Modem technology may not have improved
the world all that much, but. it certainly has made life noisier. Un-muffled
motorcycles, blaring car alarms, and roving boom boxes come first, second, and
third on my list of most obnoxious noise offenders, but everyone could come up
with his own version of aural hell--if he could just find a quiet spot to ponder
the matter. Yet what technology has done, other technology is now starting to undo, using computer power to zap those ear-splitting noises into silence. Previously silence seekers had little recourse except to stay inside, close the windows, and plug their ears. Remedies like these are quaintly termed "passive" systems, because they place physical barriers against the unwanted sound. Now computer technology is producing a far more effective "active" system, which doesn’t just contain, A. settlers B. enthusiasts C. buyers D. manufacturers [单选题]白煮鲜嫩原料时应( )下锅,水再次沸腾时,应离火焖制浸熟。
A.沸水 B.冷水 C.温水 D.热水 [多项选择]国际储备包括( )。
A. 外汇储备 B. 黄金储备 C. 特别提款权 D. 在国际货币基金组织的储备头寸 [单选题]下列哪项不可归属积聚范围的病证( )
A.痞块 B.癥瘕 C.癖块 D.痃癖 E.痞满 [单项选择]实行“非一批一证”管理的出口许可证,其使用次数最多不超过( )。
A. 3次 B. 6次 C. 5次 D. 12次 [单选题]违反国家规定,未经注册登记,以社会团体名义进行活动,( ),应当给予治安管理处罚。
A.被取缔后,仍进行活动的 B.被警告后,拒不改正的 C.被处罚后,又进行活动的 D.情节较重的 [单选题]不属于山楂的炮制规格是
A.生山楂 B.炒山楂 C.焦山楂 D.山楂炭 E.盐山楂 [单项选择]If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind is ______ famous verse.
A. 每年 B. 每半年 C. 每季度 D. 每月 [单选题]根据《汽车前桥及转向系修理技术条件》(GB8823-88)的技术要求,前钢板弹簧座U型螺栓孔及定位销孔的磨损量最大不得大于( )mm。
A.0.5 B.1 C.1.5 D.2 [多选题]高速公路隧道某隧道为双洞单向3车道隧道,隧道长度1.5km。地质勘察报告表明大部分围岩级别为Ⅳ级,中间局部为岩体破碎区段,施工时锚杆成孔较为困难,围岩级别为V级。设计考虑采用喷射混凝土和锚杆两种加固支护方式。施工过程中,委托相关单位对喷射混凝土材料施工. 锚杆施工进行了相关的检测工作,请根据相关背景信息回答下列问题。(4)检测时,喷射混凝土的速凝剂要求()。
A. 初凝时间不大于5min B. 终凝时间不小于10min C. 应考虑水泥品种和水灰比等因素 D. 选择掺量时要通过混凝土试验确定 我来回答: 提交