The sun today is a yellow dwarf star.
It is fueled by thermonuclear reactions near its center that convert
hydrogen to helium. The sun has existed in its present state for about 4
billion, 600 million years and is thousands of times larger than the
Earth. By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what the rest of the sun’s life will be like. About 5 billion years from now, the core of the sun will shrink and become hotter. The surface temperature will fail. The higher temperature of the center will increase the rate of thermonuclear reactions. The outer regions of the sun will expand approximately 35 million miles, about the distance to mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun. The sun will then be a red giant star. Temperatures on the earth will become too hot for life to exist. Once the sun has used up its thermonucle A. Alarmed. B. Pessimistic. C. Comic. D. Objective. [名词解释]湿敏传感器
[多选题] A开发公司不服县建设局行政处罚决定,可以.
A.自收到行政处罚决定书之日起2个月内向市建设局申请行政复议 B.自收到行政处罚决定书之日起60天内向市建设局申请行政复议 C.自收到行政处罚决定书之日起3个月内向县人民法院提出行政诉讼 D.自收到行政处罚决定书之日起6个月内向县人民法院提出行政诉讼 某日,区城乡建设局根据《市政府关于城乡建设规划的若干意见》批复同意某银行住宅楼选址,并向其颁发许可证。拟建的住宅楼与张某等120户居民居住的住宅楼间距为9.45米。张某等20户居民认为该批准行为违反了国家有关规定,影响其采光权,于是向法院提起了行政诉讼。 [单选题]地形图的精度为()mm。
A.0.1M B.0.01M C.0.05M D.0.2M [多选题]从水提液中萃取亲脂性成分可选用
A.乙酸乙酯 B.苯 C.氯仿 D.正丁醇 E.乙醚 [判断题]“一国两制”的构想,体现了照顾历史实际和现实可能的灵活性,
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]天窗内使用齿条式起道机必须经()批准。<《普速铁路工务安全规则补充规定》第十四条>
A.车间主任 B.工班长 C.作业负责人 D.工务段 [判断题]对于多台机组分散控制系统网络互联的情况,应采取可靠隔离措施、防止交叉操作。( )防止电力生产事故的二十五项重点要求编制说明国能安全[2014] 9.1.12
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国际货币制度,又叫()
A. 国际汇率制度 B. 国际信用制度 C. 国际货币体系 D. 国际货币组织 [单选题]电力通信工作票应使用统一的票面格式,采用计算机生成、打印或手工方式填写,至少( )。
A.一式两份 B.一式三份 C.一式四份 D.人手一份 我来回答: 提交