Experimenting with household objects
can often get young people in trouble, but for one intelligent, inquisitive boy,
it created the foundation of his future. Young Henry Ford discovered through his
curious mind that many objects were useful for much more than their intended
purposes. For example, he used to tinker with his father’s fanning tools to see
what they could do. He used his mother’s darning needles to help him repair
watches. And once, in an effort to study the power to steam, he sat and watched
water boil in his mother’s teapot. Little did Ford know that these experiments
would lead him to creating a means of transportation that would change the world
forever. Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, near Detroit, Michigan. He was the oldest of six children and the grandson of immigrants from Ireland who came to America i A. They respected each other for their intelligence and Ford accepted Edison’s advice. B. They enjoyed working together and helping each other with new inventions. C. Thomas Edison taught Henry Ford how to build self-propelled vehicles. D. Henry Ford taught Thomas Edison how to build vehicles that ran on steam. [单选题]摇枕
A.摇枕 B.交叉杆 C.下心盘 D.侧架 [单选题]道岔区段有车占用时,道岔不应转换,这种锁闭作用叫做()。
A.进路锁闭 B.道岔锁闭 C.区段锁闭 D.防护锁闭 [单选题]为保证生产设施、作业场所与周边建筑物、设施保持安全合理的空间,依据《安全生产 法》,某烟花爆竹厂的下列做法中,违反法律规定的是()。
A.生产车间南面 200 米处单独设置员工宿舍 B.将成品仓库设置在生产车间隔壁 C.在单身职工公寓底层设烟花爆竹商店 D.在生产车间设置视频监控设施 [多选题]配电倒闸操作中具备批准发布人员资质的单位为( )。
A.运维管理单位 B.调度控制中心 C.配电工区 D.公司领导 [多项选择]基金信息披露应满足()要求。
A. 通俗性 B. 真实性 C. 时效性 D. 全面性 [判断题]依法进行安全评价是企业取得安全生产许可证必须具备的安全生产条件之一。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高压侧核相应使用相应电压等级的核相器,并逐相进行。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交