The key to these questions is the
emotional response we call anxiety. Unlike hunger or thirst, which build and
dissipate (驱散) in the immediate present, anxiety is the sort of feeling that
sneaks up on you from the day after tomorrow. It’s supposed to keep you from
feeling too safe. Without it, few of us would survive. All animals, especially the small, scurrying kind, appear to feel anxiety. Humans have felt it since the days they shared the planet with saber-toothed tigers. But we live in a particularly anxious age. The initial shock of Sept. 11 has worn off, and the fear has lifted, but millions of Americans continue to share a kind of generalized mass anxiety. A recent TIME/CNN poll found that eight months after the event, nearly two-thirds of Americans think about the terror attacks at least several times a week. And A. The Origin of Anxiety. B. The Hazards of Anxiety. C. Healing Anxiety. D. Understanding Anxiety. [单选题]下列药中具有“引火归源”作用的是
A.附子 B.细辛 C.吴茱萸 D.肉桂 E.干姜 [简答题]曲线标标明曲线中心里程、<--NRC-->、曲线和缓和曲线长度。
[判断题]水域救援中,气垫船具有航行阻力小、航速高等特点,适用于内河急流、险滩、沼泽地救援。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用液压劈裂机进行胀裂作业时,手持部位应正确,不得接触活塞顶等活动部分。多台胀裂机同时作业时,应检查液压油管分路正确。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]重新定义主关键字需要先删除_______________,然后再定义_______________。
A. 起动次数 B. 停车次数 C. 负荷大小 D. 累计转数 [多选题]消防员呼救器后场接收装置性能指标正确的有( )(难)
A.接收延时间小于5秒 B.连续工作时间应大于10小时 C.工作温度-25~70℃ D.通信距离应大于1000米 [判断题]开车起动要平稳,起动后司机应确认自阀、单阀手柄位置,各仪表显示正常,当运行至对标处按压GYK 【开车】键对标。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《高速铁路“强基达标、提质增效”工程客运专业标准》(铁总运〔2017〕158 号)规定,商务座靠垫换洗期限为()天。
A.30 B.90 C.60 D.180 [多选题]现场勘验的原则有( )。
A.先下后上 B.先静观后动手 C.先照相后提取 D.先表面后内层 E.先重点后一般 [判断题]工具物品可以投掷传递,并不准将工具物品放置在机械运转、蠕动部位及其它容易坠落和不安全处所。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]饮水机厂商只生产一种,同时向家庭、机关、学校、银行、餐厅等各类用户销售,这是一种( )策略。
A.市场集中化 B.市场专业化 C.全面市场覆盖 D.产品专业化 [单选题]160km/h及以上接触网工区应配备( )接触网快速多功能综和作业检修作业车。
A.1台 B.2台 C.3台 D.4台 [判断题]无缝线路长轨条截锯为再用轨时可先用乙炔切割,更换下来以后再锯头。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]执法为民是社会主义法治始终保持正确政治方向的()。
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