During the reign of Augustus the Rome
army became a professional one. Its core of legionaires was composed of Roman
citizens who served for a minimum of twenty five years. Augustus in his reign
tried to eliminate the loyalty of the legions to the generals who commanded
them, forcing them to take an oath of allegiance directly to him. While the
legions remained relatively loyal to Augustus during his reign, under others,
especially the more corrupt emperors or those who unwisely treated the military
poorly, the legions often took power into their own hands. Legions continued to
move farther and farther to the outskirts of society, especially in the later
periods of the empire as the majority of legionaires no longer came from Italy,
and were instead born in the provinces. The loyalty the legions felt to their
A. auxiliary troops were Italians, and often Latins B. auxiliary troops were made up of citizens from cities near Rome C. more foreigners were included in auxiliary army D. auxiliary troop were made up of foreigners who had gained citizenship for serving Rome for 25years [判断题]受行政机关委托实施行政处罚的组织必须是依法成立的管理公共事务的事
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()的日平均温度,不是大豆种子发芽的最适宜温度。
A. 30℃ B. 20℃ C. 18℃ D. 18~20℃ [单项选择]男性,38岁,外伤脾破裂,急诊手术后第3天,出现气急,R34次/分,双肺散在湿性啰音,血气分析示:pH7.520,PaCO230mmHg,PaO250mmHg,X线胸片检查未见明显异常。目前病情考虑是()
A. ARDS B. 急性左心衰 C. 急性肾衰 D. 肺栓塞 E. 肺部感染 [单选题]下列关于叶酸的说法,正确的是( )。
A.叶酸参与血红蛋白的合成,缺乏可导致小细胞低色素贫血 B.叶酸参与DNA合成,缺乏可导致巨幼红细胞性贫血 C.叶酸参与DNA合成,缺乏可导致小细胞低色素性贫血 D.叶酸缺乏会影响正常神经髓鞘脂质合成,引起神经性症状 [单项选择]以下对氮芥类抗肿瘤药的说法正确的是()
A. 属于烷化剂 B. 是β-氯乙胺类化合物的总称 C. 其结构分为两部分。烷基化部分和载体部分 D. 载体可改善该类药物在体内的吸收、分布 E. 以上都对 [单选题]在xGW(PDSN)的信令中,下面哪条信令表示终端主动发起释放PPP连接?
A.开始 B.第一步 C.重大转折点 D.伟大胜利 [填空题]不属于学前儿童科学教育中常用的评价方式是()。
A. 疱疹性叫峡炎 B. 肺脓肿 C. 细菌性咽-扁桃体炎 D. 支气管炎 E. 肺炎 [多选题] 多选题 道路交通秩序管理中特殊行人是指()。
A. 老年人 B. 盲人 C. 残疾人 D. 儿童 [多选题]下列属于“一警六员”实操实训考核程序的是( )。 ( )
A.考前预约 B.视频拍摄 C.视频上传 D.平台录入 [单选题]氩气瓶不许撞砸,立放应有支架,并远离明火()m以上。
A.3 B.2.5 C.2 D.1 [判断题]静力荷载试验主要测点的校验系数越大,则检算系数Z2取值越小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]标明为某某条例的一段为( )。
A. 法律 B. 部门规章 C. 行政法规 D. 地方政府规章 [单选题]加密秘钥和解密密钥相同的密码体制是[ ]密码体制。
A.对称 B.非对称 C.分组 D.序列 [判断题]中山农商银行不可以聘请外部人员参加审计业务或者提供技术支持、专业咨询、专业鉴定。聘请的外部机构及人员应当具备本准则规定的职业要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于中毒型菌痢,以下说法错误的是
A.中毒型细菌性痢疾多见于2~7岁儿童 B.病原体为志贺菌属,志贺菌侵入小肠上皮细胞生长繁殖 C.细菌裂解后产生大量内毒素与少量外毒素 D.本病多见于平素体格健壮、营养情况较好的小儿 E.混合型病情最为严重 [多选题]检修高压电动机和启动装置时,应做好下列安全措施:( )。
A.断开电源断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸),经验明确无电压后装设接地线或在隔离开关(刀闸)间装绝缘隔板,小车开关应从成套配电装置内拉出并关门上锁 B.在断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)把手上悬挂"禁止合闸,有人工作!"的标示牌 C.拆开后的电缆头须三相短路接地 D.做好防止被其带动的机械 (如水泵、空气压缩机、引风机等) 引起电动机转动的措施,并在阀门上悬挂"禁止合闸,有人工作!"的标示牌 [简答题]大学生应如何应对挫折?
[单项选择]连续12小时测胎动数,提示为慢性胎儿窘迫的是( )。
A. 10次以下 B. 12次以下 C. 14次以下 D. 16次以下 E. 18次以下 [单选题]患者女性,24岁。因低热、咳嗽、咯血2周,门诊以“支气管扩张”收院。今晨在病房突然剧烈咳嗽、咯血110ml,随即烦躁不安,极度呼吸困难,唇指发绀,大汗淋漓,双手乱抓。双眼上翻。最关键的抢救措施是
A.胸腔穿刺抽气 B.立即人工呼吸 C.立即体位引流,清除血块 D.立即吸氧、注射呼吸兴奋剂 E.立即输血、输液 [单项选择]Right now we could all use a selective memory wipe -a magical eraser to remove all the misery Michael Jackson endured and caused. Just for a minute, we’d like to have pure recollections of the thrilling dancer and singer who dominated ’ 80s music, created the all-time best-selling album of new songs (Thriller) and seemed the very model of the cool dude with the sensitive soul. And we wouldn’t mind feeling some uncomplicated warmth for the young Jacko who, as the Cupid and Kewpie doll of the Motown brother act the Jackson Five, displayed the charisma that marked him for future and, we thought, perpetual stardom. Why can’t a pop icon’s life and legacy be as easy as ABC
On the evening of his death from cardiac arrest, fans by the thousands convened at impromptu memorial sites. Unable to commemorate his passing at his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame -it was covered by a red carpet outside the Chinese Theatre, where a Bruno premiere was to take place -the pop phenom’s admirers place A. Because they have the same characteristics. B. Because Jackson hung on to adolescent attitudes so as to redeem his own miserable childhood. C. Because Jackson hung on to adolescent interests so as to enjoy Peter Pan’s pleasure. D. Because Jackson played the role of Peter Pan in Steven Spielberg’s film. [判断题]()移动吊装作业中,吊钩处于最低位置时,卷简上的钢丝绳不得少于3圈。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交