John Winston Lennon was born into a world at war with itself — a perfect symbol of the internal contradictions that defined his life and music. German aircraft were dropping bombs on his city at the very moment of his arrival.
41 ____________. Lennon also had a powerful attachment to his mother Julia that lingered long after she died in 1958; the classic 1968 album The Beatles, (known as the "White Album" for its white album liner) included his song "Julia" —an exquisite expression of raw sorrow. When he and McCartney first met on July 6th, 1957—at a church picnic where Lennon’s band was a star attraction—Lennon was budding into a fusion of bold attitude, keen wit and honest charm. The Beatles gave him the room to bloom.
42 ____________.
In a few ways, the current boy-band phenomenon is simply the Beatles with a modern twist: huge record sales, adoring young women queued up on the sidewalks outside their
[单选题]职业健康宣传教育培训工作,应纳入企业( )员工教育培训计划,并对所需人员、经费和物资应予保证。
[单项选择]以下是小许同学在学习《产品质量法》中的认识,其中正确的是( )
A. 只有为生活需要使用产品的消费者购买产品导致人身、财产损害的,生产者才承担产品责任,为了生产需要购买产品的,即使造成人身、财产损害,生产者也不承担产品责任
B. 生产者的产品责任是针对缺陷产品的责任,所以只要生产者生产的产品存在缺陷,不论是否造成人身、财产损害,都要承担产品责任
C. 生产者和销售者对缺陷产品导致的人身、财产损害承担连带责任
D. 生产者承担的产品责任不是绝对责任,具有法定免责事由,受害人只有证明生产者不存在法定免责事由,才能要求生产者承担赔偿责任
[单项选择]一个原始细胞到成熟细胞可经过的分裂次数为 ()
A. 1~2
B. 2~3
C. 3~4
D. 4~5
E. 5~6
A. 系统管理员
B. 会计主管
C. 印鉴经办员
D. 事中监督员
A. 患者仰卧,两手放于腹部,两腿屈曲
B. 导尿管妥当安置
C. 两护土站在床的两则
D. 一人托住患者颈肩部和腰部,另一人托住患者臀部和腘窝处
E. 分别在背部、胸部、两膝间放置软枕
A. 不再需要头指针了
B. 已知某个结点的位置后,能很容易找到它的直接前驱结点
C. 在进行删除操作后,能保证链表不断开
D. 从表中任一结点出发都能遍历整个链表
A. 留刘海
B. 中分
C. 偏分
D. 直发
[判断题]我们在选择一台路由器的Router ID 时,通常会把它设置成与该设备的loopback 地址相同。
A. 轴心受拉
B. 轴心受压
C. 单向偏心受压
D. 双向偏心受压
[单项选择]Web browsers! Interactive software! There"s a lot of new technology talk going on in public relations these days, and it"s coming from a variety of sources, clients, fearful that they are missing out on some mysterious "next wave", demand some kind of whiz-bang (尖端) demonstration of technology from agencies. Industry publications continuously tout the latest and greatest electronic innovations. College kids enter the marketplace armed with computer literacy completely alien to many veteran practitioners. And in some cases, members of the media demand that information be packaged to accommodate their particular technological preferences.
Is technology now the tail wagging dog The answer, unequivocally, is no. Technology remains what it has always been, a tool used by professionals to help them do their jobs. All of this millennium talk has produced an unnecessary level of anxiety about the necessity of technological innovation—the idea that you are light-years behind unless you are light—years ahead. Relax! The foundations of good public relations remain the same: anticipating and meeting the needs of clients and the media, and providing informed and useful counsel. Solid research, strong writing skills, creativity, and an appreciation for the values of the media are the backbone of the profession, regardless of how information is packaged.
Even if the speed of information transmission is increasing, high tech isn"t for everyone. All clients don"t need individual web pages and summaries of chat room activity. When considering applications of new technologies, consider the audiences for your client. Are they comfortable with technology Do they have access to the distribution systems you are considering Do they have the skills and knowledge to use these systems Do they navigate the web, use CD-ROM, or even own a VCR
Consider the image of the company itself. The delivery system is part of the message and contributes to the overall image, so the practitioner should consider how that system affects the client, the product, and the audiences.
Yes, a web page can be a cost-efficient communication tool when you consider the minimal media cost. But once it"s up and running, you"ve got to keep it fresh, and that means a continual allocation of time and specialized resources. In the hyper-speed model of communications, nothing is older than information that is both outdated and online. And to information consumers, your web page will cease to be a source if it isn"t kept current. In the last presidential election, more than one candidate had problems with their personal web pages because webmasters were not kept up to date on changes in campaign strategy and messages. The gap between what the candidate was saying and what the web page was showing became a story in itself. If you"re going to have a presence on the Internet, you have to budget for regular maintenance. Otherwise, you are putting a sign up that says "too cheap to be relevant".According to the author, the role of new technology in public relations ______.
A. can"t be too emphasized in today"s world
B. is unnecessarily exaggerated
C. is not fully recognized yet
D. is more important to the company than to the client
[多选题](2019年5月)个人简历分析用于人员测评的特点包括( )。
[判断题]因为 Qp=△H,H 是状态函数,所以 Qp 也是状态函数。 ( )
[单选题]在PMS系统中,( )既能登记缺陷记录还能登记隐患记录。
[单选题]扑救高层建筑火灾的重要任务( )。
A. 有效控制火势蔓延
B. 有效进行排烟
C. 有效进行火情侦查
D. 有效进行人员疏散
[单选题]将 E-R 图转换为关系模式时, 实体和联系都可以表示为( )。
A. 提示合并有同侧肺不张,需高度警惕肺癌
B. 提示患侧胸膜增厚
C. 提示纵隔固定(炎症或纵隔胸膜增厚)
D. 提示健侧胸腔压力增高
E. 上述因素综合作用
[简答题]《铁路线路修理规则》适用于1435mm标准轨距和线路允许速度为 及以下的线路。
[单选题]空调装置电气主回路中各线对地(壳体)的绝缘阻值不小于( )。
A.2 MΩ
B.4 MΩ
C.6 MΩ
D.8 MΩ
[判断题] 法人大户融资是指在我行办理的、由我行承担(或受托进行)融资客户风险管理职责的各项信用与代理投资业务,以及其他可能引发信用风险的业务。
[单项选择]根据《1994年人类发展报告》,联合国确立的一种新的度量发展的标准是( )。
A. 认识的新高度
B. 人类发展指数
C. 国民健康指数
D. 科学发展观
A. 升高
B. 降低
C. 不变
D. 无法确定