Our public debates often fly off into
the wild blue yonder of fantasy. So it’s been with the Federal Communications
Commission’s new media-ownership rules. We’re told that, unless the FCC’s
decision is reversed, it will worsen the menacing concentration of media power
and that this will--to exaggerate only slightly--imperil free speech, the
diversity of opinion and perhaps democracy itself. All this is more than
overwrought; it completely misrepresents reality. In the past 30 years, media power has splintered dramatically; people have more choices than ever. Travel back to 1970. There were only three major TV networks (ABC, CBS, NBC); now, there’s a fourth (Fox). Then, there was virtually no cable TV; now, 68 percent of households have it. Then, FM radio was a backwater; now there are 5, 892 FM statio A. he is in favor of it. B. his view is balanced. C. he is slightly critical of it. D. he is strongly critical of it. [单选题]“互锁解除”钥匙开关的“互锁解除”位需要人为保持,否则此开关会立即自动回复到“禁止”位。列车进站前打“互锁解除”,必须在列车头部至站台() 及以上给出。
A.5m B.50m C.10m D.20m [单项选择]小儿夜啼的最常见病因是()
A. 心热 B. 脾寒腹痛 C. 惊恐不安 D. 乳食积滞 E. 饥饿 [简答题]什么是参照建筑?
A.A.自然界自身的规律 B.B.人的意识的能动作用 C.C.人的实践活动 D.D.生产力与生产关系的矛盾运动 E.略 [单选题]进行水域救援时,必须着( ),水下救援需佩戴潜水装具,严禁着消防防护服下水救援。开展冰面救援时还应着干式水域救援服,并采取相关保暖措施。
A.救生衣 B.消防员专用救生衣 C.潜水服 [判断题]当FS11(或FS11P)的告警状态码为E(Error)时,此时传感器的能见度测量数值有效且仍能正常显示。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]PIDS系统不需要激活本端主机仍可以实现对客室广播。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]破膜时或破膜后孕产妇突然以下哪些症状时应考虑羊水栓塞( )
A.呼吸困难 B.心率加快 C.血液不凝 D.气促、咳嗽、胸闷 [单选题]MA5616的运行状态指示灯
A.单板运行故障 B.正常运行态 C.单板启动加载中 D.正在进行认证过程 [单选题]作为疆电外送的重要电力输送通道,( )线路的状态监测状态系统,由多个输电铁塔前端监测装置和输电线路后台监测中心组成,使用无线移动通信网络进行数据和图像传输,查看图像、接收报警信息。
A.向家坝-上海 B.锦屏-苏南 C.哈密南-郑州 D.溪洛渡-浙西 我来回答: 提交