelly had been tasted together for the first time.
This time, there's a whole new human cast. Most important, Mark Wahlberg has replaced Shia LaBeouf as well, Main Human Guy.
A significant part of the movie also takes place in China--clearly a nod to the franchise's huge market in the country.
In any case, we begin in Paris, Texas, where Cade Yeager (Wahlberg), a struggling inventor, is desperately seeking a big discovery. He's also a widowed dad, and super-protective (as the movie incessantly reminds us) of his high-school daughter, Tessa (Nicola Peltz, blond and pretty and ineffective, though the one-note script does her no favours).
One day, Cade buys a rusty old truck. Examining it back home, he soon discovers it's none other than Optimus Prime, the Autobot hero, seriously damaged.
As Cade works on fixing him up, his assistant, wisecracking surfer-dude Lucas, has the dumb idea of calling the authorities. What he doesn't know is that the government is plotting to destroy all remaining Autobots in favour of a man-made army of Transformers. He's being helped in this endeavour by the shadowy KSI Corporation, run by the nasty-but-complicated Joshua Joyce (Stanley Tucci).
So now, it's evil humans that pitted against the trustworthy Autobots. So much for gratitude.
There's also a subplot involving Tessa and her secret boyfriend, Shane (Jack Reynor, underused),whose Irish accent leads Cade to dismissively call him "Lucky Charms"--at least until the two bond in battle.
The obvious question: Is it too much for its own good? Bay is very talented at all things visual,the 3-13 works well and the robots look great. But the final confrontation alone lasts close to an hour. At some point, you may find yourself simply in a daze, unable to absorb any further action into your brain.
What does the word "trance" (Para. 2) mean?
A.Unconsciousness. B.Fascination. C.Scare. D.Confusion. [单选题]高速铁路接触网的标称电压为“ ”KV。
A.20 B.25 C.30 D.35 [多项选择]在实施阶段,质量目标计划值和实际值的比较包括( )。
A. 施工图设计和技术设计、设计规范的比较 B. 施工质量和施工图设计要求、施工合同中的质量要求、施工规程及质量标准的比较 C. 材料质量和施工图设计要求的比较 D. 设备质量和技术设计要求的比较 E. 采集、汇总、分析投资切块的实际值 [单项选择]G菌细胞壁具有的毒性成分是
A. 肽聚糖 B. 脂多糖 C. 磷壁酸 D. 脂蛋白 E. 脂质双层 [单选题]在生活中最常见的足癣类型是()
A.鳞屑水疱型 B.浸渍糜烂型 C.角化过度型 D.其他三项均错误 [判断题]中国铁路上海局集团有限公司关于印发《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司消防管理实施办法》的通知(上铁战〔2018〕220号)规定,维护消防安全,保护消防设施、器材,预防火灾,报告火警,扑救火灾是各单位及其从业人员的责任和义务。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 党的十八届三中全会指出, 建设法治中国, 必须坚持()共同推 进, 坚持法治国家、 法治政府、 法治社会一体建设。
A.依法治国 B.依法执政 C.依宪执政 D.依法行政 [单选题] 为防止内燃机爆震,在将汽油中加入( )。
A. 活性催化剂 B. 钝性催化剂 C. 抗震剂 D. 防爆剂 [单项选择]下列关于对高血压患者的描述中,正确的是()
A. 40岁。无合并疾病,血压降至130/90mmHg B. 60岁。合并糖尿病,血压降至140/90mmHg C. 76岁。血压降至120/50mmHg D. 72岁,无合并疾病,血压140/60mmHg E. 55岁。血压150/80mmHg [简答题]①身为一半的江南人,第一次看见莲,却在植物园的小莲池畔。那是10月中旬,夏末秋初,已凉未寒,迷迷蒙蒙的雨丝,沾湿了满池的香红,但不曾淋熄荧荧的烛焰,那景象,豪艳之中别有一派凄清。那天独冲烟雨,原要去破庙中寻访画家刘国松,画家不在,画在,我迷失在画中,到现在还没有回来。
②没有找到画家,找到了画,该是一种意外的发现。从那时起,一个chuoyue 的意象,出现在我的诗中。在那以前,我当然早见过莲,但睁开的只是睫瓣,不是新瓣,而莲,当然也未曾向我展开她的灵魂。在那以前,我是纳息塞斯,心中供的是一朵水仙,水中映的也是一朵水仙。那年10月,那朵水仙死了,心田空廓者久之,演成数重沙草,万倾江田。那天,苍茫告退,嘉祥滋生,水中的倒影是水上的华美和冷隽。
③对于一位诗人,发现了一个新意象,等于伽利略的天文望远镜中,泛起一闪尚待命名的光辉。一位诗人,一生只追求几个中心的意想而已。塞尚的苹果是冷的,梵高的向日葵是热的,我的莲既冷且热,宛在水中央。莲在清凉的琉璃中擎一枝炽烈的红焰,不远不近,不即不离,宛在梦中央。莲有许多小名,许多美的凄楚的联想。对我而言,莲的小名应为水仙,水生的花没有比她更piaoyi,更富有灵气了。一花一世界,没有什么花比莲更自成世界的了。对我而言,莲是美、爱和神的综合象征。莲的美是不容否认的。美国画家佛瑞塞有一次对我说:“来台以前,我只听说过莲;现在真见到了,比我想象的更美。”玫瑰的美也是不容否认的,但它燃烧着西方的爽朗,似乎在说:“Look at me!”莲只郝然低语:“Don’t stare,please。”次及爱情,“涉江采芙蓉,兰泽多芳草;采之欲遗谁?所思在远方”,这方面的联想太多了。由于水生,她令人联想巫峡和洛水,联想华清池的“芙蓉如面”,联想来自水乡而终隐于水的西子。青钱千张,香浮波上,嗅之如无,忽焉如有,恍兮惚兮,令人神移,正是东方女孩的含蓄。至于宗教,则莲即是怜。莲经、莲台、莲邦,莲宗,何一非莲?艺术、宗教、爱情,到了极点,实在是一种境界,今乃皆备于莲的一身。(余光中《莲恋莲》节选)
下面对文章的分析和鉴赏,正确的是( )
A. A.文章首句着一“却”字,以作为江南人对莲本该不生疏却生疏来突出小莲池中莲的神韵美。 B.、“我迷失在画中,到现在还没有出来。”这句让人感悟到,观察事物只要用心专一,仔细琢磨,了解规律,就会流连忘返。 C.文章借助对比,以玫瑰“燃烧着西方的爽朗”,来突出莲“郝然低语”,如同东方女孩的含蓄,褒贬适中,表达得体。 D.作者认为莲的小名应为水仙,因为她和水仙花一样同为水中仙子,富有灵气,在水中都自成世界。 [单选题]肉豆蔻既治久泻久痢,又治
A.肾虚喘息 B.虚汗不止 C.肾虚遗精 D.肺虚久咳失音 E.虚寒气滞玩腹胀痛 我来回答: 提交