Coffee can be considered one of
nature’s greatest gifts. It gives mental and emotional{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}without harmful side effects, and it{{U}} (68) {{/U}}a wealth
of nutrients. Yet, when most people drink coffee, they are not thinking that the
beverage is{{U}} (69) {{/U}}their health. In fact, some may even feel a
little guilty,{{U}} (70) {{/U}}some believe coffee isn’t good for you at
all. Well, coffee, like anything else, can cause problems if too much is{{U}} (71) {{/U}}. Moderate consumption of coffee{{U}} (72) {{/U}}your body with a wealth of antioxidants. These substances are responsible{{U}} (73) {{/U}}eliminating free radicals. They are the chemical byproducts produced any time your body does something. A small numi6er of them can help serve{{U}} (74) {{/U}}a buffer against negative elements, if they aren’t{{U}} ( A. and B. since C. but D. while [判断题]供电企业和用户分工维护管理的供电和受电设备,除另有约定者外,未经管辖单位同意,对方不得操作或更动;如因紧急事故必须操作或更动者,事后应迅速通知管辖单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]绝缘线芯的交联主要在加热管内进行。
[单项选择]Ⅱ等水闸工程建筑物覆盖范围以外水闸上、下游的管理范围是( )。
A. 300~500m B. 100~300m C. 50~100m D. 30~50m [判断题]在不同地区建立农村流动书库要根据它们各自的具体情况来决定运作方式和经营方式。
[单项选择]She was complaining that the doctor was ()too much for the treatment he was giving her.
A. expending B. offering C. costing D. charging [单项选择]代理他人在银行办理规定金额以上的现金存取业务时,应当()以配合金融机构履行客户身份识别义务。
A. 无需出示身份证件 B. 只出示代理人有效身份证件 C. 只出示被代理人有效身份证件 D. 同时出示代理人与被代理人的有效身份证件 [单选题]搜救小组一般不少于()人。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]程序教学的创始者是()。
A. 斯金纳 B. 普莱西 C. 加涅 D. 布鲁纳 [单项选择]实寒证的临床表现是
A. 精神不振 B. 面色苍白 C. 舌质淡嫩 D. 大便溏薄 E. 小便清长 我来回答: 提交