Not long ago, a mysterious Christmas
card dropped through our mail slot. The envelope was addressed to a man named
Raoul, who, I was relatively certain, did not live with us. The envelope wasn’t
sealed, so I opened it. The inside of the card was blank. Ed, my husband,
explained that the card was both from and to the newspaper deliveryman. His name
was apparently Raoul, and Raoul wanted a holiday tip. We were meant to put a
check inside the card and then drop the envelope in the mail. When your services
are rendered at 4 a. m. , you can’t simply hang around, like a hotel bellboy
expecting a tip. You have to be direct. So I wrote a nice holiday greeting to thi A. he forgot to write a few words on it B. he wanted the couple to send it back C. he used it to ask for a Christmas tip D. he was afraid of asking for a tip in person [单选题]错挂、漏挂、错撤、忘撤接地线属于( )
A.一般事件 B.险性事件 C.一般事故 D.事件苗头 [多选题]对于具有确定结构和确定参数的环节,在对制造厂及设计部门提供的( )及水轮机调节系统设计资料分析计算的基础上,可以采用机理建模的方法确定环节的数学模型。
A.系统参数 B.阀门 C.水轮机 D.引水系统 [判断题]职工年内负积分累计达到500分的,进行通报警示;累计达到700分的,段内部待岗学习3个月;累计达到900分的,段内部待岗学习6个月;累计达到1000分及以上的,段内部待岗学习1年。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]制作干炸响铃应遵循( )的原则。
A.先切后炸 B.先炸后切 C.整炸碎剁 D.先炸后切 [单选题]共同参与型的医患关系模式最适合于( )
A.绝症患者 B.重症患者 C.慢性患者 D.急性患者 E.精神患者 [判断题]根据便利对外贸易的需要,检验检疫机构可对法定检验的出口商品进行出厂前的质量监督管理和检验。()
[单选题]图片的拍摄角度不包括( )。
A.平摄 B.仰摄 C.俯摄 D.长镜头 [单选题]肝癌术后主要并发症( )
A.出血 B.膈下积液及脓肿 C.胆汁漏 D.肝性脑病 E.以上都是 [判断题]1208电动机转动时转子与定子内圆相碰摩擦,称为电动机扫膛。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )机组人员在其执勤期和飞行期不应报名献血,在执行任务前____小时不得献血。
A. 12 B. 24 C. 36 D. 48 [判断题]缓和曲线与直线连接处不得有反弯或“鹅头”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]凝血酶的作用主要是( )
A. 使纤维蛋白原转变为纤维蛋白 B. 加速凝血酶原复合物的形成 C. 加速因子Ⅶ复合物的形成 D. 激活因子XⅢ E. 促进血小板聚集与释放 [判断题]站车可以向非空调列车出售硬质瓶装啤酒、饮料。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]绝缘电阻表按电源型式通常可分为发电机型和整流电源型两大类。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.稀糊状便
A.白陶土样便 B.黏液、脓血便 C.米泔样便 D.柏油样便 E.上消化道出血() [单项选择]实行会计电算化的单位,所使用的会计软件及其生成的资料应当符合政府有关部门的规定,这些规定不包括( )
A. 《会计电算化管理办法》 B. 《会计电算化工作规范》 C. 《会计从业资格管理办法》 D. 《会计核算软件基本功能规范》 [单选题]2.71. 第71题
居民用户双月抄表结算,8月办理五口人政策优惠,10月份结算该户阶梯电量第一档基数为()kWh A.3060 B.2310 C.2640 D.1610 [单项选择]Caution seems the watchword among the institutional investors surveyed in our latest portfolio poll. The allocation of money between equities, bonds and cash has. on average, remained at the same levels as it did during the third quarter. While Lehman Brothers and Commerz International have increased their overall equity allocations. Daiwa has increased its bond allocation. But given the slowdown in the American economy, it is the reaction of our investors to American equity holdings that is worthy of note.
While three of them. including Lehman Brothers, take a dim view of the prospects for American shares, the other four have either marginally increased their allocations, or have maintained them at the same levels as in the previous quarter. Lehman Brothers seems to have decided that the prospect for German shares is better than it is for American ones. Its allocation for American equities dropped by seven percentage points, to 45% of its equity holdings; while its German share p A. has increased its equity and bond allocation in America B. pays less attention to the equity holdings because of the American economy’s slowdown C. is pessimistic about the American prospect and cautious about its allocation D. is as bearish as other institutional investors [单选题]耐火等级三级2层楼托儿所、幼儿园的儿童用房和儿童游乐厅等儿童活动场所、老年人建筑和医院、疗养院的住院部防火分区的最大允许建筑面积()㎡。(易)
A.500 B.800 C.1000 D.1200 [单选题]农户小额贷款利息收入减免企业所得税比例为()
A.10% B.50% C.70% D.100% [判断题]一汽-大众正凭借ID. 6 CROZZ、ID. 4 CROZZ 以及奥迪 e-tron在华加速推进电动化转型。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]巡线工作应由有电力线路工作经验的人担任,新人员可以一人单独巡线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]推动城乡协调发展,缩小城乡发展差异是“协调”发展理念的要求。我们建立一系列体制和机制创新的目标包括是()。
A. 推动城乡协调发展,缩小城乡发展差异是全面建成小康社会目标的内在要求 B. 缩小区域发展不平衡的现状,逐步走向共同富裕 C. 传统农业和农村、现代化工业和城市并存状态,最终走向现代农业和农村、现代工业和城市相融合的状态 D. 我国农村和城市分割开的二元经济结构,最终走向现代一元经济结构 [简答题]某工程场地有一厚11.5m砂土含水层,其下为基岩,为测砂土的渗透系数打一钻孔到基岩顶面,并以1.5×103cm3/s的流量从孔中抽水,距抽水孔4.5m和10.0m处各打一观测孔,当抽水孔水位降深为3.0m时,测得观测孔的降深分别为0.75m和0.45m,用潜水完整井公式计算砂土层渗透系数是值。
[多选题]行政机关公开政府信息,不得危及 ( )
A.国家安全 B.公共安全 C.经济安全 D.社会稳定 [单项选择]教育上“谁受益,谁出钱”这一提法如果是正确的话,只能理解为国家是教育最大受益者。这是因为,教育的经济效益,虽然不能直接、立即体现在市场经济交换过程中,却存在于社会之中。
下面哪项为真,能够加强上面的结论( ) A. 教育是个人的事情,关系到个人的谋生与择业 B. 教育不仅有经济效益,而且是国家综合国力的重要组成部分 C. 教育直接影响着国际科技的发展 D. 任何一个国家的崛起与复兴都是先兴教育 我来回答: 提交