Today, most countries in the world have
canals. Many countries have built canals near the coast, and parallel{{U}}
(67) {{/U}}the coast. Even in the twentieth century, goods can be
moved more cheaply by boat than by any other{{U}} (68) {{/U}}of
transport. These{{U}} (69) {{/U}}make it possible for boats to travel{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}ports along the coast without being{{U}} (71)
{{/U}}to the dangers of the open. Some canals, such as the Suez and the
Panama, save ships weeks of time by making their{{U}} (72) {{/U}}a
thousand miles shorter. Other canals permit boats to reach cities that are
not{{U}} (73) {{/U}}on the coast; still other canals{{U}} (74)
{{/U}}lands where there is too much water, help to{{U}} (75)
{{/U}}fields where there is not enough water, and{{U}} (76)
{{/U}}water power for factories and mills. The size of a canal{ A. water B. wet C. soak D. irrigate [单项选择]根据合同法律制度的规定,下列关于赠与人享有撤销赠与权利的表述中,不正确的是( )。
A. 赠与人对经过公证的赠与合同,可以撤销赠与 B. 受赠人对赠与人有扶养义务而不履行,赠与人可以撤销赠与 C. 受赠人不履行赠与合同约定的义务,赠与人可以撤销赠与 D. 受赠人严重侵害赠与人的近亲属,赠与人可以撤销赠与 [判断题]进入受限空间作业前,应进行工作前安全分析,辨识危害因素,评估风险,并采取措施控制风险。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]可为特定区域提供最大的无线覆盖范围,通常位于公共场所的某个天花板、墙壁或其他重要位置的一个或多个接入点,称之为:
A.touch points. B.netcenters. points. D.wireless hubs. E.hotspots. [判断题]高处作业人员必须经过专业技术培训、考试合格,持证上岗。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]金融机构应结合实际情况,采取( )方式防止冠字号码数据丢失。(3%)
A.在清分环节设置校验程序,对清分的每批次纸币张数与冠字号码条数进行效验 B.清分机具开机时进行测试,并规定使用过程中定期抽查频率 C.柜员机加钞后取出若干张,登陆后台查询 D.柜员机加钞后存入若干张钞票,登录查询 [判断题] 使用固定扳手应注意:在需要较大力量时,不能打滑、砸手,更不能用过大的大锤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《T章程》( )强制性,( )合同性。
A.具备;不具备 B.不具备;具备 C.不具备;不具备 D.具备;具备 我来回答: 提交