David Landes, author of The Wealth and Poverty of
Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, credits the world’s economic and
social progress over the last thousand years to "Western civilization and its
dissemination." The reason, he believes, is that Europeans invented systematic
economic development. Landes adds that three unique aspects of European culture
were crucial ingredients in Europe’s economic growth. First, science developed as an autonomous method of intellectual inquiry that successfully disengaged itself from the social constraints of organized religion and from the political constraints of centralized authority. Though Europe lacked a political center, its scholars benefited from the use of a single vehicle of communication: Latin. This common tongue facilitated an adversarial discourse in which new ideas A. they lack work ethic B. they are scientifically backward C. they lack rationality D. they are victimized by colonists [单项选择]墨汁染色常用于
A. 酵母菌 B. 念珠菌 C. 皮肤癣菌 D. 金黄葡萄球菌 E. 隐球菌 [判断题]对封闭不良钻孔,能在地面找到位置的,尽量在地面安装钻机进行检查封堵。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于糖原合成的错误的是()
A. 糖原合成过程中有焦磷酸生成 B. 由α-1,4-葡萄糖苷酶催化形成分支 C. 从G-1-P合成糖原要消耗高能磷酸键 D. 葡萄糖的供体是UDPG E. 葡萄糖基加到糖链末端葡萄糖的C上 [判断题]托运放射性物品、油样箱时,应按照国务院铁路主管部门的规定提出剂量证明书、油样箱使用证。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人民警察认为决定和命令有错误的,可以按照规定提出意见,但不得中止或者改变决定和命令的执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作闲暇之余,你通常做些什么( )
A.看电视 B.学习 C.考虑明天的工作安排 D.参加社区组织的公益活动 E.睡觉 [单选题]实施胸外按压时,低于八周岁的伤员按照胸部的( )深度。
A.1/5 B.1/4 C.1/3 D.1/2 [单项选择]入院后,首先选择的治疗方法是
A. 降血压利尿剂 B. 暂不予特殊处理,临床观察 C. 每日泼尼松2mg/kg,分次服 D. 口服抗生素 E. 止血敏 [单选题]大山厂2019年1月1日房产原值合计为3000万元,4月1日将其中原值为1000万元的商铺出租给某商户,该商户以一批价值40万元的原材料抵当年房租,同类商铺不含税月租金5万元。当地政府规定允许按房产原值减除20%后的余值计税。该企业当年应缴纳房产税( )万元。
A.4.8 B.24 C.27 D.28.8 [单选题]纳税人的开户行或者其他金融机构拒绝执行税务机关作出的扣缴税款决定,税务机关应对其处( )的罚款
A.1万元以下 B.1万元以上5万元以下 C.5万元以上10万元以下 D.10万元以下50万元以下 [单项选择]要约人在要约发生法律效力之前,欲使其不发生法律效力而取消要约的意思表示是()。
A. 新要约 B. 要约撤回 C. 要约撤销 D. 承诺 [填空题]人兽共患寄生虫病有()、()、()、()、()。
[多项选择]根据居间人所接受委托内容的不同,居间合同分为( )。
A. 指示居间合同 B. 民事居间合同 C. 商事居间合同 D. 二手房居间代理 E. 媒介居间代理 [多选题]有下列行为( )之一,未造成严重后果的,给予警告至记大过处分;造成严重后果的,给予降级至留用察看处分.
A.未按规定处理长短款或收缴假币的 B.擅自使用业务印章的 C.未按规定办理现金存取业务的 D.未核对印鉴或未按规定核验印鉴的 [单项选择]面色淡自而瘦弱属于( )
A. 阳气不足 B. 营血亏虚 C. 阳气暴脱 D. 中寒腹痛 E. 虚阳上越 [单项选择]患者尿毒症腹膜透析2年,腹透治疗一直很顺利,1天前发现腹透液完全不能流出,其最大可能是()。
A. 腹膜炎 B. 腹膜硬化 C. 腹透管移位 D. 腹透管周围网膜包绕 E. 腹透管刺激腹膜 [单选题]蹬乘内燃、电力机车作业时,必须在机车( )时再上下车(设有便于上下车脚蹬的调车机除外)。
A.速度不超过15km/h B.要停稳 C.停稳 D.运行速度能保证上下安全 [判断题]768/1137 直流耐压试验施加的直流试验电压较高,属于破坏性试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]操作票应事先连续编号,计算机生成的操作票应在正式出票后编号,操作票按编号顺序使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank. When Canadians need health care, they generally contact a
primary health care professional, who could be a family doctor, nurse, nurse
practitioner, physiotherapist, pharmacist, etc., often working in a team of
health care professionals. Services provide at the first point of contact with
the health care system are known for primary health care services and they form
the foundation of the health care sys
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]甲从A地购得面值2万元的假币,然后携带假币乘坐火车到B地。甲在车上与几个朋友赌博时被乘警发现,乘警按规定对甲处以罚款,甲欺骗乘警,以假币交纳罚款,被乘警发现。甲的行为构成( )。
A.购买、运输假币罪 B.诈骗罪 C.持有、使用假币罪 D.赌博罪 [单项选择]The phrase "let the American beef industry off the hook" ( Line 2, Para. 4 most probably means ______.
A. the American beef industry determined to do something . B. the American beef industry got out of the difficult situation C. the American beef industry made people interested in their products D. the American beef industry got what they needed and wanted [单选题]船舶电站汇流排 A . B . C . 三相的颜色是______。
A. A -----蓝,B----黄, C ----绿 B. A ----绿-B---- 黄C ----褐 C. A -----绿B----蓝 C ----褐 D. A -----褐B----绿 C ----黄 [单选题]校验电能表、电压互感器、电流互感器的作业人员,不准对运用中的非计量设备、信号系统、保护压板进行操作,( )在变电站内操作、拉合与工作无关的检修断路器(开关)。
A.可以 B.不得 C.禁止 D.临时 我来回答: 提交